Chapter 309

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Chapter 309: Go to the ancient capital
In order to convince Liu Ye, Yu Zhan also interjected, "Don't worry about things on the Internet." Prove that he is beside Zhang Pei.

He spoke from a distant place. Liu Ye couldn't hear it clearly, but she heard the sound of the car engine, "Mom, why are you with Ah Zhan? Where are you going now?"


Zhang Pei didn't know how to answer.

The police station just arrived, and Yu Zhan took the mobile phone in Zhang Pei's hand and said to Liu Ye, "I'll talk to you in detail later, all in all, you should not be affected by this shattering."

This time Liu Ye clearly heard Yu Zhan's voice without any abnormalities, her chaotic mood calmed down a bit.

Hanging up the phone, the three Yu Zhan came to the police station.

They were the victims and were questioned separately from the four suspects. This was due to the Internet. The little nurse simply showed the mobile phone to the police.

On the other side, the police's interrogation was much more efficient than Yu Zhan. Within two minutes, four people honestly explained who their first name was.

They came from four different pet hospitals in the capital and were all veterinarians, because they thought that Yu Zhan intentionally disrupted the veterinary industry market, and they were sent by their respective bosses to investigate the situation.

"We really didn't steal things," one of them was particularly timid and recruited everything. "I only took the business license of the shop ... I wanted to find his veterinary practice certificate, but before I found it, Was found. "

The police asked if they knew each other, and the timid man nodded.

Then asked who was the leader, the timid man pointed at the inch-headed man, "Dr. Du brought us over."

Dr. Du's full name, Du Jie, is a licensed veterinarian at Fuxin Pet Hospital.

Fuxin Pet Hospital is the leader of the veterinary industry in the capital. The owners of some smaller pet hospitals have friendship with the boss of Fu Xin, hoping to lean on the tree to enjoy the cold. They have also established a Capital Veterinary Association in the past two years. Non-governmental organizations facilitate communication with each other and unify monopoly charges.

Du Jie emphasized to the police again, "We are really not thieves."

The policeman said indifferently, "Whether it is a thief or not, you cannot say that we have our own judgment."

Du Jie also mentioned that their mobile phone was smashed maliciously by Yu Zhan and demanded compensation from the other party.

The police believed that Yu Zhan did a good job, and said with his mouth, "One yard to one yard, smashing the mobile phone is a civil dispute. It is not under our jurisdiction. You can file a civil lawsuit in the court and ask him to compensate your mobile phone."

The police shrewdly removed the burden.

Knowing the ins and outs of the incident and making a transcript, the police asked the three of Yu Zhan to sign, and told them to go back first, and then wait for the news.

At the gate of the police station, Yu Zhan said to the little nurse, "I'll give you a week of paid leave next."

When the other words don't match, the little nurse was frightened. She thought that Yu Zhan was stimulated by the incident and planned to close the shop and quit. "Boss, don't forget to open it. The business in our shop is still very good. Yes, we are not afraid of shadows! "

Yu Zhan laughed, "I just don't think it's suitable for business in the near future. After this period of popularity, of course, I have to continue working."

The little nurse was relieved. She bid farewell to Yu Zhan and Zhang Pei at the gate of the police station and took the bus home.

On the way back, Yu Zhan and Zhang Pei talked about each other's recent situation. Zhang Pei said that after finishing finishing all the goods this week, she cancelled the lease and did not come here often.

She rented a two-bedroom house near the new warehouse, and plans to live in the suburbs for a long time in the future to facilitate business without having to run on both sides.

Although she was nominally for work, Yu Zhan felt that she had deliberately made excuses to separate from her husband. He thought that since Liu Ye ’s father returned, she and her mother had to move out one by one. Apparently the man had a big problem.

Back at the shop, Zhang Pei told Yu Zhan to pay attention to safety, so he went to work.

Yu Zhan's hospital was originally a very clean place. As a result, it was abused by a group of people. Footprints were everywhere, chairs and tables were crooked, and some debris was scattered on the ground.

But he didn't care about it. He got his mobile phone from the desk drawer, locked the glass door, pulled down the roller shutter, and went straight home.

His mobile phone was blasted, and it has been automatically turned off. He charged a little electricity in the car, and when he turned it on, a call came in. Ye Ziliang,

"Azhan, where are you now?"

Yu Zhan said, "I'm driving and preparing to go home."

"You're fine, just fine ..."

Ye Ziliang's heart finally hung in the air. Those who are in trouble are all netizens, and the pictures of their onlookers have been spread on the Internet.

After Ye Ziliang saw it, he drove over to find Yu Zhan, but found that the door was locked and in a mess, and asked the merchants around him that the police had come. The scene was very loud. Yeah, Ye Ziliang was scared enough. He thought something had happened. He even called Liuan An for help. Ye Zi'an was also surprised when he received the phone call. His brother never asked him in the same tone as when the sky fell.

"Guo Nan found a large number of naval forces, and he was fighting for traffic with me, but he pulled you into the water," Ye Ziliang immediately told Yu Zhan's mastermind.

After he resigned, he asked Yu Zhan to talk to Guo Nan, and Yu Zhan still had this impression.

Although Yu Zhan said to Liu Ye, Zhang Pei, and Ye Ziliang that they were all right, that was just a verbal cover-up. In fact, he was indeed frightened, and he hadn't had this situation for many years.

How could it not be angry?

He is annoyed!

"He's looking for the Marines, we can also look for him," when he said that, his words turned abruptly. "Are you doing anything these days? Can't you go far?"

"No, where can I go?" Ye Ziliang felt that his first task was to fight with Guo Nan on the Internet, trying to help Yu Zhan to clarify the rumors.

"Can you help me take care of Paul, as well as the sun and moonlight?" Before Liu Xun went to the ancient capital, he put the sun and moonlight at Yu Zhan's house as usual.

Ye Liangliang 愣 ~ ~ Where are you going? "

"Ancient capital."

Yu Zhan had not planned to go to the ancient capital before, but on the phone call before, he felt that Liu Ye had not completely reassured himself. I am afraid that she could participate in the competition only when she saw that she was standing in front of her intact.

That's why he gave the little nurse seven days off, not to escape cyber violence at all. Compared to his girlfriend's calligraphy exhibition, these zombie clowns, Yu Zhan's sincerity, did not take his eyes off.

Yu Zhan returned home, took his luggage, first sent the three small animals to Ye Liangliang's home, and then drove to the airport. He returned a call to He Lushen on the way.

He Lushen also called him three times before,

"A Shen, which is the best naval company in China?"

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