Chapter 405

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Chapter 405: Employee Benefits

Zhang Pei is very useful, "That is, although I am not young, but I think I have good temperament!" Then she looked at Yu Zhan carefully. , Has grown strong, is it something good to eat? "

出 It ’s late to go out today. Yu Zhan did n’t change clothes. He wore a grey-and-white short-sleeved T-shirt and jeans.

As Zhang Pei said, Liu Ye noticed this. She was ashamed that she was not a competent girlfriend. She did not notice any change in Yu Zhan ’s body shape.

Yu Yuzhan laughed, "The food I eat is still the same. Do you think I have changed? It should be the reason why I go to the gym more often than before after returning from the ancient capital."

Yu Yuzhan developed a habit of going to the gym in the United States. After returning, he was busy working in a pet hospital all day, neglecting to exercise, and he ran a long-distance run once a month.

Now the pet hospital is temporarily closed, just to allow him time to resume his habits. Before Liu Ye returned to the capital, he basically dunked in the gym every night. If something couldn't go, he would run for five or six kilometers on the treadmill at home the next day. He has a good foundation. After practicing for more than half a month, he regained his physique, but it is still a little way from the peak of his college days.

But there is no denying that he is so handsome, or why Zhang Pei cares about his appearance first. Yu Zhan told her about her recent situation and told her that his new store had begun renovations and was expected to be completed within a month.

佩 Zhang Pei was very concerned and said, "If you are too busy to go alone, you can borrow two helpers on my side. We have just renovated a new warehouse and some workers are quite experienced."

Yu Yuzhan refused with a smile, "Xiao Jie (the little nurse) is now a part-time supervisor. She said that if she didn't find something to do, she would be uneasy with such high paid leave pay."

"Xiao Jie is too diligent!" Zhang Pei quite likes the little nurse.

Liu Ye and Yu Zhan explained in detail to Zhang Pei about the signing of the head office with Zhang Pei. Zhang Pei said that there was no problem, and he said to Liu Ye very positively, "You film with peace of mind, this is me and Xiao Yu. Yes, I'll get another passport in two days, in case I need to go to New Zealand in the future, I can use it. "

Then Zhang wore Yu Zhan to visit their new warehouse.

Yu Zhan has been involved in the purchase of cat food from the beginning, watching Liu Ye and her mother sell only 20 or 30 bags of cat food a day, and now there are hundreds or thousands of orders, like a family workshop The "office space" now has a serious office building.

I saw Zhang Pei's smart and competent appearance again, and saw that she had even cut off her long hair for work, and Yu Zhan's emotions made her mother and daughter grow a lot.

They came to the warehouse where the cat food was stored. Mao Yuchen was ordering the goods. As soon as she looked up, she first saw Liu Ye and then suddenly saw Yu Zhan beside her.

She was too excited for a moment and blurted out:

"Wow, veterinarian !!!!"

现实 In real life, calling someone a net name is tantamount to asking for embarrassment. Mao Yuchen was big and stout, and his voice was big and stout. He was quite imposing, and the workers inside and outside the warehouse heard it.

The first thought of these middle-aged and strong men at first glance is this, what a ghost! ?

Amount ...

Mao Yuchen touched his nose in concealment, lowered his head to find a hole to drill in, and he cried without tears. When she first met the male god, she did such a shameful thing. If time can go backwards, she will definitely Like a little girl, she was ashamed and said politely to Yu Zhan, "Hello Dr. Yu."

Mao Yuchen's vision appeared a pair of feet wearing sports shoes, "Hello little hair, I heard 嫚 嫚 talked about you, thank you for your good suggestions, we have already started."

Dr. Yu Yu's voice is more pleasant and gentle than she thought! She raised her head carefully and saw a gentle face,

Omg, so handsome, so handsome!

Alas, he also called himself "Xiao Mao", shy.

Mao Yuchen was crazy about the refill in her heart. On the surface, she was very calm, and even a bit indifferent. "I am an employee of the company, and I have no responsibility to help the company develop." The righteous words of her words, but her face was shaking with muscles and wobbles, She didn't dare to express Zhan's eyes, which revealed her nervousness.

Yu Yuzhan chuckled. Like Liu Ye, he also thought that this tall girl with short hair was very cute.

Zhang Pei said to Mao Yuchen with a smile, "You don't have to work overtime today, let's go home early." Yu Zhan said just now that he wanted to invite Zhang Pei to dinner, and thanked her for helping him drive the noisy people last time.

Mao Yuchen certainly understood the meaning of the boss lady (board lady), and said in a hurry, "Okay, I will leave today after ordering."

The three people walked out of the warehouse and naturally talked about the welfare of the employees. Zhang Pei paid five insurances and one payment to the three new employees and all workers. The basic salary of the workers was 4,000 yuan ~ ~ On a piece-by-piece basis, an average worker can get 8,000 yuan a month, doing a lot and good work. Tens of thousands are not a problem.

Mao Yuchen and two other boys, the highest monthly salary is Wan Jun 9000, the lowest salary is Chen Yuxiang 7000, Mao Yuchen took a median of 8000.

In terms of the average monthly salary in the capital, Zhang Pei's salary is relatively high. After all, most people's work has no technical content, just ordinary "moving bricks".

Before the weather was hot, Zhang Pei also paid high-temperature fees in accordance with national regulations. He also provided workers with water and watermelons every day. Everyone had a holiday fee of 200 yuan on legal holidays. There were no other benefits.

Zhang Pei still felt very upset. She said, "We are surrounded by desolation and inconvenience at work. It stands to reason that we should provide accommodation, but the funds in the accounts are not enough to support the accommodation costs of nearly 30 people. Workers Xiaowan and Xiaochen rented a collective house in a nearby urban village. Xiaowan and Xiaochen shared an apartment and rode an electric car to work every day. Xiaomao still lived in the house she had rented. Twenty kilometers away from here, she went back and forth every day. It will take almost three hours on the road. "

Yu Yuzhan asked, "Why didn't she find a house nearby?"

"Don't look at the shabby surroundings. The rent is not low. A better one-bedroom apartment costs about 4,000 a month. The village in the city is much cheaper, but the safety of a girl is the most important. Xiao Mao is in the fourth ring with her fellow villagers. If the place is shared, if she moves here, she won't even have someone to share the rent with. "

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