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Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 489: Successfully broke
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"Only I doubt it, is he the arsonist? The employees at the film and television base must know the rules and it is impossible to disturb the tenant, but this person is sneaky and appears to be rented without saying a greeting. Go out to the yard. According to the video time behind the sister Taozi, after the person left, about one to two minutes later, the next yard was on fire. Did he use this yard to escape after arson? Perhaps at the beginning he was waiting to commit crimes in this courtyard, because in the video of the fire, the door that Brother Jiang and his roommate ran into was locked, and this person could not enter or exit at all. "

"Talent upstairs, reasoning Emperor!"

"I also think it makes sense."

"Ibid, I think you're the truth!"

"Oh my God, watching this video again, I feel a little shuddering. Say good fun and funny videos, are we watching Detective Conan?"


Jiang Chengfeng stared at the inferences made by netizens, and remembered that the policeman Shu told him at the school that they wanted to collect everyone's DNA because there was a door between the two yards, and the door was open. The footprints of men, every adult male at the scene are suspect.

Now the clues are all concatenated!

Jiang Chengfeng took out his cell phone decisively and called the police to himself.

The police attached great importance and immediately received the original uncompressed video from Tao Zhiyao. At this time, it could reflect the role of Tao Zhiyao's professional camera worth up to 100,000 yuan, which is different from those of ordinary surveillance slag. The criminal investigator enlarged the video ten times, and he could clearly see the contour of the man's face, not to mention his specific dress.

With detailed appearance information, it is much easier to solve the case.

On the day of the fire, there were problems with the surveillance videos in both yards, but the surveillance in other places was good. The police retrieved all the surveillance videos near the yard, focusing on the content of the man before and after the emergence, and quickly outlined the person's movements. And confirmed his identity.

In fact, the police have made preliminary inferences. They believe that the arson suspect is an insider of the film and television base, because only the insider will know where the inconspicuous door is, so that all the surveillance and smoke alarms can be targeted.

And their inference is indeed correct. The man's identity is not low, and he is an electrician in the film and television base.

The criminal police was very efficient. The next morning, they went to the film and television base to arrest people.

When the police entered the staff office, all the staff members were aggressive and their colleagues were handcuffed before they could react. In front of the public eye, the man was dejected and was taken into a police car by the police.

Without any torture, the man confessed.

The fire was done by him, and the specific situation is similar to the reasoning of the police and netizens. As for some details: At the beginning, he and his colleagues did the monitoring design of the film and television base and the layout of the smoke alarm. One week before the incident, he entered the two yards under the name of maintenance and replaced the batteries of all smoke alarms with scrap batteries. All the monitoring was connected by a single line. He only needed to fix the main switch. .

The division of labor in film and television bases is still relatively strict. The gates of venues that are not in the lease period will be locked. Even if the internal staff is not responsible for this task, they will not have the authority to open the door, and the keys will be kept by special persons.

But this man often had to send jobs to the workers, and it was easy to get rental information for various venues. He knew that the "Ming Dynasty Yard" was rented out by a college student in the afternoon to shoot a video of group activities. Within hours, a staff member would open the door. He used this time difference to slip into the yard. He easily pried open the old rusty lock on the door, entered the next room, and started preparing for arson.

The rope that Jiang Chengfeng saw was a "delayed fire device" that the man had failed to design. He had originally planned to put a burning cigarette on one end of the rope and the other on flammable clothing. However, in practice, I found that this method did not work, the rope was too thick, and the cigarette butts extinguished after a while. He had to use a lighter to ignite his clothes in the most primitive way, and fled immediately.

Then he was filmed in the "Ladies and Sisters" video.

Obviously, this is a well-planned arson event. The whole plan is seamless, the roads of the film and television base are narrow, and the fire trucks need to be coordinated and timed. With the fire and wind at the time, waiting for the fire trucks to come, I am afraid that both yards were burned No evidence at all.

But he never expected that this group of college students would step in to fight the fire, yeah, under normal circumstances, shouldn't it be to escape immediately? Not only did things fail in the end, he also exposed himself.

The police asked him what was the motivation for arson,

He was silent.

After a while he said that ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ I am a formal worker of the film and television base and a manager. This job is decent enough to my relatives and friends, but they do n't know, I am here After ten years, the salary increase has been decreasing year by year. My colleagues who have been with me for the same period have higher salaries than me. I have more work tasks than them! I was unbalanced. I and the leader mentioned a few raises. They turned a deaf ear. I wanted to retaliate against my leader. I knew that if the consequences of a major fire in the film and television base were to be dismissed or even go to jail. "

His words, the police reluctantly believed a little bit, they knew that there must be a greater secret behind the scenes.

The police asked him why the film and television base was so large that he lit the yard alone.

He was silent again.

The police asked step by step, "How do you know that the crew happened to be filming elsewhere on the day, without this yard? The yard is not small, with so many rooms, how do you know which room the prop clothing is in? Are you talking with Ye Zi'an or" Someone in the cast of "Late Ming Dynasty Dream" has contradictions. "

Faced with a series of problems, he still did not speak, and his mental quality was still okay.

The police asked him another way, "Do you know who is in conflict with Ye Zi'an?"

His expression finally changed a little.

The police said ruthlessly, "To be frank and lenient, your criminal behavior has been conclusive evidence. If you tell other hidden information completely and truthfully, you can reduce or punish the punishment, otherwise you will be severe!"

"How long have I been in this situation?"

"Starting in ten years!" The policeman said casually.

His psychological defense completely collapsed. He was scared. He didn't want to go to jail. He said, "I was instructed by Mr. Gao."

"Who is always Gao?"

"Vice President of Galaxy Films, Gao Jindong."

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