Chapter 399

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Chapter 399: Outstanding

Next, it was Yang Huayue's audition, and Yan Tong asked her to perform the scene where Princess Xingping begged her father not to send her for a kiss.

Yang Huayue brewed her emotions a little, looking at the air on one side, as if there was a person there, her eyes quickly burst into tears, she said to the air,

"Father, I can't figure it out. How did it become me to replace the long princess and the prostitute? You know how fierce and vicious a man is. He killed his mother and killed his mother, even his brothers and sisters. Do your best ... "She lowered her eyes, covering the turbulent emotions in her eyes, only tears falling one by one,

"You have the heart to agree with the will of the emperor. The emperor knows that he loves his daughter, why you don't have half love for me, you are forcing me to a desperate road."

The most basic skill of being an actor is that you can enter the show no matter when and where you are. Even if you are surrounded by crowds or embarrassing lines of words, you can calmly perform as if you feel the same.

Yang Huayue has excellent acting skills. Her lines are well-rounded and full of emotions. She belongs to the standard academy, and has been praised by many directors. In addition, Liu Ye's advice, even though Yang Huayue is a modern person, she speaks. Her posture and expression are very similar to those of an ancient woman, and her tears come from the scene, which is especially true. She can easily evoke people ’s emotions with a tremolo in her crying cavity, which reminds Yan Tong of the script. Screen.

Sui Yantong was suddenly assigned a heavy responsibility by He Lushen. Just after taking over the job, he only saw the script roughly twice. He had not had time to conceive how to make the film.

Yang Huayue's performance moved him, and he felt that Princess Xingping should have felt this way.

Although Yan Yantong is a third-rate TV series director, she also has basic directorial qualities and can easily distinguish who is a good actor from physical movements and facial expressions.

And Yang Huayue is a good actor!

His fingers involuntarily tapped on the table, he felt tricky and embarrassed. He hadn't slept well for the actor's affairs in the past two days. After signing the director's contract, he understood why the good script that other directors didn't accept would be his turn, and the sky would not fall out of thin air.

All the main male characters are related households, which is related to the interests of all parties, that's it. The only heroine is like a hot potato. On the first day, a shareholder of Huaguang Media called him in person and asked him to put The role is given to Feng Qingyu.

Bian Yantong is a very persuasive person, timid and afraid of things, otherwise he would not have been a director for so many years, but he did not even have a masterpiece that can do it well.

He feared the power of the other party and agreed, but only one day later, he received a call from He Lushen and appointed Fu Feiqian to act as the heroine.

Tong Yantong wanted to cry without tears. He did not dare to offend the shareholders, and he did not dare to offend He Lushen. In order to protect himself, he thought of this method of public audition.

I asked Feng Qingyu and Fu Feiqian to compete with their acting skills. No one would wait for him. In the end, the heroine would be no wonder who he was. He Lushen also recognized this approach, because Feng Qingyu was defeated compared with Fu Feiqian's acting skills.

And Yan Tong feels that He Lushen's attitude towards Fu Feiqian is strange. He obviously hates her, but tells him to treat her well? !!

Therefore, Yan Tong told Yang Huayue, Chu Tan, and other actresses to audition, they are really playing them. He doesn't think there is any problem in doing so. In fact, let alone the entertainment industry, many companies in the society recruit and call for a large group of applicants to come for interviews.

I just didn't expect that Yang Huayue's performance was so outstanding. I can see that she studied the script and worked hard. She really took this audition as a very serious matter in preparation.

Tong Yantong couldn't bear it. He liked Yang Huayue's performance very much.

He whispered a few words with the assistant director around him, and the assistant director said, "Yang Huayue definitely won't work, she has a low reputation in the audience now."

Bian Yantong has read "Listening, the Voice of the Wind". His most impressive impressions are only two characters, one Ji Ning and one Ji An. Yang Huayue's villain is too popular. He thought about it and thought Yang Huayue was inappropriate.

Yang Huayue understood Yan Tong's expression and knew that she was completely out of play. She looked slightly dim, returned to her seat, and gave her a glance at Chu Tan, not far from her.

It is Feng Qingyu's next turn.

Yan Tong came here, Yan Tong was already bored, Feng Qingyu's acting skills are well known, he was too lazy to think about any plot scenes, and directly asked Feng Qingyu to reinterpret the drama Yang Huayue just performed in her own way.

With the guarantee of Jin Zhu, Feng Qingyu thought that the heroine must be her before she came. She thought she was just saying hello to the director. She had committed the problem that Fu Feiqian had committed before—not watching the script well.

She usually has a very full schedule, and it is impossible and unwilling to memorize the lines like Yang Huayue. She doesn't even remember the context of the plot. She had to imitate Yang Huayue's performance ~ ~ Before she got up Feng Qingyu rubbed his eyes deliberately, then walked to the center of the room, bowed his head, as if crying silently, and then began to mutter the lines. In some places, she could not remember clearly, so she added or reduced words according to her own ideas. , The donkey's head is not right, the feelings and mood are completely changed.

The embarrassment of 一 子 was pervasive at once, just as netizens summarized, Feng Qingyu even pouting, tilting her head, and pinching her hair even if she was crying, none of the three actions fell.

非 Fu Qianqian looks at Feng Qingyu like a stupid donkey. Is this woman worthy to compete with her?

Yang Huayue has already taught Feng Qingyu's embarrassing acting skills in "The Wind". At this moment, the old scene is reappearing. She is no stranger. She just feels ironic. People like this can still make good movies, but she has no movies However, she realized that in the entertainment industry, there was no Gao Jindong to help, she was nothing, and the good script and good resources belonged to others. She was reduced to a third-rate director to discuss her role.

But the corner of the mouth of Lu Chutan was bent, as if watching a good show.

Tong Yantong and the deputy director couldn't bear to look directly at Feng Qingyu's performance. The students of the Film Academy performed better than her! She can mix with the popularity nowadays, thanks to Yan Yan's figure and golden master throw money.

青 Feng Qingyu also knew that she was embarrassing. After the performance, she returned to her seat without saying a word. She was furious. She knew that she had no chance with the heroine.

She took out her mobile phone and wanted to ask what happened to Jinzhu. The information was edited, but she didn't dare to send it. Master Jin said that do not take the initiative to contact him on weekdays, this is the sorrow of the mistress.

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