Chapter 335

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Chapter 335: Enter the crew

Two days after the contract was signed, Liu Ye came to the Weiyang Palace Film and Television Base again. Flash dance

The crew of "Autumn Festival in Han Palace" has been notified that from today on the filming of Princess Huayang, they also know that the director has temporarily found an actor who plays Princess Huayang, at least who this person is, the director and the screenwriter. Without saying that, they are hard to ask.

So early in the morning, everyone looked forward to it, wondering which star.

It turned out that Tian Yafu personally led Liu Ye in,

Some of the staff did not know Liu Ye at all, and asked each other who the beauty was. People who knew Liu Ye said that she was an Internet celebrity.

No one is not surprised, Lin Zhi would actually find a net red to play the female No. 3.

"You are too ignorant. This internet celebrity is not ordinary. She is not a person who eats by her face. You search the internet for her calligraphy. It is super powerful. She also plays the guqin and piano. Girl, Tang Tu likes her very much! "

Everyone involuntarily turned to Tang Tu, patrolling between him and Liu Yi.

Interested people have long found that when Liu Xie appeared, Tang Tu's eyes lighted up, and that kind of joy could not be concealed, he took a small step forward involuntarily and closed it back.

Fortunately, there is no actress for the heroine today, and Fu Feiqian is not present, otherwise I don't know what moths are going to cause. Flash dance

Liu Ye also saw Tang Tu. He hadn't seen it for a few months. He was tanned, a little less artistic, and more masculine in the Northwest.

Lin Zhi and Tian Yafu also knew a little about Tang Tu and Liu Ye's past. Lin Zhi said to Tang Tu, "You just happen to be Liu Xie's senior. Let's take her to get familiar with the crew. We will start making up on time at nine o'clock. "

After speaking, Tian Yafu went to work and threw Liu Yan to Tang Tu.

Liu Ye and Tang Tu's eyes met. Liu Ye smiled at him, Tang Tu smiled back, very politely, "I haven't seen you for a long time."

"Well, you've got a lot of black," Liu Yan looked at Tang Tu and found that he was more than a little bit black, his face was black, his neck was black, and his bare arms and legs were black.

Tang Tu laughed, "In order to play Han Xiedanyu, I deliberately tanned."

"It's true that the Xiongnu people are very dark," said Xiao Zhao, a kid who often told her stories when she was a child. She once said that the Xiongnu people were thick and burly, with thick black hair.

Liu Ye's dedication to Tang Tu is still very much admired. Obviously, the makeup artist can use cosmetics to help him paint black, but the black painted is definitely not the true black.

Recalling his appearance as Bai Nen in "Listening, the Voice of the Wind", his female fans are pursuing the licking screen in various ways. If they see him now with his rough skin and black skin, I do not know how sighing,

Fortunately, he is young. When he finishes shooting the film and raises him for a while, he should be able to go back in vain. 35xs

Tang Tu saw that she was still so energetic, and remembered the video of Qixi Festival. Obviously, her boyfriend took good care of her. He was bitter and relieved. He didn't ask her personal questions, but only talked to her. jobs.

Like in the crew of "The Wind", Tang Tu first took Liu Ye around the crew and introduced her to the main staff. He said, "Liu Ye is my schoolgirl or a student. I do n’t have much experience, so please take care of her. "

If someone despises Liu Ye because of his status as an Internet celebrity, he would not dare to look at Liu Ye when he hears Tang Tu say so. Each crew is a small society with a clear hierarchy, especially for a big crew like this, where the staff often sees people acting.

Previously, Liu Ye had a relationship of Qiu Jing. The crew of "Fengsheng" was very kind to her, but now it is the crew of Huaguang Media, and employees of large companies are also more proud.

Tang Tu was very interested. He asked Liu Ye how he knew Lin Zhi and Tian Yafu.

Liu Ye did not conceal anything, and told Tang Tu all the time he had last visited Weiyang Palace and met with Tian Yafu. Only then did Tang Tu determine that Liu Xun had no other background relationship, and she was lucky to get the role of Princess Huayang. Tang Tu can inquire about this, and other staff members will naturally know that he is worried that these people will be embarrassed by Liu Ye.

Because on the second day that Liu Ye met Tian Yafu, Lin Zhi suddenly asked to remake the previous scenes. The crew was in distress. They worked for many days and stayed up all night to work overtime. They only took good shots because of a word from the director. , Push back.

Who can bear this tone, Lin Zhi's attitude is very tough. He is the leader of the entire crew, and has a high status in the industry. The producers and investors dare not raise any objections to his orders.

To this end, Fu Feiqian quarreled with Lin Zhi. All crew members watched the scene of the quarrel between the two. The fundamental reason for Fu Feiqian's finding outrage was not that she didn't want to repeat the work, but that she didn't want to be ugly.

Before arguing with Lin Zhi, Fu Feiqian also scolded the makeup artist.

After Fu Feiqian saw that the makeup artist had remade her in accordance with Lin Zhi's requirements, she was angry at the time, and said nothing, throwing makeup products such as makeup brushes on the makeup artist,

"How can you make me so ugly?"

The makeup artist was very grieved, and the makeup hurts her. She didn't dare to offend Fu Feiqian, so she just swallowed and said, "It was Lin Dao who asked me to do this."

"Are you an idiot? I didn't know that the Prophet would tell me, so I rubbed all these messy things on my face. I have insurance on this face. Can you afford it?"

The makeup artist explained, "I use special effects cosmetics that are not harmful to the skin."

Fu Feiqian pushed her and almost knocked her out.

"Go away ~ ~ You dare to argue with me!"

Fu Feiqian immediately removed her makeup and went to Lin Zhiliu. Then she quarreled with Lin Zhi.

Lin Zhi was particularly angry at the time, and the phone number went directly to He Lushen. Fu Feiqian was an artist of Huaguang Media, a subsidiary of Huaguang Media. When she was cast, He Lushen designated Fu Feiqian as the heroine.

Everyone in the circle knows that Fu Feiqian was a girlfriend of He Lushen. It was still when she was nineteen years old. She had good luck. The first movie she starred in made her a teenager. Lu Shen saw it and was easily pursued by him. Although the two broke up after only a short period of six months, He Lushen was very generous and signed Fu Fei Qian into his company, giving her many good resources, so that she became more and more Red, only 24 years old, is already a domestic front-line actress.

What way does she support her? Naturally she has arrogant capital.

But this time, she was facing Lin Zhi, who knew how to move to the road to ask for a new heroine.

He Lu was deeply irritable, the work in "North Wind" still stagnated, and "Han Gong Qiu Yue" appeared again.

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