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Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 421: Speak out in live room
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Other viewers are also confused by this scene. Xiaopeng's so high-profile money-spending tonight has put his name on the third place in the fan list. Everyone knows her. When Jiang Chengfeng said this, they only Realizing that this female tyrant is indeed not normal.

The comments in the comment area also became:

"Sister Xiaopeng, although we don't know each other, watching a live broadcast in a live broadcast room is fate, and everyone can be a tree hole!"

"Yeah, unhappy things will get worse and worse, and it will be worse if something like depression happens."

"Sister, see me see me, I am willing to accompany you!"

"If we have misunderstood, think too much, please take a break!"


Almost everyone was staring at the name "little friend". After about three or four minutes, she finally spoke.

Xiaopeng: "I was cheated by the scumbag."

!! !! !!

Jiang Chengfeng immediately thought of the events of Sun Weiwei and He Qisi before, and he was afraid she could not think about it, and said seriously, "Sister, please tell me what the specific situation is, we can help you make a plan!"

The audience also commented,

"Anyway, hug your sister first."

"Ah, there are too many scumbags in the world, another one is a modest one, distressed sister."

"I wish all scum men to die!"


Everyone's concern and encouragement touched Xiaopeng. She sent a text describing the process of knowing her and the scumbag. She did not mention the career of the two stars, but only said that she knew at work. "He is four years younger than me. The appearance is okay, the mouth is sweet ... "

Everyone ca n't help commenting after reading

"I can already guess that the next story is sad, this man has all the qualities of a scumbag!"

"I just want to ask, how high is the other person's face value, the younger sister is so easily confused by rhetoric."

"The man is so much younger, and the younger sister seems to be quite rich. Visually, the soft rice man is undoubtedly, haha, now some men are more realistic than the women to pay, and each wants to have a daydream of marrying Bai Fumei to the peak of life! "

"Sister and brother must be careful!"


Yang Huayue carefully read everyone's comments one by one. Seeing that everyone was helping her scold the scumbag, her mood did not seem so uncomfortable as before.

She summoned the courage to write more about herself and Jiang Yichao for everyone to see.

"His financial conditions are indeed not as good as mine, and his career is far inferior to me, and he is younger than me, so I always want to take care of him more. For example, when we eat outside, I usually check out, oh, By the way, when he first pursued me, he also pretended to have done something for me and moved me, and then I doubled back to him ... "

"After living with him, he lives and eats in my house, and I pay all the expenses ..."

"He likes online shopping, and often says that he has n't enough money. I want to open an Alipay family relationship with him. I am a soft-hearted person. If I ca n't wear him, I agree. Today I carefully checked my Alipay bill. He three Moonlight online shopping cost me 185,000, plus other expenses, I spent a total of 2.33 million on him. "


With her remarks, some audiences who had only wanted to watch the lively crowd also filled with indignation.

"Fuck, I can't watch a man anymore, why is there such a scum in the world !!!"

"Countless brothers and daughters, why haven't I ever encountered a post like a lady ..."

"Even women's money is deceived. What's wrong with this society, there is such a mess that likes to get it for nothing!"

"Upstairs, there are still many such men."

"Any man who spends women's money is a scumbag, without exception!"

"The main point is that the younger sister is living with the scumbag! She has been cheated of money and cheated, too sad. No wonder she is in a bad mood. For me, I may have to jump off the building."

"Don't talk nonsense, what floor do you want to jump in, Miss Sister has money and career, and the winner of a proper life is to look at the eyes of a man, e ... When it 's licked by a dog, it 's not feudal society, nothing.

After seeing this comment, Yang Huayue knew that everyone had misunderstood that she was Bai Fumei, and explained,

"I'm not a rich second-generation. My money is earned by myself, and it's hard money. I'm just in front of people. Because I listened to the scum of the man, I offended my boss, my career. I have been hit a lot, and I 'm already going downhill. Recently, I had a good job. I was fully prepared to use it as the last straw for life, but I was replaced by the related households. Let 's go on like this. For a few months, I couldn't even afford a mortgage. "

"I was born in a conservative family. My parents were high-level intellectuals. They instilled in me the concept of being clean and good, so that I am almost twenty-five years old, and I have not talked about love. I admit that I This is mentally handicapped, I don't know people well, and I deserve it. "

The comments in the comment area kept updating and tumbling, everyone was angry,

"My God, that is to say, before the scumbag, the younger sister was a virgin."

"I'm so sad, Miss, why are you so stupid?"

"The younger sister is equivalent to being hit with both love and career."


"I have been protected by my parents since childhood. Even if it 's rainy outside, they have helped me to have a carefree sky. My father taught me to be upright and my mother taught me to love life. After joining the work, one of my dads The old classmate happened to be my boss and took good care of me. It can be said that I had never suffered a little bit, and I thought naively that there were still many good people in the society. I, a fool, never realized that bad people would also be around me. "

Yang Huayue was crying while writing,

Her grievances ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Her grievances, her remorse, she really can't bear it, and she is about to collapse. After breaking up with Jiang Yichao, apart from throwing garbage, she never went out and took herself Closed at home, not answering anyone's phone calls or looking at any network information, she became quiet and remembered little by little with her and Jiang Yichao. The more she thought about it, the more she felt stupid Get helpless, the more inexplicable blame.

In the evening, her agent was so anxious that she came directly to her door and said that Jiang Yichao and his fans had discredited her online and asked her to respond positively.

She opened Weibo and saw the man who had shared the bed with him, describing herself in those vicious words, her mind was blank, and she didn't know what it meant to continue arguing with him online.

A new reminder sounded on her mobile phone at this time. She noticed that it was a live broadcast room just downloaded and reminded her, "Ladies and sisters are currently broadcasting."

Suddenly in her heart, she closed Weibo and opened the live broadcast room.

Dear, click in and give a good comment. The higher the score, the faster the update. It is said that a beautiful wife was found at the end of the new score!

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