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Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 432: Meet the Vice President
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Seeing Yu Zhan's expression, Zhang Pei thought that his makeup had not changed well, and wanted to go back to the room and look in the mirror to repair it.

"You wait for me for another minute, and I will clean up my appearance," she said to Yu Zhan.

"No, no, you are perfect now, giving me a new look."

Zhang Pei thought that Yu Zhan was speaking kindly, and laughed, "I haven't used cosmetics for many years, my makeup technology is a bit retrogressive, and I don't quite understand the current makeup trend."

"No, no, no, your technology has not regressed at all. I think the makeup you draw has a retro flavor, especially like the calendar stars of the last century."

Yu Zhan 's expression was very serious. He really thought that Zhang Pei had a good look. Her figure was a bit fat before she took over the business of cat food. She was too busy at work, and she became thin before she knew it. The tall figure is particularly young in professional attire, with a cool inch board head, coupled with her period makeup, with a bit of intellectual beauty, who can think of her daughter as big as she looks Is it?

"You talk so much that I can't even find the north."

Zhang Pei said this, her heart was broken. Women of all ages like to be praised for appearance. She knows Yu Zhan as a person and knows that he is not the kind of person who likes to talk sweet. He said that it is true. Recognize her look.

Zhang Pei won't really narcissisticly think that she can return to her old age. She should be of any age at all ages. When she looks old, she is an old demon.

John drove to pick up Yu Zhan and Zhang Pei and went to the Westland Company. John saw Zhang Pei, his mouth awoke, and said instinctively in Cantonese, "What a pretty sister."

Yu Zhan laughed.

Zhang Pei looked at him doubtfully.

John explained in lame Mandarin, "You look so beautiful. No wonder your daughter can be a star! There must be a mother and a daughter."

Although Hong Kong people don't pay much attention to the mainland entertainment circle and online red circle, but because he has business dealings with Liu and is a peer of the same age, John has also registered a Weibo. Occasionally, he looks at Liu's Weibo. He knows that she is not only online Hung is still filming. It is the female No. 1 ordered by Lin Zhiqin. Lin Zhi also has a great reputation in Hong Kong. John thinks Liu is amazing. And "Listen, the Voice of the Wind" will be released in Hong Kong and Southeast Asia in early October. Now the major movie theaters in Hong Kong have started to warm up, and John is ready to take his girlfriend to watch it.

When Huang Shiting saw Zhang Pei, he also felt that his eyes were shining. He saw Liu's shadow on this face that was already some years old.

In the conference room of the Westland Company, Zhang Pei and Yu Zhan met Mr. Peter, the vice president of cat'garden company, and the full name of peter peteratkinson. He is the boss of cat'garden company responsible for sales. There is naturally a different kind of aura in men.

He was about fifty years old, taller, and had darker hair. He was well-dressed, with gray-blue eyes, a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, black trousers on his lower body, and a gray shirt on his upper body. The buttons of the shirt were meticulously buttoned up, which seemed a bit rigorous.

Prior to this, Mr. Peter had already attended the annual meeting with Westland Corporation, and he postponed his departure from Hong Kong by one day to meet with Yu Zhan and Zhang Pei.

Yu Zhan had already spoken to him by phone in advance, and he knew that this time the mother of the Chinese girl was signing the contract for her. The mother was younger than he thought, and his temperament was very unique. The moment he came in, he couldn't help but look at her.

Huang Shiting brought people to the meeting room, leaving the meeting room for the three.

As a translator, Yu Zhan introduced Peter and Zhang Pei to each other.

Peter smiled and stretched out his hand, very gentleman-like, "It's a pleasure to meet you, ma'am."

Zhang Pei could understand such a simple greeting. She also smiled, held his hand, and replied in English with a rusty and accented voice. "I'm glad to see you too."

Peter seemed surprised that she could speak so little English and smiled.

Zhang Pei is a college graduate and has learned English, but now she has forgotten all about Java.

After a polite greeting, three people sat down on both sides of the square table.

peter briefly introduced the basic situation of their company, with a little mention of the customs and customs of New Zealand, he spoke very fast, and also brought a New Zealand native accent, don't say Zhang Pei does not understand English, even if an English professional sits Here, it is not always possible to understand the meaning of peter.

While peter was drinking water, Zhang Pei whispered to Yu Zhan, "Don't talk nonsense, let's talk about the price directly."

Yu Zhan also felt weird. He and Peter had several phone conversations, which were concise and straightforward, and went straight to the theme. Peter felt a bit like Tao Zhiwei, focusing on work and doing business.

I did not expect him to be very enthusiastic. Yu Zhan has not been to New Zealand, but he has heard that most New Zealanders are simple and enthusiastic. He thought that Peter was also such a person. He said to Zhang Pei, "This is the style of New Zealanders. We have to respect it. "

Peter seemed to guess that the two of them were mumbling in Chinese, and then they didn't talk nonsense, and finally started to get into the subject.

The brand agency agreement they want to sign with Liu is based on the network agency agreement between Liu and Westland. The addition is to give Liu their brand agency rights, and Cat'garden will issue a copy The official certification letter proves that Liu's company has the exclusive network agency of cat'garden in mainland China.

This is a document with a high amount of gold. With it, Liu and her can open the store selling cat'garden fake cat food online to the business sector.

The previous agreement, ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~, was signed by Liu in his personal name, and today the contract they will sign will be in the name of the company. The company Zhang Pei helped Liu register with is called Princess and Co., Ltd.

Unlike last time, there is nothing negotiable for specific contract terms. Cat'garden has all the initiative. They are only a second-level agent and are not qualified to negotiate conditions with the head office. Regardless of whether there are overlord clauses, they all have I can only accept this. Yu Zhan also ca n't do anything about it. Fortunately, the format of the contract provided by the other party is fairly fair. He translated it to Zhang Pei word by word. After Zhang Pei heard it, he asked him,

"In other words, can we talk about the price of agency fees?"

"Yes, see if you can lower the price he gives."

Before departure, I called Zhang Pei and said that in order to control costs, the agency fee is preferably less than 5% of sales, but Peter said 15%.

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