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Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 484: Hot to hot
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Ye Zi'an's suggestion was indeed correct. After the video was posted online, it attracted more attention than the fire itself.

At noon, Ye Zi'an, who rarely used Weibo, reposted and commented on Liu Wei's Weibo, and wrote a large paragraph on his Weibo. He informed the public of the fire concisely, emphasizing the crew. The entire staff is safe and sound. Please don't worry. In addition, he expressed deep gratitude to all the students involved in the fire fighting and wrote three "thank you" in succession.

Prior to Ye Zi'an, countless celebrities had reposted Liu Wei's Weibo.

These included all cast members except Feng Qingyu and Qiao Xin in the "Wind" crew, and even Lu Yi and Cheng Fenglan (playing villains of the villains), who had almost no friendship with Liu Ye, praised her on Weibo. Yang Huayue specially posted a Weibo for this, writing: "Everyone in the video is an angel. I am fortunate to know such a group of friends. I wish you peace and happiness, and I hope Ye Dao cheer up as soon as possible!"

The official account of the Han Gong Qiu Yue also reposted Liu Wei 's Weibo and wrote, "Heaven is safe." Lin Zhi, who had hardly interacted with Liu Wei before, commented, "For a crew, such a thing It's a disaster. I have only a few relationships with Director Ye Zi'an. I deeply sympathize with his experience. The fire and water are ruthless. I admire the students who rescued the fire, @ 公主 而 嫚, you are all good! "

Lin Zhi raised his head, and then all the cast members of "Han Gong Qiu Yue" reposted Liu Wei's Weibo, including Tian Yafu, Wang Xiangqin, Jiang Lin, and Li Sitong.

Tang Tu didn't forward, but left a message under Liu Wei's Weibo, "Fortunately, everyone is fine!"

In the list of video reposters, there are several big names in the entertainment industry. Blue Stream need not say it. She has sent several Weibo posts related to this. She praised Liu Ye and others for their charity. Pray for blessings and warn artists in their own companies to pay attention to safety when filming.

Qiu Jing, who hasn't been in contact with Liu Ye for a long time, wrote a message on Liu Ye's Weibo: "I thank you on behalf of Xinghe Film and Television Company!" Ye Zi'an signed an agreement with Xinghe Film and Television, "Late Ming Dynasty Dream" is Xinghe Film and Television Investment of. It is equivalent to a group of people from Liu Xie avoiding a major property loss for Xinghe Film and Television. Qiu Jing's mind was no longer prejudiced against Liu Xie, and this changed her appearance.

A blogger named "A Shen" commented, "What kind of fire are you going to save? I watched the video with great embarrassment. A Zhan must not worry about death."

Compared with the above big brothers, this Weibo account is like a weed, but a few careful netizens have noticed him because Liu Ye replied to this Weibo, "He said that the modality is urgent. If it is him, Will make the same choices as we do. "

"A Shen" also said, "Oh, this is indeed his character."

People with special interest are particularly curious about the sacredness of this "A Shen". He clicked into his Weibo and found that he followed a lot of stars, and it looked like an ordinary star-chaser Weibo account. Strangely, he has only three accounts on the watchlist, "Princess Princess", "Doctor Yu" and "Fu Qianqian".

These three people actually follow the same blogger? Who is this "A Shen"? How deep is he? But why did He Lushen call the doctor so intimately? Do Yu Yu and He Lushen have personal relationships?

Seeing a big melon in front of me, the attention of the main force of eating the melon did not focus on this blogger. Because over time, celebrities have been reposting Liu Wei's Weibo, and entertainment, music, academia, calligraphy, and even some celebrities that Liu Ye doesn't even know have reposted her Weibo. These include some crew members of "Late Ming Dynasty Dream" and Yan Tong, director of "North Wind", but Yan Tong reposted it on the basis of Weibo reposted by Yang Huayue.

Liu Wei 's Weibo is so hot that her Weibo fans exceeded the 1000w mark on this day.

However, some celebrities did not know the specific situation very much, and thought that all the students who were fighting the fire were Capital University students. As some netizens compared the video of the volunteer activity with the video of the firefighting, these volunteer students obviously participated in the firefighting. Netizens Jiang Chengfeng and Sun Weiwei are very familiar, knowing that they are also from Capital University. The three boys who were with Jiang Chengfeng were identified by the netizens as students of the Computer School of Capital University.

Seeing that netizens are talking about Capital University, these celebrities naturally put words such as "capital university students" in their comments.

And they also let the topic of # 北京大学 大学 学生 勇勇 救火 # enter the hot search list at the speed of light. This is the second time that Capital University has become a topic college, which is almost equivalent to a network red college ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ in the school office Under the authorization of the Capital University, the official Weibo account of the Capital University published a Weibo saying, "Our classmates not only have great ideals and ambitions, but also carry forward the traditional virtues of China and practice the core values ​​of socialism ..." Official language.

They also listed the names and majors of the fire-fighting students, and school leaders agreed that they must keep their names for good deeds!

The public is accustomed to seeing things small. Liu Ye and her classmates suddenly became Capital University student representatives. Netizens praised Capital University in various ways, arguing that the school has good morals and good students, and called on senior students to study hard and work hard. Admitted to Capital University!

This made the leaders of the Capital Conservatory feel very depressed. In the video of the fire, it was clear that there was a student from their school, but their good reputation was taken away by Capital University!

It's not that no netizen noticed Li Xiaoru, but she only had one person, and there were 14 students at Capital University, which accounted for the vast majority, and everyone naturally ignored her.

At the same time, Miao Miao and Tao Zhiyao who did not show up.

However, after seeing the list announced by the school, Liu Ye thought it was inappropriate, and she called the school office to explain the situation. Soon, Capital University official blog posted a correction Weibo, "The previous list only listed our school students, and those involved in the fire were Tao Zhiyao, a graduate of the financial department of the brother school Jinghua University, and Li Xiaoru, a junior student of the piano department of the Capital Conservatory of Music. , And Xiao Miao, a professional makeup artist. "

Capital University is fair and has no exclusive name. The official blog of Jinghua University immediately responded to this Weibo. "Tao Zhiyao is an outstanding graduate of our school. She has good ideological quality and excellent academic performance. We like the alumni. I hope Sister Tao often returns to her alma mater. "

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