Chapter 391

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Chapter 391: Not easy

"Battle of the North" ...

Liu Sisi, she heard Tian Yafu mentioned the plot of the film in the crew. The writer of "North Wind" is a colleague of Tian Yafu, older than him, and is the ace writer of Huaguang Media.

"Han Gong Qiu Yue" took place in the late Western Han Dynasty, and "Northern War" tells the story of the famous "Baideng Battle" that took place in the early years of Western Han Dynasty-Han Gaozu Liu Bang was besieged by Huns for seven days and seven nights.

This is a very famous and classic battle in history. Because Bai Shan was in the north, the battle of Beden was in the middle of winter, the snow was cold, and the Western Han soldiers were not used to living in the north. During the seven days, many people were frozen. Death and frostbite, so the screenwriter named it "Zhanbeifeng".

When Putian Yafu talked about "The North Wind", he laughed and said that it was a purely male man's play. Almost all the main characters were male, Liu Bang, Han Wangxin, Fan Yi, Xiongnu Danyu, Xiahouying ...

Nuo women are all small supporting actors. The servants, the maids, and even Lu Hou have only a few shots, which are similar to the dragon sets. The only character with a lot of drama was a pro-princess who appeared in the second half of the movie.

According to the plot, after the victory of this battle, Liu Bang, in order to recuperate, took the suggestion of the courtier and married the long princess and the Huns. Lu Hou resolutely disagreed. Liu Bang could only change the maid to the princess and marry the Huns.

He is married again

Therefore, "Zhan Bei Feng" and "Han Gong Qiu Yue" are sisters to each other. Although the princess and Wang Zhaojun have different birth backgrounds, they share the same goals and have the same pity.

嫚 Liu Ying asked curiously, "Who is the heroine?"

I heard her question, He Lushen felt a little guilty, ate a dish deliberately, and said, "It's not decided yet, Yan Tong is going to have an audition for a heroine next week."

After speaking, He Lushen immediately changed the topic. "Actually, I have considered Ye Zi'an as the director's candidate. I didn't expect him to be a wonderful one! I called him personally and asked him to be the director of" North Wind ". He I turned down! I didn't know how to lift him up, so I despised him so much! "

I mentioned Ye Zi'an, and He Lushen became very hot. Today's entertainment director dares to show his face, Ye Zi'an is the first and only one!

Liu Liu thought of Ye Zi'an's stubborn temper and said good things for him, "It is estimated that somewhere in" North Wind "touched Ye Dao's bottom line, he is very principled."

He Lushen coughed unnaturally. "To sum it up, I hope that there will be no business trips after" Northwind ". My dad called me a few times and asked me why I hadn't done this breaking thing. I really I'm afraid he puts an incompetent hat on me. "

As mentioned earlier, "Battle of the North" should have been filmed earlier than "Han Gong Qiu Yue". Due to various reasons, it has been delayed for half a year. The two leading actors who had confirmed their participation suddenly announced their resignation the other day. He Lushen only Being able to temporarily replace two newcomers really frustrated him. He decided to abandon the script, and this year he will hold "Han Gong Qiu Yue".

But "Zhanbeifeng" has been set up in the company, and the money has been invested. It still has to be shot, and it is treated as a defective product. After it is released, it is mixed with some box office to get the original.

Because of this incident, He Lushen was miserably taught by his father.

In front of Yu Zhan, he seemed to be laughing and joking. A brother dared to stand side by side with the sun. He could do everything. In fact, secretly, he was under tremendous pressure. The so-called high altitude is extremely cold. Running such a large company is fundamental. Not so easy.

He never complained to Yu Zhan.

In fact, the story of Zhao Jun's release and the battle of Beideng were selected by He Lushen. The two screenwriters wrote the scripts according to his requirements. The two films were also after He Lushen served as the deputy general manager of Huaguang Media. The first personal fencing work.

He Lushen's father, He Huaguang, is a workaholic and has always held power. Because of his long-term high-intensity work, his health has not been good. His condition suddenly deteriorated last year. The doctor said that if he continued to work so hard, he would die suddenly! He reluctantly retreated to the second line and directly promoted his son to the position of vice president.

Before that, He Lushen was almost the same as Tao Zhiwei when he was 24 years old. They were all assistants who were assigned various tasks beside his father.

The young man who is only 24 years old the next year is the vice president. Not everyone in Huaguang Media is convinced by He Lu, especially several senior shareholders who have no qualifications.

He Huaguang knows the little Jiu Jiu in the hearts of some people in the company. He even knows that his son's experience is not enough, but he can't do anything about it. His body can't work and he can't do it. He has only one son, He Lushen!

帮助 In order to help his son build up his company in the company, He Huaguang arranged this task for He Lushen, which is to shoot two movies this year. The box office must be turned at least five times and the results must be shown to shareholders.

The script for "North Wind" is far better than "Han Gong Qiu Yue". At first He Lushen hoped that it could rectify his own name. Obviously his opponents also thought so, so he kept stumbling on it. This is the real reason for the delay in filming "North Wind", and it is now like this ~ ~ Opponents are finally happy.

Huaguang Media's stock price has been depressed for months.

Not only that, He Lushen allowed Lin Zhi to replace the heroine of "Han Gong Qiu Yue" without authorization. He also received many criticisms within the company's senior management. Liu Ye's identity was not recognized by them at all, and they accused Lin Zhi of making fun of him. Ironically, He Lushen is wasting company resources.

He Lushen carried all these bad things behind him. He believed in Lin Zhi's vision and Yu Zhan's vision. He waited for Liu Ye to slap his shareholders for him.

He Lushen didn't want to pass his pressure on Liu Ye, so he stopped talking about this topic and started to get together with Liu Ye. Instead, she asked her about the auction. In conversation, she seemed to feel her works. Interested, he said, "I saw your" Happy Run "written by A Zhan's house. I also want to buy a similar one. I plan to go to the auction.

嫚 Liu Ying thought he was like Song Junzhe and wanted to give her a real silver and silver meeting, and said quickly, "You don't have to go to the auction, I'll write a picture for you."

"Can I specify the subject matter?"

嫚 Liu Ying nodded straight, very sincere, for fear that he really went to the auction to spend money! He Lu said deeply that it is no wonder that Yu Zhan said that Liu Ye never asked him for money, and it did not seem to be an exaggeration.

"Let's take a look then," He Lushen said nothing, and didn't say whether to go or not.

After this meal, the guests and the hosts were happy, and the three people were chatting as they ate. In front of He Lushen, Liu Ye also gradually let go, without those feelings of restraint.

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