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Home » Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star TFCS » Chapter 446: Do it for yourself
Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 446: Do it for yourself
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Mao Yuchen had already called Grandma Zhan beforehand. When the four arrived, the gray-haired old man was standing at the gate of the courtyard and constantly waiting for them.

The old man was very thin and thin, and his back was a little stingy, but she had a good mental head, a rosy complexion, and eyes full of energy.

When I saw Mao Yuchen, the old man's face showed a smile, and Mao Yuchen also laughed at her, hurried forward, holding her shoulder, "Grandma Zhan, why are you out, I don't know the way, you don't need to come here specially Wait for me. "

"Aren't you bringing your friends? The visitor is a guest," Granny Zhan smiled, looking at the two men and one woman behind Mao Yuchen.

She was confused, the three were too bright-looking, and the two young men were handsome and upright, especially the man in a smoky gray shirt with a slight smile at the corners of his mouth and mild eyes, which made people feel good. .

And the girl next to him was really bright-eyed, and Gu Pansheng was as beautiful as a star.

She asked Mao Yuchen,

"Will your friend be a star?"

Mao Yuchen was surprised, "Do you also watch live broadcasts online?"

Grandma Zhan: "???"

Mao Yuchen realized that he had misunderstood and immediately introduced Liu Ye's identity. "She is my current boss, Liu Ye, and she is also an online female anchor."

Grandma Zhan was incredible. "She looks almost as old as you? Is your boss? Aren't you working in the supermarket?"

Mao Yuchen explained her recent situation to her and told her that Liu Ye was selling cat food, Ye Liang was a director, and Yu Zhan was a veterinarian. They came to her for a documentary.

Grandma Zhan was surprised by the careers of these three people. She thought that Mao Yuchen had brought new friends to volunteer.

"Hello grandma, let me tell you the details," said Liu Binbin politely to Grandma Zhan. "We are the filming team of the online documentary" Meng Chong Hospital ". We are preparing the latest episode, the theme is' 'Treat stray animals', Yuchen told me that you have been helping stray pets for many years. You have experience in this, so we want to work with you. "

Grandma Zhan said, "I'm old, I can't play mobile phones, I don't know what online documentaries, I don't know what your young people do, and I don't know what is publicity."

Grandma Zhan thought that Liu Ye had come to help her with propaganda. In the past, she had been interviewed by several traditional media, claiming to "help her propagate", that is, the newspaper news that Mao Yuchen had read. After all, she had such personal obligations. Adopting stray animals and adopting so many animals is a rare act of righteousness.

However, after these reporters interviewed her and completed her work performance, there is no more. Except for a few good volunteers like Mao Yuchen who occasionally come to help, her life has not changed in any way.

The most annoying is that some boring people watched the news, ran over and watched, laughed at her, scolded her for neurosis, confused, slept with the animals, slept with her, and died, and scolded her for this. Love and spend this money, why not help the children in poor mountainous areas.

Grandma Zhan only came to understand that she was just the media material. People did not take her seriously. She began to exclude the news media from the interview and refused to answer the phone call of the reporter. When the reporter touched his nose, he felt that the old man was unconscious. She didn't report well, and gradually ignored her.

Seeing Granny Zhan's alert look, Liu Ye quickly explained, "We are all pet lovers. I have two cats. One of them was once a stray cat. When it was picked up, his life was in danger. My boyfriend cured it, "Liu Ye said to Yu Zhan, pointing to her." He keeps a dog. It is an abandoned dog. "

She pointed at Ye Ziliang and said, "He is the initiator of this subject. He has a cat and a dog and has a deep affection for pets."

Hearing here, Grandma Zhan's expression was approaching relaxation.

"We are filming a documentary, not news. Our filming is paid for you. I will give you 200 bags of cat food. If there are no animals sick, we can help you for free."

Grandma Zhan moved in her heart, these real things are more useful than the reporter's fluttering "propaganda"! She looked at the handsome young man behind Liu Ye. She still remembered Mao Yuchen's introduction, "Is your boyfriend really a veterinarian?"

"Yes, he is not only a veterinarian, but also the owner of a pet hospital. His second store is about to open soon."

Grandma Zhan was a little convinced that these three were really here to do good deeds. She wondered, "Why don't you go to the Capital Stray Pet Protection Association? They are so large that they look more formal than me."

"It's true, we have already found their person in charge, and everything has been settled. They suddenly changed their minds and let my friends do nothing."

"Is the person in charge last name Zhang?"

Suddenly Grandma Zhan asked this question, Liu Ye didn't know.

Ye Ziliang quickly said that ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Yes, it's Zhang. "

Grandma Zhan smiled coldly, inexplicably saying, "This is not the first time he has done such a thing."

Liu Ye and others looked at each other.

"Okay, I'll take you through my place first. It's far less than the base of the association. If you think you're a mess, you can't get on the table and you can regret it."

Before Liu Yan came, Grandma Zhan had just prepared the animals to eat today, so she wore an imitation leather dark coffee apron outside her clothes.

When you walked into the courtyard, everyone smelled an animal-like smell, which was bad, but not very strong. The three Liu Liu were all familiar with the taste.

Grandmother Zhan observed their usual expressions and determined that Liu Ye had not lied just now. People who do n't have pets would smell this smell and frown.

She first went to the kitchen behind the bungalow. The two came out with a big bucket and looked particularly heavy.

Seeing this, Yu Zhan took the initiative to step forward, "You give me, I'll get it."

"There is oil in this bucket, it will stain your clothes," said Grandma Zhan, who looked very well dressed, and behaved as if she came from a better family.

So she just questioned his veterinary profession.

"It's okay, just a piece of clothing."

Speaking, Yu Zhan had already taken the big bucket from Grandma Zhan. He was surprised that this bucket was not ordinary. He insisted on fitness during this time, and thought that his arms were very strong, and it was a bit difficult to hold. Thinking of the old man carrying such a bucket every day, he could not help but admire her.

"Thank you, boy," Granny Zhan said.

Yu Zhan asked her, "Do you usually live here alone?"

"Yeah, I did everything myself."

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