Chapter 324

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Chapter 324: Successfully rescued

"You still have time to look back," Liu Ye still wanted to use words to influence Su Maolin first.

Su Maolin smiled disdainfully. "I checked it online. I have to be sentenced for at least seven years in this case. How can I go back?"

At this time, Liu Ye's cell phone rang.

Her ringtone is the default ringtone of the system, and the tone is a bit sharp, ringing in the empty stairwell.

"Hurry off your hands," Su Maolin ordered her.

"You have to release me. I can't get my phone."

Liu Ye's mobile phone was in her pants pocket. She was wearing the kind of trousers that were cool and fit for summer. Su Maolin glanced at her long legs with a bad look, put a knife on her waist, and reached out from her Pulled out his cell phone from his pants.

As soon as he got the phone, the ringing stopped.

He didn't see it, he threw the phone directly on the stairs and continued to drag Liu Ye downstairs.

The iron gate of the security exit on the first floor was near. Liu Ye was struggling again while Su Maolin had no knife in his hand, but there was a huge disparity between men and women.

Liu Ye's scared look pleased Su Maolin. He felt that the frightened eyes in front of him were really beautiful.

Su Maolin couldn't help but reach out to touch Liu Ye's face. "I thought you weren't afraid of me at all. The original calmness was pretended. But you are much stronger than ordinary girls. The knife didn't cry or make trouble, it saved me a lot of things. "

Liu Ye glanced over his face. "Don't get blood on my face."

"I've washed my hands, how could there be blood?" Su Maolin really checked his hands and didn't see the blood. He wasn't stupid. He quickly understood that Liu Ye was abandoning him.

His eyes became ruthless, making her feel starved by the hungry wolf. She realized that Su Maolin would not make sense to anyone at this moment, he was a desperate person.

He reached out and squeezed her chin. "Your boyfriend must have touched your face, haven't you kissed him? Do you like him so much? What's so good about him? People who haven't seen the Internet scold him. ? I'm not bad, why don't you just dump him now and be my girlfriend. "

It is only Su Maolin who can make a fuss with her life and pursue her.

Liu Ye ignored his words. He had completely lost his mind. She said, "You are doing this to ruin your future."

"You still have the face to talk to me about the future, and you and Wu Qu are upset. What future do I have? It is you who ruined my future."

Liu Ye didn't want to talk softly to please him, and said coldly, "I participated in the review in accordance with the rules. After passing the review, I haven't touched you from beginning to end."

Su Maolin laughed strangely, "If you and me aren't competing, Wu Qu and I will definitely be promoted, and Wu Qu won't bother me. Besides, do you think I don't know the grudge between my dad and old Su? Get up, you're still my dad's little sister. "

Go to his little sister! Liu Ye couldn't help swearing. This person was unreasonable, but she tried to keep her mind on his face, "Since this is the case, you should let me go."

"I didn't want to do anything to you, do you think I would hit you like Wu Qu?" Su Maolin smiled uncontrollably.

Of course Liu Ye had already guessed his intentions, she thought he might as well hit her directly.

"I was angry for myself today, and by the way, helped my dad. Whoever asked the old man to let him out of the school indifferently. When my dad was angry, I will take revenge on his favorite apprentice. "

"You are simply unreasonable. It's obviously your father's fault. You actually have a face to blame Professor Su. You are indeed a father and son, upside down black and white, selfishness."

Liu Ye's jaw was hurt by his pinch. "I don't allow you to insult my dad."

"You dare to do it, do you dare not let people say it?" Liu Xie's tone was full of sarcasm. "Your father came to this field, he asked for it. He took the honor that originally belonged to others and took it for granted. The tricks are re-implemented to help you go back to the old road again, but God can't see it and gives him the retribution he deserves. "

With a "snap", Liu Ye's face was beaten again, and her right face was stinging, and she felt a salty liquid in her mouth.

"Don't force me to do it for you here," Su Maolin was irritated by Liu Ye, his eyes flushed.

Liu Ye lowered his head, but the corners of his mouth slightly bent, and continued to anger him, saying, "The man who beats a woman is a scum, you are so bad, I look down on you."

Su Maolin was anxious, and he gave her another slap in the backhand, but the girl she "loved" humiliated him face to face, even if she was her own goddess, she could still hit it! Su Maolin used a lot of strength. If he didn't clasp Liu Xuan's arms tightly, she would be knocked to the ground by him.

Two consecutive slaps made Liu Ye's head dizzy. She paused for a long time before raising her head again. Her eyes were still unyielding. Su Maolin hated and said, "You do n’t see the coffin and you do n’t cry. I see you dare to use this kind of look Stare at me. "

Su Maolin really wanted to **** her here ... **** her, but now he has no interest.

He dragged Liu Ye closer to the security door, and opened the heavy iron door with one hand, and saw a row of ambulances flashing with lights, blocked outside. He was puzzled, and waited for his response. Zhou Buzheng and several tall men The security suddenly flew over from the side.

Su Maolin caught off guard and was overwhelmed.

Liu Ye finally broke away from his shackles.

Zhou Buyi supported her ~ ~ I saw her embarrassed and was particularly guilty. He found someone to delay time. When he and the security guard and the doctor felt that the women's toilet was not there, Liu Ye was no longer in it.

The hospital is so big, they do n’t know where she was taken, and it takes time to get monitoring. The situation is too critical, and terrible things can happen every minute. You ca n’t wait for Zhou, just try to call in the toilet. Liu Ye's phone.

Encouragingly, the phone went through, and they heard a faint ringtone, coming from the security exit opposite the toilet.

The security guards divided into two paths, followed quietly from upstairs, all the way to the exit on the first floor to wait for the rabbits. As a precaution, the hospital transferred the ambulance parked in the hospital to temporarily block the security door on the first floor.

The captured Su Maolin would only come here at this moment. It was Liu Yefang who angered him deliberately and procrastinated. He wished to rush forward and slapped Liu Ye, but the security guards controlled his hands and feet.

Liu Ye wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, looked back at Su Maolin, and said to him, "You are far less than your father. Your father's half-life business has ruined most of you, and he didn't expect to retaliate against us because he had You can come back to life with confidence, and you let him lose even the last chance to rise again. "

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