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Home » Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star TFCS » Chapter 463: Star adoption
Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 463: Star adoption
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Lan Xi had two marriages but did not have his own children. Wang Xiangqin said in public that he and his wife were Dink. However, some people on the Internet broke the news that Lan Xi had no fertility, so her ex-husband blatantly looked for a small third child. But these privacy, outsiders can never know the truth.

Lan Xi told Liu Yan, "Xian Qin has been filming in other places for a long time. I am very lonely at home. I saw your documentary and wanted to adopt two cats to accompany me."

Liu Ye asked her, "Have you ever owned a pet before?"

Blue Creek shook his head. "Never, I didn't have any free time before."

Lanxi has the title of "Desperate Saburo" in the industry, otherwise how can her company be as large as it is today. Now that she has a high weight, she has several left and right arms that can help her share some of the work, and the husband of a front-line male star earns money to support her family. She can finally take a breath and rest.

"Is there anything special about raising a cat? Is it troublesome?" She asked Liu Ye.

"It's not troublesome, let's talk as we walk." Liu Yan told the driver the location of Grandma Zhan's house, and the nanny car drove smoothly to the suburbs.

Liu Ye called Grandma Zhan in advance and said she was going to lead her adopter to choose a cat. Although Grandma Zhan wondered why this adoption event did not come over the weekend as agreed, she still said there was no problem. She was waiting for them at home. I thought it was another twenty people coming by bus.

As a result, when she saw Wang Xiangqin appearing in front of herself, the whole person was still, and said incredibly with surprise, "You ... Are you Dai Cheng ?!"

"Dai Cheng" is a character in a TV series Wang Xiangqin participated in a few years ago. He is also a leading actor. Dai Cheng is a drug police and his final result is due to death. When the TV series aired that year, the ratings hit a miracle, especially the single episode ratings for the last episode were as high as 53%, breaking the record, and no TV series has ever surpassed it.

In the last episode, Dai Chengzhi's death made enough tears for middle-aged and elderly women. Otherwise, why did Zhang Pei and Su Juan both ask Liu Ye to help them with his autographed photos. It can be said that the reason why Wang Xiangqin is called "Uncle Guo" is inseparable from Dai Cheng's role.

Grandma Zhan also chased this TV series every day, which is Dai Cheng's "Mistress".

"My name is Wang Xiangqin, Dai Cheng has passed away," Wang Xiangqin said rather humorously and politely.

Grandma Zhan immediately understood, her expression was still a little excited, "Yes, yes, your name is Wang Xiangqin!"

She felt like she was daydreaming, and she could meet her favorite male star. At this moment, the old man who has been working for small animals has a new look. No matter how old, in the face of their idols, they can be happy like a child.

She was also surprised that Liu Ye had a little girl who invited Wang Xiangqin to her broken place to adopt animals. At that time, Mao Yuchen introduced to her that Liu Ye was an Internet Red + Cat Food Agent. Do online reds have such great capabilities?

Of course, the old man is a "rational chasing star". It is learned that the person who wants to adopt a cat is Wang Xiangqin's wife. She enthusiastically brought Wang Xiangqin and Liu Ye to the cat house.

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