Chapter 362

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Chapter 362: Set on stage

You can see by Shen Heng's method and attitude of cultivating his daughter. He is perfect for people and things. It took him a month to compose "Autumn Moon". After Tian Yafu revised the script, he insisted that he also modify the score. So much so that Liu Ye didn't get the official score of "Autumn Moon" last night.

The prop master prepared the guqin for Liu Ye, which was borrowed from the ancient capital folk ensemble, and the quality was much better than Liu Ye ’s own cottage “Luqi”.

Because the time was too fast, Liu Ye didn't make a movie last night and today, and devoted all his time to practicing the piano.

Lin Zhi is also very clear that Liu Ye must be unfamiliar with the song, so he deliberately asked her to come early in the evening and practice it on the spot first to find the feeling, so as not to make mistakes during the filming and delay everyone's time.

At the same time, enough time is reserved for other staff members to test the lens of the photographer and the sound engineer to determine whether it is live recording or post-dubbing.

The crew chose Princess Huayang's sleeping quarters in a palace with a pavilion in the film and television base. The props division had already arranged the scene one day in advance.

The staff moved the guqin to the gazebo,

Lin Zhi touched his chin and asked Tian Yafu, "I think it's better for Princess Huayang to hold the piano and go up. What do you think?"

"Oh, I understand what you mean. You want to express that Princess Huayang knew that Yu Yu was coming, and played the piano to him intentionally."


Tian Yafu thought about it, "It's okay to change like this."

While Liu Xie practiced the piano, the director and screenwriter carefully considered every detail, because this drama is also a climax. The success of a movie depends on whether these climaxes can touch the hearts of the audience.

The staff member gave Shen Heng Duan a chair and asked him to sit down and listen to the music. Tang Tu stood beside him.

When the other crew members heard that Liu Ye was going to play the piano, they all came over to watch.

Liu Ye stepped onto the pavilion and saw the crowd under the pavilion, but there was an illusion of returning to the stage of the conservatory.

Because the plot is at night, the princess played before bedtime. The prop teacher chose a set of off-white from Zhong Jiangnan's Hanfu. Miao Miao gave Liu Ye a light makeup, and her hair was simply bundled. The lighter installed small lights at the four corners of the gazebo, and the night fell, and the dim light shone on Liu Ye's body. It was in sharp contrast to the dark palace in the distance. Ink painting.

"Guide Lin, can we record a video of this?" Xiaolong set Lu Lu out of the crowd to Lin Zhi and asked carefully.

Lin Zhiban joked half seriously and said, "Are you still recording less? Just remember to ask me now!"

Lu Lu necked down.

"Let's record it, but it's not allowed to post it online!" Lin Zhihua should have just arrived, everyone took out their mobile phones together, facing Liu Ye in the gazebo.

Liu Ye's mind recalled the score and the plot at the same time, and she placed her hands on the strings, and saw the corner of her mouth lightly, a very low overtone "buzzing" sounded, and this was the beginning, followed by a period The soothing and profound melody suddenly creates an airy and solemn atmosphere.

In this film, of course, the role that can bear the name of "Han Gong Qiu Yue" is of course the heroine Wang Zhaojun, and the song "Autumn Moon" was created by Shen Heng around the core story of Zhao Jun's release.

The director and screenwriter intended to play it by the hand of Princess Huayang, because this is what Princess Huayang wants to say to Hu Hanxie Yu. She wants to tell him that the true "Han Gong Qiu Yue" is Wang Zhaojun, and It is not nostalgia for wealthy life, she is weak and incompetent.

In fact, Princess Huayang was not indifferent to Hu Hanxie Yu. In the 12-day shooting of Liu Ye, she had many rival plays with Tang Tu. Tian Yafu intentionally arranged contact between the two characters by various coincidences, and step by step to make Princess Huayang's appearance change from Shanyi, Mangfu, Warrior, and Hero.

Shan Yu, who has a clear personality and loves and hates, makes Princess Huayang feel the heartfelt feeling, but Princess Huayang's heart is very contradictory. Her feelings against Shan Yu are not realistic—the environment of the Xiongnu is dangerous, and the Xiongnu Deep-rooted discrimination and a sense of superiority since childhood. After struggling for a long time, she chose to give up this untimely love and return to her supreme princess status.

For Wang Zhaojun, Princess Huayang looked down on her at first, but when she heard the words of her heartfelt words under Gaotang, Princess Huayang realized how narrow she was. She admired Wang Zhaojun from the bottom of her heart, and she did not have her courage And without her unrepentant consideration for freedom, she realized that her little daughter's thoughts were as small as dust compared to her home country.

Her father Huang has loved her since she was a child, saying that she has the beauty of "Autumn Moon in the Han Palace", but in her heart, Wang Zhaojun is the real "Autumn Moon in the Han Palace".

After reading the new script, Shen Heng integrated the subtle and contradictory psychological activities of Princess Huayang into "Autumn Moon". Liu Xie's piano sounds fluctuated, as if to tell this story that has been passed down through the ages again.

Electronic loudspeakers were placed under the Guqin, and the sound of the piano floated from the gazebo in all directions.

At this time it was time for the film and television base to snooze the tourists. The staff at the attraction held a big horn and urged the tourists who have not yet left to leave.

Suddenly, some tourists heard the faint sound of the piano.

"Listen, there is music!"

"That's good!"

Many people do not leave, and stand in place to enjoy the music.

"Everybody, everybody, the film and television base has stopped receiving tourists now, please leave immediately!"

The tourist impatiently yelled at the staff member, "Hey, you're so annoying, anyway, let's listen to this song before leaving."

"That said, it's not a few minutes away!"

The staff member was accused of embarrassment by the tourists, and it was not urging, and when he listened carefully, he felt that the melody was good! Involuntarily joined the "listening" ranks.

People's appreciation of music is similar. Really good music, even the obscure Guqin, can still impress people.

Everyone held their breath and listened to this completely strange song. They thought it was only a few minutes, but it took them more than ten minutes to finish.

Everyone thinks that these ten minutes are worthwhile ~ ~ Many people are recording live with their mobile phones.

"What song is this? Why never heard it?"

"What kind of instrument is this? Is anyone playing live?"

"It seems to be a national musical instrument like Guqin or Guzheng."

"So late, who can play the piano at the film and television base? There is so much Yaxing."


Tourists talked a lot, and some people guessed that the crew was filming,

They asked the staff of the attraction excitedly, "What crew is there?"

The staff at the scenic spot were in a hurry, he certainly knew which crew was nearby, but he couldn't say.

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