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Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 487: In full swing
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"In this way, you don't have to purchase all the gifts at one time, and there will be no hoarding of the goods. As for the courier fees for all gifts, we will bear it."

Luo Youyou's proposal is too good for Liu Ye. How can there be such a business, or which company's boss will be so whispered than his weaker side?

It's not stupid, it's really smart.

At this time Liu Ye had already vaguely guessed the other party's true intentions.

She said, "Do you want to borrow an event in my store to promote our company's products?"

There was a laugh on the phone. "It is said that the Internet is smart and brilliant, and it is not false."

"But your online store already has three crowns," Liu Yan wondered, "and our products are not short of sales abroad."

"Which businessman would think that he has made more money? The Fortune 500 companies with assets of billions of dollars each spend hundreds of millions of dollars on advertising costs."

The fire-fighting video sent by Liu Ye's Weibo has now spread across the Internet. Of course, Luo Youyou saw it. Like other netizens, he admired the charity of a group of college students. He saw so many celebrities retweeting Liu Ye's Weibo, and marveled at the influencer. It 's natural that she had a huge curiosity about her. He checked Liu Ye 's information and found that she is still half of her peers, and this peer is so powerful that she tried to promote her cat food business. The investment documentary did not say, but also invited Wang Xiangqin and Lanxi to be their "spokesmen."

The little girl's business acumen is great! But at that time he didn't know about Liu Ye inquiring about their company.

The sales manager also saw the video. He realized that his arrogant attitude might offend a potential huge customer. He explained the situation to Luo Youyou by way of guilt.

Luo Youyou didn't expect that the celebrities on the Internet would have a relationship with their company in an instant. He was very angry at the time, but he did not blame the manager. He asked the manager to give him the contact information on Liu Ye's side immediately, and the manager turned over for a long time. Call history was found.

Therefore, Luo Youyou called Mao Yuchen in person.

If their company provides gifts for Liu Ye 's online store, can they borrow Liu Ye 's celebrity celebrity and her own promotional resources at the same time to advertise her own products? This is a win-win situation.

"I really want to cooperate with me. My attitude has been put on the table. My quotation excludes the courier fee. We are absolutely at a loss, but I want to take this opportunity and establish a long-term cooperative relationship. The real intention of my active contact, "Luo Youyou continued to Liu Ye.

Liu Ye can also feel the sincerity of the other party over the phone. In fact, the balance in her mind has long favored this company. After all, Luo Youyou has helped her solve the biggest problem. Even if the purchase cost of gifts increases, it may be able to keep some high Consumers.

Thinking for a moment, she said, "OK, I'll buy the products of our company!"

The first step in cooperation is still to sign a contract. "Youyou" is a large company with its own lawyers. In the afternoon, Mao Yuchen received the contract faxed by the other party. Because this is a one-time purchase contract and the content of the contract is relatively simple, Zhang Pei signed the contract instead of Liu Ye.

The second part is pre-warming propaganda. Wan Jun, who was already too busy, applied for funds from Zhang Pei, and found a publicity company specializing in decorating online stores. On the homepage, he told customers with eye-catching text and gifts pictures to tell them what their activities were on the day of Double Eleven.

In the face of customer inquiries, Liu Ye's three new customer service agents also specifically reminded them not to rush to place an order now, there are activities and gifts on Double Eleven, you can add the goods to the shopping cart first.

This kind of reminder for consumers and saving money makes customers very comfortable. They think that Liu Ye 's customer service is so good. Then Liu Ye himself is better, no wonder she and her friends will do it. See what is righteous.

In addition, the customer consulted the customer service about the specific types of gifts, and they found that the gifts were not the kind of unstockable warehouse goods or cheap parallel imports they imagined, but the high-quality products of big brands. For some customers, these things are exactly what they want to buy, or they often buy, and they are naturally more willing to take the initiative to participate in Double Eleven activities.

Liu Ye 's promotional activities are in full swing, and Zhong Jiangnan is in full swing.

Tao Zhiyao stayed at home for two days to edit the video footage they shot at the film and television base. Sun Weiwei said that President Hu requested that the video be uploaded as soon as possible. To put it bluntly, Hu Jie also wanted to catch the heat of the fire video. College students dressed in their company's Hanfu to fight the fire. This advertisement is powerful enough.

The advertisement is time-sensitive and time is too tight. Tao Zhiyao rushed to make the video in a hurry, and it was too late to proofread Jiang Chengfeng, and he couldn't follow the original plan ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Liu and Li Xiaoru special Time is lost in each link to the music, not to mention Liu Ye and Li Xiaoru have no time now.

Tao Zhiyao used Liu and Li's ensemble "Jasmine" a long time ago to make up the numbers, and there is no sense of contradiction as background music.

Then, Tao Zhiyao directly transmitted the video to Sun Weiwei, and she uploaded it to Weibo and Douyin of "Miss Sisters" respectively.

Sun Weiwei wrote in the video description, "Many people asked me on Weibo why we were going to the film and television base that day, and now I will send the answer to you."

Fans are very excited, "Ladies and sisters" who have not released a new video for a long time are finally updated! Everyone can't wait to open this video.

The beginning of the video is the picture of the classroom. Some students at Capital University are happy. In the comments, "This is not the classroom of our school!"

Not only are the classrooms the same, even the attitude of students sitting in the classroom is not different from ordinary college students. Some people lazily lean back, some people lower their heads to play with mobile phones, and some people are bored looking through books.

In the camera, a flash of light passed from the podium, and the sharp-eyed fans recognized the **** the podium as Liu Ye. They heard Liu Ye asking in a casual and light tone, "Have you ever thought about what an ancient beauty looks like?"

The students have no inner feelings about this issue, what should they do, but each of them said a lightly poem about beauty in turn. Some of the sentences are familiar to netizens, and some are unfamiliar. Everyone has never heard of it.

"Are you reading the manuscript or playing it on the spot?"

"If you think of it on the spot, then these students will be bullish."

"I don't know if it's psychological, I think they must be particularly talented."


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