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Home » Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star TFCS » Chapter 442: Awkward play
Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 442: Awkward play
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On the plane, Liu Ye did not sit with Wang Xiangqin and Li Sitong on the plane. She bought an economy class and sat next to Miao Miao. With experience, this time she never took off her mask. The stewardess and passersby did not recognize Out of her.

Wang Xiangqin and Li Sitong were too ambitious. Not only did several stewardesses take turns to take their autographs, the passengers were also very excited. Every now and then, someone ran to the business class in front, and when they came back, they were holding their mobile phones in their hands, smiling happily.

Sitting at the window, Liu Ye fell asleep quietly.

When the plane arrived in the capital, business class passengers were the first to leave the cabin. Both Wang Xiangqin and Li Sitong had already left the plane. Liu Ye and Miao Miao went out with the other passengers.

Long distance, the two of them saw the voices in front of them. It turned out that Wang Xiangqin and Li Sitong were surrounded by numerous fan groups as soon as they left the airport. These fans shouted "Uncle Qin" and wrote " "Uncle Qin" slogan, and some people are holding flowers, more people are holding their mobile phones to take pictures and videos.

Last night's photo of the official banquet of the Han Palace Autumn Moon not only attracted Su Xuezhen, but also attracted countless fans.

There are only a few flights from the ancient capital to the capital. The morning flight carried Tang Tu and Jiang Lin. Fans of Tang Tu flocked to it. The whole exit was full of people. It almost crowded the airport and paralyzed. The passengers at the station couldn't walk at all, which seriously affected the order at the airport. In the end, the arrival of the police and dispersed the fans did not cause any major problems.

As soon as Tang Tu left the airport, he posted a Weibo, calling on everyone to chase the stars rationally, not to hinder other people, and not to affect public safety order.

Liu Yan first finished the skin with Su Xuezhen, hurried to the airport and met Wang and Li again. There was no time to look at the mobile phone. Where did Tang Tu 's fans be so enthusiastic, but Wang Xiangqin's fans didn't bother.

Liu Yan and Miao Miao detoured decisively. She had just received information from Yu Zhan and he had already arrived at the airport.

Wang Xiangqin has been harassed by fans from the moment he got on the plane. He appears to be restrained with a smile on his face. He was annoyed long ago. He suddenly thought of a cute bad trick and shouted to the fans, "Liu Xi is behind you. Will you sign it? "

Fans said, "We're here to see you!"

Wang Xiangqin was helpless, Li Sitong rolled his eyes, she was troubled by Wang Xiangqin.

On this day, all the hot searches on Weibo were related to the pick-up. Airport photos and videos of Tang Tu, Wang Xiangqin, and others were everywhere. Fans at the airport were too addicted. It can be seen that "Han Gong Qiu Yue" has attracted much more attention than "Zhan Bei Feng". After "Zhan Bei Feng" started shooting, the starring actors also went to the ancient capital to shoot, and no one went to the airport to send them off on the same day. Online No big news broke.

Yu Zhan drove Miao Miao back to her rented place first-she resigned very hurriedly and went to the ancient capital very hurriedly. Before she could cancel the rent, she lived with her two previous roommates.

Then he drove Liu Ye to his home.

In fact, Liu Ye said that he wanted to go back to his rental house to put his luggage first. Yu Zhan said, "Two cats miss you, and it doesn't matter if I put my luggage in the house."

She also said that she wanted to go over to the warehouse to see her mother and give her the signed photo of Wang Xiangqin. Yu Zhan said, "You have been working for more than half a month, and you have travelled a long distance. You should rest first, build energy, and go to school tomorrow."

Anyway, he has to take Liu Ye home!

Liu Ye could not laugh or cry.

When waiting for the red light, Yu Zhan suddenly turned her head and asked her,

"I heard that you and Tang Tu are kissing."


This is really an embarrassing question, and Liu Ye was speechless.

And she also recalled that the shooting of her kiss with Tang Tu. The play was also an embarrassment in capitals, a simple shot, they were NG N times each, and it took one afternoon to finish.

This is not only her "early screen kiss", but also Tang Tu's "early screen kiss." Although the two did not have any contact during the actual shooting, it was purely borrowed. But everyone paid much attention to this scene between them. On that day, all the actors and actresses on the set, all the staff members who were able to get out of gear, came around, and a group of people stared at her and Tang Tu with a bright eye.

Liu Ye looked at a bunch of people, his heart almost collapsed.

Let her take a kiss. In the play, she is a bit unable to hold it, and still in the public eye, she looks at her husband in the play, without any intimacy, but feels like an enemy ...

Tang Tu whispered to comfort her, "Don't be nervous, kiss. The show is like other shows. If you are not ready, you can take a break first. If you need to communicate and pay attention, you can also tell me directly.

Liu Yan: "..."

She looked at Tang Tu's tight face and didn't think he was much more relaxed than himself. She said to him, "I think you're also nervous, why don't you go and drink some water first?"

Don Tu: "..."

Then they both drank a lot of water.

In fact, their first kisses are gone ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ One was given to Yu Zhan and the other was given to Shen Mozhen. They just need to show their love to their boyfriend / ex-girlfriend.

As a result, they were like two children in a kindergarten, and Lin Zhi was anxious to death.

"What are you both doing?"

"Xiao Tang, you're bold. Go on! Don't you look like that?"

"Xiao, adjust your expression, it's so unnatural, you look like a zombie, do you know?"

"Ah, I really convinced you both!"


In these words, Lin Zhiyi spent the afternoon.

Both Tang Tu and Liu Ye are very dedicated and serious. They adjusted the action according to each instruction of Lin Zhi, but each adjustment was very unsuccessful, and repeated NG many times.

The more embarrassing the two were, the more embarrassing they were.

Eventually, Lin Zhi's patience was exhausted, and he called to Wang Xiangqin and Jiang Lin, "You two will show these two young men a demonstration."

Wang Xiangqin whistled and said, "Oh, I'm the emperor of the Han Dynasty, playing with Dan Yu's wife. Doesn't it really cause the situation to be turbulent? I'm afraid Shan will send someone to assassinate me at night!"

Lin Zhi was speechless. "Don't go wrong, or your time will be delayed."

"I see," Wang Xiangqin said to him, and then looked at Jiang Lin with a smile. "Lin Lin ~~ How long have we not kissed? Kiss?"

As soon as his words fell, he squeezed Jiang Lin's chin, leaned over and kissed his head down.

Jiang Lin was attacked uncontrollably, but quickly realized that it was acting, and quickly cooperated with her, pushing his chest with his hands.

With this push, Wang Xiangqin immediately let go of her.

And Liu Ye was already stunned.

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