Chapter 337

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Chapter 337: Starring

The work of acting also requires talent and exercise. Any newcomer, from an unknown name to the eye-catching, requires a process and time.

As far as Lin Zhi knows, Liu Ye has only participated in one movie so far. In the past two days, he took a quick look at "Listening, the Voice of the Wind". In this film, Liu Ye's acting skills are acceptable and can be seen with professional eyes. Details, it can be clearly seen that she is a novice.

But when she played Princess Huayang, she was very skillful in acting. When she faced the alien leader, she was generous, showing the princess style of a country, and when she was called by Han Xiedan to make fun of her, the shame and timidity on her face was also very vivid. At the end, her expressions are real, like a real ancient woman. When the play was so smooth that Lin Zhi could n’t find a place to stop, it was a one-time pass, and the only sense of violation came from her makeup and shape. .

You must know that some old actors have not adapted to the rhythm on the first day of the crew, and they may not be able to enter the drama in one second without Liu's prelude and preparation.

Of course, Tang Tu, who played with her, also performed very well. He brought a barbarian leader, obsessed with beautiful women, and lively performances. "Han Gong Qiu Yue" has been filmed for two months, Lin Zhi believes that this is Tang Tu's best performance For once, fortunately, the previous scene has to be filmed again. Lin Zhi hopes that he can maintain this state and continue filming.

On the first day, Liu Ye worked until 9 o'clock in the evening. Before removing her makeup, she looked at her full-length mirror and took a picture of herself. Liu Ye was leaving, Tang Tu called her, "I'll take you back to the hotel in the city. It should be on the way."

Liu Ye declined his offer, "My boyfriend has come to pick me up."

Tang Tu reluctantly lost, and continued, "There is still a long way to go from the set to the exit. Every night, many fans and entertainment fans are squatting nearby. Lin Dao does not want us to have positive contact with them, so we generally take a small path. You probably do n’t know how to go the next way. I ’ll take you through today and get you in the car. You will start tomorrow. ”

Tang Tu was kind-hearted, and Liu Ye accepted the feeling.

The two left the set together.

Looking at the back of the two of them, the staff on the set are talking and talking,

"Tang Tu is very interested in this school girl."

"I heard that someone already has a boyfriend."

"I really don't understand. Since he has a deep love for Liu Ye, why did he enter Fu Fuqian's room?"

"Flowering heart, Fu Feiqian is also very beautiful."


The lights of Weiyang Palace outside the crew were very dim, especially after entering the path. There were fewer street lights. Liu Ye lowered his head to pay attention to his feet and carefully followed Tang Tu. They were different from their tacit understanding during the acting. When the two were alone Silent, only slight breathing and footsteps were heard.

In the end, Tang Tu couldn't stand it. First he said, "You performed well today. Teacher Tian has a vision. Princess Huayang is too much like you." Having said that, Tang Tu smiled, "No wonder you gave Get your own net name 'Princess and Puppet'. It seems that you also think you are a princess, and you know it well. "

Liu Ye also laughed, "Now it seems that this screen name is not appropriate, otherwise I will go back tonight and change the name."

"Do n’t you, I ’m just joking, and now that all the girls are not all public servants, little fairies, you have so many fans, everyone is called a nickname, who really treats you as a princess."

Liu Wei ’s Weibo fans have 500w + so far. Although there is still a long way to go with Tangtu ’s 1200w +, she is still a real big V, and she is a well-known online celebrity.

After talking about this topic, Tang Tu also mentioned the recording of "The Sound of the Wind" soundtrack. "Mr. Xue called me to remind me. I have to take time to go back to the capital next month, and we will have to sing the theme song together."

"Well, I know," Xue Yunfei also sent Liu Ye a WeChat, asking when she would return.

Three days after the release of "Listen, the Voice of the Wind", the box office has broken through 50 million, and the attendance rate has reached 95%. Movie theaters around the world have increased their row counts. Although the box office is still far behind the Hollywood blockbusters of the same period, In the film, it is definitely a stand-alone show. The momentum of this rapid advance has greatly exceeded Ye An's expectations, and it has also inspired the senior executives of Xinghe Film and Television.

You know, since Tang Tu arbitrarily put Josin into the detention center, they have no special hope for this movie, thank you for being able to return.

Unexpectedly, this turned out to be a selling point. Some stunners bought movie tickets specifically to see Josin, because they knew that it would not be possible to see this face in the cinema in the future.

Another part of the audience contributes to the box office for good soundtracks. The general public opinion is that good movies must have good soundtracks.

On the same day the movie was released, Xue Yunfei uploaded the theme song of the same name sung by Liu Ye in the studio to the paid music software. By the next day, the paid downloads had exceeded 10w +.

Xiao Kerer also uploaded the ending song she sang in accordance with the contract, and the download volume was as high as 50w +, because she had a larger music fan base.

That's why Xue Yunfei urged Liu Ye and Tang Tu to go back and record the music. After the recording was complete, they could officially release the record, and the two of them could get the money earlier.

Liu Ye did not forget his 15% share.

Speaking of Qian, Tang Tu said, "Lawyer Li told Qiao Xin and Zhang Daqiang's case to begin in October. Do you want to appear in court or entrust it to Li?"

Liu Ye didn't want to see Qiao Xin's face anymore, and she didn't want to be involved in the incident anymore. She said, "I'm not going to appear in court." Forcing 200,000 reputation and moral damages.

"Then you have to pay him an additional lawyer fee, and Li's fees are more detailed ~ ~ Liu Ye nodded and understood that the barrister charges every minute. Contact him. "

The two chatted and unknowingly arrived at the exit. Many cars were parked outside, including buses, nanny cars, business cars, luxury cars, and of course, more ordinary cars.

In order to pick up Liu Ye, Yu Zhan went to a car rental company to rent a car, and Liu Ye brought him tonight.

Liu Ye came out and saw a man standing by the car looking at his cell phone. Hearing the movement, Yu Zhan raised his head. What he saw first was not Liu Ye, but Tang Tu beside her.

This is the third time they have met.

Yu Zhan walked over, face to face with Tang Tu, the two men were also erect and of outstanding appearance. Yu Zhan politely said to Tang Tu, "Thank you for sending me out."

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