Chapter 332

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Chapter 332: Official announcement

Tang Tu knows the day when Liu Ye arrived in the ancient capital, knows that she shined at the calligraphy exhibition, knows that she visited Weiyang Palace Film and Television Base and was close to him, and that she was held hostage a few days ago, he was worried , But dare not have any expression, for fear of dragging Liu Xun into an unprovoked scandal.

Just as recently, he and Fu Feiqian's gossip that bothered him.

At the same time, Yang Huayue also posted a Weibo, "" Listening, the Voice of the Wind "has finally met you. I played the villain for the first time. Fortunately, I am mentally prepared and I hate Ji An as a woman, but the role of the actor is to show the audience the joy and sorrow. The more people who scold me, the better I am, right? "

Yang Huayue also provided a photo of herself, in which a small table was leaning against a floor-to-ceiling window, and two delicate wine glasses were placed on the table. The wine glasses were filled with light brown liquid.

This photo immediately caught the attention of fans. Everyone analyzed all the objects appearing in the photo from all angles.

It was quickly concluded that when Yang Huayue tweeted, there was still a person around him!

Today is the Star Festival, many stars have posted related Weibo, a photo show with a partner showing affection, and a single, dry, "Happy Qixi Festival".

"Has a boyfriend in our family ????

"It's not necessarily male, it might be two female single dogs drinking together."

"Unlike, two girls don't drink so late."

"The question is who the other party is."

"I have a bold guess. I think it may be Jiang Yichao. The two of them have interacted on Weibo very frequently."

"That's for the effect of the show. They are CP now."

Yang Huayue recently participated in a star love reality show "Let's Go With Love". The so-called love reality show, plainly speaking, is an idol drama, but the star acts in its own right, and does not need to play anyone.

"Walking with Love" has been well received since it was broadcast the previous year and has been well received by TV viewers. Now the program has been updated to the sixth season. Each season, the show group will carefully select four single male and female star groups CP to let them know in the show Fall in love and appreciate the life of a true lover.

Yang Huayue and Jiang Yichao were one of the CP in the sixth season.

Jiang Yichao is a newcomer, very handsome, a little younger than Yang Huayue. He is a frequent visitor to various variety shows on the basis of traffic, but he has not got a good movie or TV series. His career is far less than Yang Huayue. However, since the CP group with Yang Huayue, according to the requirements of the program group, the two have often posted Weibo to each other. He has smashed Yang Huayue's popularity and his reputation has gradually increased. At least netizens have remembered this person.

And shortly after Yang Huayue's Weibo on the wine glass, Jiang Yichao's Weibo also posted a photo, the two wine glasses taken from another angle, the background is exactly the same, with the text: "cheers!"

"Well, is this official announcement?"

"Stop talking about the effect of the show. How can there be such a dedicated star, who is still in the same room in the evening, drinking and acting as a couple? Not to mention Qixi tonight!"

"Did they really do a fake show? On the show, they really love each other."

"Sister and brother love is also very good."


While netizens were hotly discussing Yang Huayue's and Jiang Yichao's suspected relationship, a Weibo trumpet posted a video that instantly compared all the celebrities on the Weibo show with love.

Her Weibo wrote: "Please forgive the person to forgive me for sneak shots online, but I really think this picture is too beautiful and the two are too loving."

That's right, this blogger is the peeping girl. She was going to use her mobile phone to shoot "No Three No Four" as evidence, and accidentally took a breathtaking view.

The video looks like the picture in the movie, where the heroine dances with the flower, and the male stare with a smile.

"Ji Ningji, Ji Ning is alive again."

"Looking at the background seems to be in a movie theater. It turns out that the goddess of Hanfu also went to see her own movie."

"Hahaha, blogger, just after you watched the premiere, you turned around and found that' Jining 'was also there?"

"This is the right way to open the Qixi Festival. See how my goddess surprises my goddess (aunt laughs)."

"Although Ji Ning's ending is tragic in the movie, in reality, she is probably happier than you and me."

"The news said that Liu Ye was injured or something. I was worried for a long time. When I saw her happy, I was relieved."

"Fortunately, Doctor Yu has not been affected by the bad guys who have messed up in his store. He and the Hanfu goddess are so strong."

"No wonder today there are no red roses in the flower shops on the streets of the ancient capital. My boyfriend ran a few stores and wanted to buy a few red roses. The bosses said that the flowers had been sold out and all the rich people bought them After working for a long time, the rich person refers to Doctor Yu. What a big handwriting, how much will it cost for so many roses, and to smile for the goddess of Bo, Doctor Yu's wallet will be saved. "

"Don't you know that Dr. Yu is a local tyrant, he is particularly rich."

"= I want so much flowers too!"


Many netizens who watched the movie and watched "Jining" in the video, mixed feelings, Yu Zhan is very good, but they just feel that "Jining" and "Duan Nanfeng" are more suitable.

Someone switched the video and handed Ait Tangtu, but did not expect Tang Tu to reply to this Weibo, "Jining finds his own happiness, and Duan Nanfeng will be happy for her."

In a simple sentence, netizens instantly exploded.

"Hey, tears, Tutu's words are very sad. He and Ji Ning have no chance in the movie, and he and Liu Ye have no chance outside the movie."

"He and Liu Ye 's Weibo have n't interacted for a long time. It 's estimated that they really put it down ~ ~ They can do it without letting them down. Doctor Yu is no worse than him, anyway, Tang Tu and Fu Feiqian It's right to go in and out. "

"I don't think he likes Fu Feiqian. He absolutely likes Liu Ye, and doesn't accept any rebuttal!"


Tang Tu 's praise and comments, coupled with the popularity of the Hanfu goddess and Dr. Yu, as well as the popularity of the two characters "Jining" and "Duan Nanfeng", this video microblog was continuously reposted.

The popularity of the video has overwhelmed Yang Huayue and Jiang Yichao's "official announcement", and even more than some big star celebrity Weibo.

Seeing his diminished comments on Weibo, Jiang Yichao was very upset. He complained to Yang Huayue, "This internet celebrity is too hot to grab hot spots. I deliberately asked someone to take a video and post it online. It's a routine when it happens. "

Yang Huayue couldn't understand why Jiang Yichao was so angry. She said, "Liu Ye is not the kind of person you think."

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