Chapter 384

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Chapter 384: 0 million

Tao Zhiyao looked at the time and said, "It's getting late, Wei Wei will go and say a few words to everyone, and finally I'll end."

Sun Weiwei quickly adjusted her hair and clothes, then straightened her glasses.

"I am in charge of the part of the live broadcast today, and I should end it."

In front of the camera, Jiang Chengfeng took off the hair loops and bows on his hair, revealing the true nature of the man. "Here is our captain Sun Weiwei."

After speaking, he immediately got up and left. Sun Weiwei sat down. She just watched Jiang Chengfeng's live broadcast so happily. She didn't hide her face like she did at the beginning. She thanked everyone in the broadcast room for her and her "Miss and sisters". Support and encouragement, and then talked about the original intention of creating "Ladies and Sisters", and finally said again and again thank you.

While she was speaking, there were still a lot of fans who were presenting gifts in the live broadcast room. At this time, they were mainly female fans. After they gave the gifts, they would leave a sentence, similar to "Sister Miss!", "The world No Ugly Girl "," I give you a hug of love. "

Among the girls' rewards, the large rewards of "Doctor Yu" and "Only Oneself" ran into chaos again, and Yu Zhan gave Sun Weiwei 10 banknote guns.

The "solitaire" is even more simple and rude. A bold line of big red font appears on the screen: "solitaire gives you a red envelope", and then a large red envelope pattern appears in front of everyone, almost occupying the entire screen.

Sun Weiwei subconsciously clicked the "open" character in the middle of the red envelope.

Instantly, fireworks and ribbons came out of the middle of the red envelope, and when the animation was over, all the audience was stunned. The red envelope was written with 9,999 notes, which is almost 10,000 yuan.

"Blind my eyes !!!"

"All I can say is that this time the veterinarian met his opponent."

"It seems that this great **** is looking at gifts for mood, not for Jiang."

"Visually, he is‘ Miss and Sisters ’iron powder.”


Sun Weiwei was also shocked by this 10,000 yuan. When she got up and left the camera, her feet were almost floating,

Tao Zhiyao held his love cat in front of the camera, took one of its small paws, and made a shaking hand. "Little plums say hello to all my sisters and brothers, say good night!"

Little Plum didn't cooperate with her at all, looked around, and struggled to come down, almost overturning her cell phone.

"The big cat's meow is wayward!"

"Little plums grow up and get fat."

"Blue cats, especially males, are easy to gain weight."

"Ah, once again I envy little plums."

"Thank you, Sister Tao, regardless of your own danger, and secretly visited the black heart cathouse, just to tell us those shocking insiders. Before everyone buys a cat, you already know it, at least you know how to identify a reliable cathouse."

After this fan said, he gave Tao Zhiyao 10 "calls for you".

"I am free and rich, and the youngest sister who likes cats is the cutest."

"Sister Taozi is not the same as some ladies from rich people on the Internet. They are low-key and diligent like a fake white rich beauty. Some white rich are beautiful and have nothing to do. All day they only know how to show off their wealth. Sister Taozi has also been sunbaked several times, but in order to respond to the previous squirting questions. More often, she is making various fun videos or sending some cat-related content. I feel that my sister is not only rich in life, but also spiritual. Very rich. "

"Yes, yes, I haven't seen Miss Qianjin so grounded!"


Tao Zhiyao knew at this moment that he was so seen and loved by fans!

"I just love to see you beat you up";

"A bald head stabbed you";

"Tell Dad to take a break";


Real fans don't feel that Tao Zhiyao is rich because they don't lose their gift money. Instead, they cover their pockets and give rewards. On the contrary, they give Tao Zhiyao a tidal wave of rewards. , Gushing.

Suddenly, another red envelope came down from the sky, "I only give you a red envelope!"

Grabbing red envelopes is a national hobby. No one can restrain their desire for the word "open". Even if there is only one cent in the red envelope, everyone wants to grab it.

Having money like Tao Zhiyao is no exception, she decisively clicked "Open".

Then she froze, to be precise, everyone choked.

They saw a row of 9s and counted them carefully. There were 7 9s ... Everyone involuntarily converted in their brains. How much is 9999999 notes?

It turned out that it was nearly 1 million ...

Some viewers in front of the phone screen appear demented,

"I watched the live broadcast on a lot of live broadcast platforms. For the first time, I saw such a high reward! I can get the down payment for a house."

"Can we buy two full homes here?"

"I've grown so big, I haven't seen what a million looks like ..."

"I haven't even seen 500,000 (crying). Am I living too badly?"

"It's worthy of‘ egoism alone ’. You ’re really exclusive, really!”

"I just researched this reward system specifically, it is limited to 7 digits, that is, 9999999 is the highest amount of money that can be entered for a red envelope gift. I strongly doubt that if the system can enter 9 digits, the only **** A reward of 100 million! (Drooling) "

"I don't know if it's Dad now, is it too late?"

"Dad, dad!"

"Does your home lack a nanny driver?"


Everyone makes fun of it, but I have never sent a message, but there are still many netizens who remain rational.

"The oracle is estimated to be the acquaintance of Sister Tao. For the wealthy family, one million yuan is one month's pocket money!"

"Obviously this is the case. It is impossible for ordinary people to take out 1 million casually. It feels like he is having fun. It is generous as a doctor. His 1 million is probably equivalent to our 100 yuan."

"Don't worry, old iron!"


Fortunately, Tao Zhiyao wore a mask, and the audience could not see the moving expression on her face. Now she can be sure that "only me" is her brother.

She felt very ironed in her heart. It seems that her brother and her fought to apologize to please her after quarreling. She also supported her friends.

What a knife tofu heart! How could she have such a proud brother.

Tao Zhiyao's eyes were looking directly at the screen, as if she could see directly through the screen with her brother, with a little smile, and said, "Thank you, Weige."

The eyes of the unsuspecting audience brightened, and the title of "Weige" was good! So they called her the only one according to her name:

"Weige is wrong, worship Weige!"

"Weige is wrong, worship Weige!"

"Weige is wrong, worship Weige!"


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