Chapter 376

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Chapter 376: media interview

Liu Ye looked at the time and said to Sun Weiwei and Liang Shengnan, "It is estimated that there is no more food in the cafeteria. I invite you two to go out to eat. I am shocked for Weiwei and celebrate the victory."

Liang Shengnan said, "If you want to take the initiative to pay for it, just say it. You're kind of justified. Just rest assured, we won't rush to pay for it with you."

Liu Yan: "..."

Weiwei Sun couldn't laugh, "Finally I met a girl who was more straight than Liu Ye."

On the way out of the school, Liu Ye even realized that Liang Shengnan is really straight, straighter than straight steel daughter. Liang Shengnan said that she was an introvert from a young age. She has no hobbies, and likes to read history books. Weird history book, her biggest dream is to study and discover those lost ancient ruins and ancient documents.

Sun Weiwei asked, "Isn't archeologists excavating ancient ruins?"

"Liu Ye missed the introduction just now. I am also the monitor of the Department of Archeology. Our two majors are merged and taught in the same class. The subjects I have studied overlap. I am biased by the people in the Department of Archeology. Traveling thousands of miles, staying in the room all day to study literature, you should also take time to walk outside. "

"Um, your two majors are really too partial." Sun Weiwei didn't know them at all. The key is that the students of these two majors are still very low-key and rarely participate in school activities. It feels like a group of extreme bodies. bookworm.

Is it really appropriate for such a high-profile person to read such a major?

Liang Shengnan was also a very enthusiastic person. He introduced a lot of information about classical literature to Liu Ye along the way, told her that she needed to make up for her sophomore course content, what textbooks and reference books she needed to buy, and also expressed her generous willingness to send her Teacher ppt who took notes and copies down lent her to study.

Liu Ye thanked again and again.

The three of them just walked to the entrance of the school and got the news beforehand. The media who had been standing here for a long time swarmed up and surrounded them.

The flash of flashes flashed the eyes of all three girls.

Liu Yan remembered that she, Li Xiaoru, and Wang Nina were at the gate of the Conservatory of Music, and saw the reporter surrounded Tang Tu from all sides.

At that time, they were all shocked by the exaggerated battle. She also lamented the popularity of Tang Tu, who was too small at that time. I never thought that one day, she would receive the same attention as Tang Tu.

The media has long wanted to interview Liu Ye. However, she has been in the ancient capital. She has been filming from morning to night, and has no contact with the outside world. They cannot find opportunities.

They did not know that Liu Ye had already returned to the capital, because it was because of her public appearance at the school today that the media heard of it.

This is not the first time Liu Ye has faced the media. She was interviewed during the calligraphy exhibition, and she was quite mentally prepared. She calmly told reporters, "Don't worry, don't squeeze. What do you want to ask? You can ask me, but only five minutes. I want to invite my classmates to dinner. We are all hungry. "

The media rarely meet the stars who cooperate with them so much. Most people see them very impatient, dodge, or let the bodyguards push back and forth. No wonder Liu Ye can be so fast and so humble and polite, no one will hate it. The reporters became orderly, and they were embarrassed to ask her too much questions.

A reporter asked her opinion on Fu Feiqian.

Liu Ye said, "I've always been wrong with people. I'm not familiar with Fu Feiqian. The communication with her is no more than ten sentences. I don't comment on how she is a person. It's no exaggeration to ask Fu Feiqian for an apology. Unfortunately, she hasn't said 'sorry' for her barbaric behavior so far. "

A reporter said, "Feng Qingyu acted awkwardly in" Listening, the Voice of the Wind "as the heroine, and Fu Feiqian performed Waterloo in" Autumn Moon in the Han Palace. "You happened to have worked with both of you. Can she comment on them? Who's good or bad in acting? "

Liu Ye smiled. "Sorry, I'm not a professional actor and I haven't learned acting. I don't have the qualification to evaluate anyone's acting skills." She avoided the topic of intentionally provoking war without leaving any trace.

Some reporters asked her if she and Tang Tu were filming if they would fake it.

The night before, they peeped at the tourists on the set, filmed the video, and posted it on Weibo. Although they are far apart and the video quality is dregs, the song of "Autumn Moon" and the dialogue of the two are completely recorded. After two days of fermentation, the video has already been spread. Liu Zheng's Guqin performance at the scene is still amazing. No one feels uncomfortable when she plays strange songs.

One netizen took the music and dialogue from the video, and then cleverly merged them together to remake the video with the pictures of the two. The emotional lines are accompanied by the beautiful and a little tragic Guqin, so that the two ’s cp Fan Xin surging, crazy call to like video. Now this remake video has become very popular on the Internet. Fans have also found out the "Wind Sound" clip video that was previously made for the two, and frankly that they are the best on-screen couples, none of them.

Liu Ye said, "These two days have been too busy. I haven't watched the video you said, but I remember the tourists who interrupted our shooting. The actor's mood was hard to conceive. The best angles that are easy to find are all in vain, and everyone has to do it again. "

"The theme song" Autumn Moon "made by Mr. Shen was originally kept secret. Dao Lin wanted to keep it until the moment it was released, but now it has leaked out. I just want to take this opportunity to say to visitors who upload videos, please respect our jobs!"

"There is still a big difference between filming and reality. In the movie, Tang Tu and I are just playing their respective roles, which will allow fans to have these illusions, which is enough to prove that our acting skills are passable. In reality, academically, Tang Tu is my elder brother. He is my predecessor at work. I respect him very much ~ ~ We have our own lives, which are totally different from the performances in movies. "

After that, Liu Ye deliberately looked at the time on the phone. "Okay, time is up, we have to go to dinner."

Liu Ye has already cooperated in this way, and basically has to answer questions. Reporters are not good at pestering her anymore, to make way for her and two classmates, and watching them walk away.

After the media learned,

"This Liu Ye is really cunning and sophisticated, and he doesn't leak water. No one answered the question!"

"How else could she go to Capital University? You didn't see the two girls with glasses next to her, both of them looked clever."

"Anyway, it makes a headline."


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