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Home » Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star TFCS » Chapter 427: Direct cancellation
Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 427: Direct cancellation
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At the request of the agent, Jiang Yichao sent an apology Weibo to Tang Tu and others, but the other party still did not respond at all.

Then his Weibo was taken over by Zhongmeng's whitewashing team.

The ability of professionals to make stories is hard for ordinary people to reach. Was Jiang Yichao not a warm little brother next door? If they broke up, they replaced him with a new one-a motivational dream of making a name in entertainment. Little brother, on this basis, add Jiang Yichao's bitter childhood. Poor families, single-parent families, left-behind children, often being bullied as a child, insufficient to eat and warm, and those who are easy to win sympathy in the news The elements are all incorporated into the story.

All in all, they just want to tell the public that Jiang Yichao 's strong desire to buy is a disease, which has an inseparable relationship with his childhood lack of material and no loved ones. He buys and buys online to make up for his childhood regrets. He Sister, because of the desire for family.

Then they expressed guilt to Yang Huayue in the tone of Jiang Yichao, saying that they would work hard to make money and return to her the money they spent in the future.

Professionals, of course, are much better than Jiang Yichao. The entire manuscript is full of emotions, deep feelings, and especially sincere.

As a result, Yang Huayue replied a sentence under this long Weibo:

"Why not write an IOU now?"

Netizens burst into laughter,

"Ah ha ha ha, yes, anyway, if you want to repay the money, write down the IOU, write down the amount and repayment date, and send it to Weibo for everyone to witness."

"Don't wash it white, it's dark from head to toe, and it's not saved."

"Jiao Nan just talks about BB. After a while, we all forget about it. He also paid a dime."

"No one can write such a short check. Sincerity is not a matter of saying, but some practical action."

"Visually, this article was not written by Jiang Yichao himself. It's a 100% corporate PR essay."


Netizens didn't buy it at all, but even more disdainfully questioned Jiang Yichao.

Another day later, Yang Huayue suddenly posted two more microblogs on the Internet. One microblog was a small video taken by a home monitor. In the video, Jiang Yichao picked up the calligraphy from the coffee table, looked at it, and suddenly put things Thrown to the ground, although the video quality is average, netizens can still see the gentle face in the show, but the video is extremely dark and indifferent.

Yang Huayue said on Weibo, "This is a picture taken by the camera in my living room. Someone must ask me why I installed a camera at home. In fact, this camera has not been bought for three days. You can see that my home is very Mess is very messy, I do n't know how to do housework, throw things away, and sometimes I do n't remember where I put it. But recently, I found some of my more valuable things, I could n't find them. I do n't know. I have a bad memory, or something was taken away by someone. I bought this camera online to record it. I didn't expect to just take a picture of how Jiang Yichao damaged the calligraphy I bought. "

Her second Weibo was a stamped appraisal report. "The professional appraisers of the auction company came to my house to fix the defects yesterday afternoon. Today they issued this report for me. I now officially send it to @ 蒋 译 超, Make a claim for personal property compensation of 100,000 yuan. "

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