Chapter 307

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Chapter 307: Copy guy

Originally the dispute between Ye Ziliang and Guo Nan, all the spearheads pointed to Yu Zhan inexplicably. First, Yu Zhan is the soul of "Meng Chong Hospital". If you stink him, it is impossible for the third episode of "Meng Chong Hospital". Second, the boss of the Marine Company and Guo Nan carefully analyzed their work Thoughts, Ye Liangliang ’s resignation should not go too far, otherwise Guo Nan will be affected, and it will not be possible to steal chickens at that time. Besides, his brother is a famous director and has some influence; third, they Unsure of Tao Zhiyao's identity, too little information can be found on the Internet. It is enough to stop and say too much. In case the family is really Bai Fumei, it will offend people.

Therefore, the navy can only start with Yu Zhan, who looks the most powerless. His pet hospital is so small that he must be an ordinary businessman.

A bully has to pick a soft persimmon. Who dares to hit the stone?

Moreover, Yu Zhan ’s approach really angered some glass-hearted veterinarians. The owners of other pet hospitals also saw him as displeased. They talked on the phone in private and asked each other if anyone knew the surname.

It turned out that no one knew him.

However, there are only 43 formal pet hospitals registered in the industrial and commercial register in the main urban area of ​​the capital, and these 43 have page descriptions on public reviews.

They were excluded one by one, and finally qualified, and only a small pet hospital named “Zhan” located in a residential area in the city center was left.

Some people compared the picture of the hospital ’s mosaic at the beginning of the documentary with the photos posted by the guests who visited the hospital on public comments and confirmed that it was the same hospital. They decisively posted the address of the hospital on the Internet for exposure.

At this time, it is noon on Monday.

The attack on Yu Zhan on the Internet started in the morning. At that time Yu Zhan was already at work. When he was working, he had no devotion, and the mobile phone in the drawer was set to mute. Therefore, everyone called and sent it. He didn't see WeChat, and various netizens on Weibo @ 他, the phone "hummed" all morning.

The little nurse found that some strangers appeared one after another at the door of their store. They stood there without pets, walked inside, but didn't come in and gave pointers.

Before she thought about it, a customer who had already made an appointment called to cancel the appointment, and the cancellation was cancelled. The nurse did not ask the reason.

As a result, the call just landed, and another client called in to cancel the appointment. The little nurse felt wrong, and asked, "Why did you cancel the appointment suddenly?"

"Someone on the Internet posted a post saying that your boss is not a serious veterinarian and does not have a veterinary qualification. I don't know if it is true or false. During the insurance period, change to a pet hospital."

At this time, more and more people were watching outside. One of them walked in, carefully looked at the little nurse's face, and shouted to the others, "She is the nurse who appeared in the first episode!"

When they heard it, they rushed in,

The little nurse exclaimed, "Who are you?"

The composition of this group of people is very complicated. Some are ordinary Internet users who come to see the address on the Internet, some are online media journalists who come to find materials, and several others are sent by other pet hospitals to find out. veterinary.

As soon as they came in, they took various photos with their mobile phones. The little nurse tried to stop them, but a thin girl could not be an opponent of a group of people.

The outside movement shocked Yu Zhan, who was working in the consulting room. He came out. When they saw him, they took their stimulants and aimed their phones at him. During work, Yu Zhan has the habit of wearing a mask, this image is exactly the same as Doctor Yu in "Meng Chong Hospital".

"Dr. Yu, really Dr. Yu."

"I don't look bad, is it really a scammer described online?"

"While wearing a mask, I just want to see what he looks like."


These people surrounded Yu Zhan, and looked at him with different eyes. They raised their mobile phones high, and even wanted to reach for Yu Zhan's mask.

The disgust and dizziness struck Yu Zhan's head again. The little nurse saw that her boss's eyes were abnormal and sweat beads appeared on her forehead. She quickly pushed the crowd.

"You get out, get out of here."

No matter how she shouted or pushed, the crowd remained motionless, and there were still a few people, like a spy, who shot everywhere, and went to the inside.

The little nurse was so anxious that she took out her cell phone and called the police. The guest that Yu Zhan was originally receiving saw the posture and was frightened, leaving in a hurry with his pet.

At this moment, Zhang Pei and 10 workers are doing the final work of emptying the old warehouse next door, and heard the noise and scream of the little nurse downstairs.

Zhang Pei recognized the voice of the little nurse. She quickly looked down the window and saw that the entrance to the pet hospital was messy. It was all people and the visitors were bad.

"No, someone is making trouble," Zhang Pei said decisively to the workers, "you don't have to work, come with me to the pet hospital next door to help!"

Several workers and Yu Zhan are also familiar. Yu Zhan used to invite them to have lunch. They liked this generous and kind boss. When they saw that Boss was bullied, they rushed to take advantage of him.

One of them asked Zhang Pei, "Boss, should we copy the guy?"

He reminded Zhang Pei, "Yes, of course! Bring everything you can use!"


The workers just had their whole body just after lunch!

The little nurse held her cell phone helplessly, expecting the police to come over quickly. Suddenly, a anger screeched behind them, "You get out of me right away."

Zhang Pei's voice was very loud and fierce. These people were snarled and turned back subconsciously. I saw a middle-aged woman leading a group of big men standing at the gate of the pet hospital ~ ~ The light is blocked.

These big men are all shirtless, exposing a muscle that has been cultivated through long-term physical exertion. Each person has a weapon in his hand, including a shovel, an axe, a saw, and a knife ...

The middle-aged woman also held a large wooden stick in her hands. Her eyes and those of the big men were very fierce, and the party was very aggressive, as if they could fight each other in minutes.

Most of the people who came to the trouble were ordinary netizens. Where have they seen such "black astringent society" postures, they swallowed, narrowed their necks, and counseled.

"Sister, have something to say, say it well, we just want to see what Dr. Yu looks like, not to make trouble ..."

Zhang Pei stared at him fiercely and poked the stick down to the ground. "Crap nonsense, get out now."

The man was shocked. "Let's get out of here."

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