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Home » Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star TFCS » Chapter 422: Xiaoyueyue
Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 422: Xiaoyueyue
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As soon as Yang Huayue thought that she spent more than 200,000 on Jiang Yichao, she felt so regretful that she was going to die. She thought it might be better to give all the money to "young ladies", at least "young ladies" could bring her Joy, and what did Jiang Yichao bring to her? Except for quarrels is endless pain.

So she gave the "girls and sisters" one night of money, and that money was the only cash left in her card. Liu Ye's "Yunyang Ding" 280,000 was paid by Tang Tu with her own money. .

Yang Huayue wiped a tear, and continued typing, "Sorry for letting you hear these negative energy things, I won't say any more, lest you be affected by my bad things, and I can only admit it when I encounter such scum. . "

Jiang Chengfeng and the three girls could not get angry. The hot Tao Zhiyao couldn't help but appeared in front of the camera wearing a mask. "Sister Xiaopeng, you broke up with the scumbag?"

Xiaopeng: "Well, I broke up yesterday. I raised it. Do you still keep the New Year?"

Tao Zhiyao exclaimed, "Did he pay you back?"

Xiaopeng: "He didn't admit that he had spent so much money, and took away all the valuables he bought with my money. He also damaged me with an item worth more than 200,000 and was unwilling to compensate. "

"I depend!" Tao Zhiyao couldn't help but swear.

Tao Zhiwei and the housekeeper looked at her in shock in the living room. The housekeeper thought that he did not hear it wrong last time. His lady really swear ...

"Sister Xiaopeng, you ca n't be so persuaded, you must not let go of this scumbag. You print out all transaction records such as bank card bills and Alipay bills, and use it as evidence to find him and let him eat what you drink. Spend all your money! "

Yang Huayue looked at the screen of her phone. Tao Zhiyao's jealous eyes, as if flames were beating in her eyes, such a fierce flame infected Yang Huayue. She was confident that Jiang Yichao and the current practice had stepped down. Reignited.

"Wei Wei, you're going to teach your little friend and sister to take the money back from a legal perspective," Yang Huayue called Sun Weiwei to live broadcast.

Sun Weiwei was very distressed. She pulled Tao Zhiyao out of the lens and lowered her voice, saying, "The expenses in normal communication, such as eating dinner and buying clothes, cannot be returned. This is a matter of morality, even if you go to court. The lawsuit will not come back unless the scumbag consciously repays, but he has this consciousness and it is not scumbag ah. The sister said that the scumbag has damaged her valuables, and this can claim compensation. "


At this time, some viewers in the live broadcast found the story of Xiaopeng very familiar.

"Wait, I think I've seen similar stories somewhere!"

"I feel the same way, and it's the one I just saw."

"The four-year-old is poor, and just after they broke up, women are strong and men are weak, and so rich, alas, isn't this the big gossip on the hot search list now ?? Scum male == Jiang Yichao? Xiaopeng == Xiaoyueyue? "

Everyone was stunned,

"My God, sister Sister, you ... are you Yang Huayue himself?"

Yang Huayue did not reply immediately, she was calling the bank to check the flow.

Some viewers didn't believe, "Why would a star watch a live broadcast?"

"Stars are people too, so let's entertain them."

"I thought stars would like something tall."

"She is definitely Yang Huayue. Every piece of information she says can be in line with reality."

"But on the Internet, Yang Huayue has a rich love history. She was submerged and slept with the top of Xinghe."

"Did she just mention it, her boss is her father's classmate, do you believe in the online gangster, or do you believe her true feelings? She has been so miserable, she is still anonymous in the broadcast room, as for lying?"

"I also read Jiang Yichao's Weibo, and I chose to believe in Yang Huayue!"

"Metoo, my sister's words are much more credible."

"I also believe her. In the past, I thought that the personal lives of female stars in the entertainment industry are quite chaotic, but seeing Yang Huayue's psychological words, I don't think that such things can be comprehensive."

"Yes, she is completely different from Yang Huayue I imagined. I don't know why there have been so many online slanders about her playing big-name and bad personality news. I think she is a kind of simple and silly young lady."

"Not stupid can be deceived by the scumbag? Can not be stupid can be squeezed out of work by related households? Bai An blindly played Ji'an, so bad in the movie, the result is a silly white sweet!

"Only I am curious. Who is the relationship household? What is that job, is it a new movie?"


Jiang Chengfeng and others are not as surprised as the audience. They know that Xiaopeng is Liu Ye's friend, and she is a star in the entertainment industry.

They immediately opened Weibo. Everyone has been doing various preparations before the live broadcast from the afternoon. They did not notice the new gossip on Weibo at this time. However, at this moment, the title of the top search list has been translated from "Yang Huayue Jiang "Super Breakup" suddenly turned into: "Tang Tu has no love for Liu Xie, and bought his calligraphy works with heavy money."

This hot search was also fired by Jiang Yichao. He posted another Weibo not long ago, "In order to thank my fans for supporting me, encouraging me and comforting me, I want to make a big announcement tonight. It's about Someone who hit me on the Internet. Not long ago, her works were sold at auction at high prices. As we all know, one of the buyers was his boyfriend, and everyone was very curious about the identity of the remaining two buyers. I Now I have full confidence to tell you that the buyer who bought her regular script version of "Yunyang Ding" is a popular idol. I admire this senior and persevere in pursuing a woman who already has a master behind her. It 's infatuation. Now the seniors are filming with Net Red every day. Near the water tower, the moon is first acquired, but I do n't know when the net red boyfriend 's head will turn green. "

This Weibo did not refer to anyone's name, but the fool knew who he was referring to. Once this Weibo was published, in just ten minutes, it reached the top of the hot search version ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Yang Huayue 's breakup with Jiang Yichao was compared with it. . Of course, Jiang Yichao also used this Weibo to skyrocket. He didn't know his netizens before, but now he knows him all.

In addition to the CP fans who eat melons and Liu Tang, the fans of Liu Ye, Yu Zhan and Tang Tu are very unhappy, but everyone is very sensible this time and has not been rhythmic by Jiang Chaochao.

Many people Jiang Yichao commented on Weibo and asked him,

"How do you know who the buyer is?"

"Do you have any evidence that Tang Tu bought it? Did you see it with your own eyes?"

"Now speaking in public, be responsible for your own words and deeds."

Cross the all-round influencer

Cross the all-round influencer

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