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Home » Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star TFCS » Chapter 493: 1 night getting rich
Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 493: 1 night getting rich
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No matter how Liu Ye persuaded, Yu Zhan insisted on not going to the hospital. Although he was a veterinarian, he still knew a little about the body. He just caught a cold.

或许 Taking medicine may be better, and correspondingly will reduce his immunity, so Yu Zhan rarely takes medicine, and his physical fitness is very good. He has carried colds and fever by himself in these years.

"I'm really okay, just go back to sleep," Yu Zhan said, looking at Liu Ye's nervousness and being close to the enemy, she thought she was so cute. He squeezed her face, "You put The cold virus is too scary to imagine. "

"Then you go back to rest, and don't care about me anymore," Liu Ye was particularly guilty. She would rather be sick than herself.

Today is Double Eleven. Their workload is still heavy. Yu Zhan actually wants to continue to help, but staying here with tears and snot can't work. Isn't that clearly worrying Liu Ye and unable to work at ease?

While he was struggling with whether to leave, Liu Ye had put his coat on him. "Hold out your hands and get dressed, and you will leave."

Yu Yuzhan couldn't help crying and laughing, "Okay, okay, I'll go right away, I'll go home to sleep."

It was just six o'clock in the morning, and the building was quiet. The people staying up all night were resting now. Yu Zhan passed by Zhang Pei's office and saw that she was lying on the table and sleeping like Liu Ye. A woman nearly fifty years old, like her daughter, worked hard at her job, like a desperate Saburo.

Before he walked away, Yu Zhan drove around to a nearby breakfast shop and bought some noodles, buns, and churros, and brought them to Liu Ye's mother and daughter.

On the way back, he felt his head was a bit heavy. He thought it was because he didn't sleep. Originally, he wanted to go to the shop and had to go home.

As soon as he entered the door, Paul and Bai Xue greeted him. The two dogs were already very familiar with each other. Paul liked the wife Yu Zhan looked for, and showed great care to Bai Xue.

Bai Xue sniffed sensitively around Yu Zhan, Yu Zhan touched his head, "Go to the living room to play by myself, I'm going to sleep."

Uh ...

Everyone is worth working overtime all night. From zero to eight in the morning, they sold a total of 3w bags of cat food in eight hours. This number greatly exceeded the expectations of Liu Ye and Zhang Pei. Sleepy-eyed Wan Jun was stunned when he counted the background data.

At that time, Liu Ye and Zhang Pei had "shifted" and slept on the sofa. Zhang Pei woke up and immediately called Huang Shiting after seeing the sales data and asked him to send another 4w bag of goods.

Zhang Pei initially planned to stock only 4w bags. After Wang Xiangqin and Lanxi advertised for them, the sales volume in the store increased significantly during that time, and the inventory was obviously insufficient. She added another 2w bags to the Westland company. They far underestimated the celebrity effect of Liu Ye 's fans after tens of millions. The fire video released by Liu Ye is much wider than Wang Xiangqin 's advertisements. Maybe this is the misfortune of "disaster fortune"? In accordance with this trend, their existing 6w bag inventory is also not used at all.

Huang Shiting was surprised, "You all sold 6w bags?"

"It is estimated that it will be sold out this morning," Zhang Pei said.

"My God, your Double Eleven is crazy."

The sales of 6w bags are almost 60 million. If you add 4w loans, this is the rhythm of sales of hundreds of millions.

Not to mention Huang Shiting was so shocked, Luo Youyou, who worked with them, was equally shocked. His company 's online shop had only 20 customers. It was in three shifts. They were not as hard-pressed as Liu Ye. It was also because of this. Only then has time to pay attention to the increase of orders.

上 When I went to work in the morning, the sales manager and Luo Youyou reported that their order for gifts was almost 3w, and the sales totaled 2 million.

Luo Luoyou thought he heard it wrong, "Are you sure the 3w orders are all gifts?"

"Yes, they are all related to the order."

"What is our own Double Eleven sales?"

The sales manager wiped his sweat, "So far, there are less than 2w orders, and there is still room for improvement. Conservative can reach 5w-6w."

This makes Luo Youyou happy and worried. Fortunately, he is looking for Liu Ye to seek cooperation. It is the wisest of all the decisions he has made this year! The worry is that his own company's online sales team is too bad ...

Such a large number of orders keeps all three companies busy.

The workers in the warehouse are like robots, and they put the logistics documents on the boxes one by one. In such cold weather, everyone is sweating and sweating, but they are very motivated. Each bag is packed. Each of them has a commission of 5 yuan, and everyone wants more as much as possible.

之后 After noon, when the buyer places an order in Liu Yi's online store, the customer service will inform them that the delivery may be delayed by a week or even two weeks, and ask if they are willing to wait.

Most people are still willing to wait. As compensation, their customers can get 50 yuan store vouchers.

嫚 Liu Xie slept until two o'clock in the afternoon before waking up, and then continued working with everyone until twelve in the evening.

Watching the time jump from 23:59 to 00:00, everyone was relieved, Wan Jun, Chen Yuxiang and several young male employees were so tired that they were paralyzed to the ground.

With the background data of the computer, the number of orders was finally fixed at 80125, and the total number of bags exceeded 11w.

Mao Yuchen's spirited field statistics on sales data, she looked up and said to everyone with surprise ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ We have a total of 80,125 orders, total sales of 112,637 bags of cat food, total sales of 113.92 million yuan. "

Everyone is stunned, Liu Ye and Zhang Pei have always thought that the number of "100 million" is far from them, and they dare not think about it. What is 100 million? You can buy a courtyard house next to the Forbidden City.

It took a few seconds before everyone remembered that they should be jumping for joy. Wan Jun jumped up first. He laughed with excitement. "In the e-commerce industry, 99.9% of the company's sales have not reached 100 million a year! Hahaha, I thought I had switched to a small company, and in a flash, it became a big company with billions of dollars! "

"I'm still a bit stunned, do we really sell anything worth 100 million yuan?" Chen Yuxiang was incredible. "Although I have been busy for two days, I don't think so many people buy it."

Mao Yuchen laughed. "I counted zero for a long time. I'm sure you haven't dreamed. If you don't believe it, come and see the data yourself."

Before she finished talking, Liu Ye was already in front of the computer, looking at the real numbers on the screen,

There is only one sentence in Liu Xun's mind, and getting rich overnight is not a dream ...

扣除 Even if you deduct the big heads-the Westland company 's purchase price, Cat'Garden 's trademark agency fee, and millions of gifts, they can still make more than 10 million.

I can earn more than 10 million in one day. How can this not be rich?

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