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Home » Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star TFCS » Chapter 498: Guilty
Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 498: Guilty
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Liu Ye, Jiang Chengfeng and the medical staff entered the elevator together. The two dogs also wanted to follow up. Liu Ye leaned over and said to them, "Waiting at home, he will be fine."

The two dogs heard the words, exited the elevator miraculously, and squatted honestly at the door, keeping their eyes on the master lying on the stretcher until the elevator door closed in front of them.

A medical staff carrying a stretcher saw this scene, and looked at the golden elevator, somehow, suddenly felt: "The rich people are sick, they are all the same.

This sentence was another blow to Liu Ye's heart.

The ambulance sent Yu Zhan to a nearby hospital. The doctor in the emergency department of the hospital was ready when he heard the news. He was immediately pushed into the emergency room when he got out of the car.

Yu Zhan was really severe pneumonia. To this night, he spent in the ICU ward.

The doctor told Liu Ye that they sent it in time. Yu Zhan originally got the typical viral influenza, but eventually caused a lung infection. Fortunately, he has a good physical fitness and he has to hold it. If it is replaced by his own resistance, Those who are less powerful may be directly shocked.

The doctor spoke to Liu Ye in detail about many illness details and precautions. He said that many young people do not care about minor illnesses and pains like colds, but they are also symptoms of colds, but the causes are different.

"Young people live under pressure and work too hard, which can cause severe pneumonia."

How could Yu Zhan, who has a good life, be under stress?

He may be suffering from overwork, but it 's not just a problem of staying up all night. Since Yu Zhan 's new store opened, he basically has n't had a good rest. The pet owners who come here every day are endless. "Meng Chong Hospital" The adoption activity of 3 also greatly increased his work content. Up to now, more than 200 adopters have successfully adopted the small animals of Grandma Zhan, and the small animals can be freely injected and sterilized in Yuzhan. These tasks are simple and simple, you can't stand doing them continuously.

Except for Uncle Cui and the three nurses who jumped over from the job, Yu Zhan didn't even have an extra helper. He was the boss and the veterinarian. He could get sick when he was busy, and he could get sick when he was busy.

It is undeniable that such high popularity and high workload has greatly increased Yu Zhan's income. He once mentioned to Liu Ye that he now has a total monthly turnover of more than 450,000 in the two stores. Sales ", after deducting various costs and employee salaries, his monthly net income is at least 150,000. For ordinary people, a monthly salary of 150,000 is definitely a super-high-paying person, but for Yu Zhan, this money is probably only a fraction of his fund account.

Yu Zhan has money that can never be spent in his lifetime. He can lie on the bed with his legs up and play with his mobile phone every day. He opens his mouth and stretches his hands for food. But why does he work so hard?

Liu Ye also asked him this question. He said, "People always have a little dream, no matter if they are poor or rich, otherwise what is the difference with salted fish? Isn't Tao Zhiyao the same as me? She likes to make videos , To play with you, and I just love small animals and love this cause. "

Liu Ye and Jiang Chengfeng sat in a chair outside the ICU. After listening to the doctor, Liu Ye was always silent. Her mind kept rising. Yu Zhan said that when he loved veterinary work, his eyes were serious and his face was serious. Smile.

She sighed deeply.

She looked at Jiang Chengfeng, "You go back first, and you will have class tomorrow."

Jiang Chengfeng was reluctant to leave. "How can I leave you alone in the hospital? You and Dr. Yu are both people I admire. Dr. Yu is so ill and I want to guard him! Besides, it doesn't matter if I skip a few lessons , The final exam is still the first. "

This sounded really flat, Liu Yan twitched his lips, but couldn't laugh.

She also wanted to persuade Jiang Chengfeng to leave, and the rushing footsteps from the corridor, she looked up, and it was Tao Zhiyao and her brother--the cold man who once had a relationship with her.

Jiang Chengfeng saw Tao Zhiwei, immediately got up and called out, "Wei brother."

Liu Ye did not even think about why Jiang Chengfeng and Tao Zhiwei became so familiar, but she also stood up.

Tao Zhiyao immediately asked her, "Yu Zhan is all right?"

Liu Ye nodded slightly, then shook his head slightly. "The person is still in the ICU ward, and the doctor said that he needs to observe again."

Tao Zhiyao was shocked. "So serious!"

Tao Zhiwei's expression also became very tense. He frowned and asked Liu Ye, "What is the situation?"

"It was severe pneumonia caused by a cold," Tao Zhiwei's expressions made Liu Ye feel the pressure, and she added, "It is out of danger."

"How can I live in the ICU ward out of danger?"

"Brother, Xiaozheng is not a doctor. Where does she know such details?" Tao Zhiyao pulled her brother a bit. Liu Ye was already enough to blame her. How could her brother blame her look?

Tao Zhiwei was too anxious and didn't pay attention to control his emotions. He was no less worried about Yu Zhan than Liu Ye. In childhood, he and his younger sister could not get along, so he considered the sensible Yu Zhan as his brother. Besides, Yu Zhan 's immediate family members have all died. What is the difference between him and orphans in this world?

Tao Zhiwei thought that he had to bear the responsibility of his elder brother, so he returned home from work and saw Tao Zhiyao hurriedly going out again, asking why, without saying a word, came to the hospital with her.

I didn't expect Liu Ye to be questioned by Tao Zhiwei ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ The eyes suddenly turned red, "It's my fault, I shouldn't let him stay up with us to work overtime all night, causing him to catch the cold, not to the least When I knew he was ill, I didn't listen to him, I didn't care, and I took his pay for granted, but I didn't think of anything to do for him. "

Liu Yue said the lower the voice, he also faintly cried.

Tao Zhiyao quickly hugged her, "What's wrong with you? Illness is not under your control. Besides, who doesn't suffer from three diseases and two pains all year round? Yu Zhan is a man, an independent adult, even if In love, you cannot be together 24 hours a day. "

Jiang Chengfeng immediately agreed, "Yeah, yeah, I and Xiaoru usually only meet on weekends. If I get sick, I will also carry it by myself, so she wo n't let her know, lest she worry about me, I know Even worse, this is the most basic responsibility of a man. "

Their words did not make Liu Ye feel a little better in her heart. She tried to hold back and not let herself cry.

Seeing the girl's guilt and grief, Tao Zhiwei apologized for her misrepresentation. "Yaoyao said that you are also very busy and tired. Don't make both people sick by then."

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