Chapter 319

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Chapter 319: Transfer red envelope

Vice Minister Guo had no idea that he would suddenly hear his son's name from the little girl's mouth, and looking at her expression, she and Guo Nan must not be friends.

"Yes, his name is Guo Nan."

Liu Ye nodded and said, "Thank you."

Then there was no more. She did not respond to the invitation of Vice Minister Guo to make a documentary just now.

Other calligraphers looked at Su Yi, with such a bit of embarrassment, as if to say, "Your apprentice is a real cow, even the invitation of the Deputy Minister of Culture is dismissive."

Su Yi has now understood what the situation is, and the son of Vice Minister Guo = = the mastermind of the chaos of Yu Zhan Pet Hospital. This is a helpless coincidence.

Cooperate with people who don't have such a real ability, but also play tricks on competitors, let alone Liu Ye is not willing, he does not agree!

"Liu Ye is a webcaster, and she will start school soon. She has to work after studying, and she can't make that much time."

Su Yi might as well not fight in this round. Vice Minister Guo also heard that Su Yi was disgusted with him. No, he should be very disgusted with his son.

After the dinner, Vice Minister Guo returned to the hotel and asked his secretary to check what Guo Nan had done recently, offending Su Yi's masters and apprentices. The secretary didn't need to check it at all. He opened the Internet and found everything.

Vice Minister Guo only realized that his son had recently made a documentary about pet medical care. He rarely paid attention to Weibo and watched the whole incident from beginning to end.

Very angry!

He immediately called the director of National Television.

I do n’t know Liu Ye who does n’t have a mobile phone. Today ’s netizens watched several dramas one after another, and have gone beyond the gossip addiction.

Early in the morning, Tao Zhiyao first posted his first Weibo, "Someone made a rumor on the Internet that I was a princess and the childcare of Dr. Yu and Dr. Yu said that I purposely bought a sick cat for the purpose of a documentary and said I Worries about cats come from the show, anyway, it is for the sake of redness, and everything is necessary, oh yes, I also said that I am a fake Bai Fumei, a person, who made my Weibo too low-key, OK, I Start showing off rich now. "

Next, Tao Zhiyao posted ten Weibo posts in succession, drying her assortment of brand bags, drying her piles of high-end cosmetics, drying her every day and changing a set of clothes that she could never wear, and drying all the things in her garage. It's a luxury car and it's sunbathing in her oversized garden ...

In order to ensure that the photos were taken in real life, not photo thefts on the Internet, each photo has a blank piece of paper on it that reads, "I am a peach, and I am here to show off your wealth."

Such a simple and rude display of wealth made the people who eat melon look amazing,

"Oh my god, my eyes were blinded."

"I am blindfolded and am blind!"

"Big sister, I've been your fan from beginning to end, I haven't questioned you, begging for support!"

"I find that the richer the people, the less they like to take care of these things. I used to underestimate my sister Peach. You are not Bai Fumei, you are a real lady."

"Yesterday, those scolds who scolded Peach, why didn't you dare to put one now?"

"Afraid of offending the powerful."

"A blogger is so rich, there is no need to buy a sick cat in order to be popular. I feel that she made these videos purely for hobbies. The content in the documentary should be authentic."

Many people on the Internet just like to see ladies show off their wealth, because the ladies' extravagant life is impossible for them to enjoy in their lifetime.

Tao Zhiyao's publicity approach has brought her Weibo attention to an unprecedented level. Many people added her private message and said she wanted to make friends.

Tao Zhiyao was ironic and turned off private messaging.

After learning that Yu Zhan ’s pet hospital had been troubled, she turned around overnight and transferred a 200,000 yuan super red envelope to Yu Zhan ’s Alipay this morning.

Apart from giving money, she feels that she can do nothing to help Yu Zhan, even though she knows that Yu Zhan is not short of money, or even richer than her.

These 200,000 transfer notes, she wrote: Little plum's help money.

The second reversal came from the rich woman, yes, the owner of the puppet cat.

Someone found that she silently wrote a new comment on Yu Zhan ’s pet hospital on the public comment, “I give this hospital five points for each item from the environment to the service. Before writing specific reviews, I ’ll give Dr Yu I apologize. I was too worried about the condition of my milk tea (Muppet Cat) at that time, and my words were a little bit intense. I accidentally bumped into Dr. Yu. I am deeply aware of my mistakes, and I am sorry.

"Dr. Yu's medicine is very good. There is no question about this. The milk tea is really only a little accumulation. I fed too much. I was so angry that I couldn't hear him. On the same day, I took milk tea to another house. The famous chain pet hospital spent an inspection fee of 1,450 yuan, and the final diagnosis was also a slight accumulation of food, but the medicine prescribed by the veterinarian in that pet hospital was not different from the medicine I bought at Dr. Yu, but the price was twice as expensive. .

Two days later, the milk tea was cured. I regret that I did n’t listen to Dr. Yu ’s advice. I paid nearly two thousand yuan more. The milk tea was twice checked again. The more I wanted to get over it, the doctor Yu returned to me. 270 yuan treatment fee, I have re-transferred to his Alipay. "

"Finally, I want to say that this pet hospital is really reliable. The attitude of the doctors and nurses is very good, and the fees are reasonable, it is highly recommended!"

The rich woman added five photos after the comment, the first three photos were cute photos of the puppet cats; the fourth one was a receipt, which said the check was 1,450 yuan, and the toll hospital: Fuxin Pet Hospital XX Branch; The fifth is a screenshot of the Alipay transfer, clearly writing 270 yuan to * Zhan.

The rich lady's comment time was around 11 o'clock last night. After reading the news of Hot Search No. 1, she was uneasy in her conscience ~ ~ and wrote this long review.

Until this morning, someone accidentally saw her comment on the public comment, and the quick screenshot was saved and posted on Weibo. This Weibo quickly caused a strong response among netizens.

First, the rich woman's comments are well-founded and very real. She and Tao Zhiyao both proved that in the "Meng Chong Hospital" 2, Yu Zhan did not pose.

Secondly, the rich woman mentioned another pet hospital with high fees, and this hospital happened to be the shooting location of "Love Pet Hospital".

The rich woman's courage to tell the truth, so that more pet-friendly netizens stood up, they said on Weibo that they had suffered at this pet hospital, spent a lot of money, and even wrote on public comments After a bad review of Fuxin Pet Hospital, it was deleted in seconds.

Netizens immediately opened the public comment and found that Fuxin Pet Hospital's score was very high, close to the full score, and each comment in the comment area was positive.

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