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Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 492: Busy sick
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The guest finally responded, "orz, you are actually a doctor Yu? Your Taobao account is actually Liu Meili ?????"


Yu Zhan can almost guess that Liu Ye gave himself such an amazing nickname. I am afraid it was the idea of ​​his predecessor Liu Ye. He did n't know how to tell Liu Ye 's fans. Liu Meili == Princess Qi 嫚, two nicknames The style gap is too big.

His silence made the other party mistakenly believe that his Taobao ID was Liu Meili.

After confirming that Liu Meili was really Yu Zhan himself, the fan was very excited, and immediately said that he was also a fan of Yu Zhan. He particularly liked the documentary series of the "Meng Chong Hospital" series and also raised a cat Yun Yun himself.

As soon as the conversation box was opened, it was endless.

Yu Zhan responded slowly, and after the early hours of the morning, there were hundreds of unread messages in his message list. He felt that he was not playing games as fast as he is now.

The fan finally realized that Yu Zhan was very busy, "Sorry to interrupt your work."

"It doesn't matter, you send me your Weibo ID, and I will let you take the time to reply."

She did not expect Yu Zhan to remember her own words. After sending her ID, she reluctantly went to the store to place an order.

She bought more than 4,000 yuan of cat food in one breath, and not only could she get the highest-value gift cat climbing frame, but also a 300 yuan voucher.

If Yu Zhan's customer service is also a performance, she is the biggest business that Yu Zhan has so far, so Yu Zhan said to her "Thank you."

After placing the order, the fan was not satisfied. She looked at her chat record with Yu Zhan, showing a ridiculous smile.

She was so happy that she couldn't help but posted a Weibo at 1:30 in the morning, "My eldest Taobao shop @ 公主 其 嫚 的 猫猫 花园 on Double Eleven, and the customer service I met turned out to be Dr. Yu. It was a surprise. God is lucky. Although I couldn't say a word to the princess, Dr. Yu is really gentle talking! I have to be so happy to sleep tonight. "

At the same time, she posted a few screenshots of her chat with customer service Liu Meili.

Originally, her grassroots Weibo account would not be of particular interest to her, but her screenshots were very speechless. Someone soon left a message asking her, "Nothing wrong, the customer service called Liu Meili in the screenshot is a metaphor. Doctors?"

She immediately responded, "Yeah, he admitted."

"I'm drunk too. Even if Liu Ye is his girlfriend, he doesn't need to use such a tacky nickname."

"Ha ha ha, laughed at me for a long time, I decided to make fun of Liu Meili!"

"Get up and get up and make fun of each other."


All of a sudden, this Weibo was uplifted by Yu Zhan's fans.

Liu Ye and other customer service workers at work suddenly saw a lot of such consulting information:

"Is Liu Meili here? I want to invite him."

"Is Liu Meili off?"

"How to switch customer service, I only need Liu Meili to serve me!"

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