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Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 481: Point Back Director
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At this moment, the fire incident at the film and television base has made headlines for entertainment news and social news:

#XX 电影 heated in the city, the scene was full of smoke #

#Yiye Anxin's "Late Ming Dynasty Dream" crew's store room unexpected fire, the cause of the fire is unknown #

# "Late Ming Dynasty Dream" studio houses were burned through, firefighters arrived to put out the fire, but fortunately did not cause casualties #


These titles quickly occupied the most prominent positions of major news portals and APPs, and all the students of the Classical Literature Department who came to class early in the morning were discussing this.

Liu Ye also brushed up on this news, she stared at the word "Ye Zi An" and frowned.

Even though she has a good relationship with Ye Ziliang, she has never seen Ye Zi'an after filming Wind Sound, and she recently heard about Ye Zi An from Ho Lushen. He refused the incident of "Northwind."

Liu Ye searched the Internet, and "Late Ming Dynasty" had just been turned on for less than half a month. Ye Zi'an still followed his usual low-key line and seldom advertised. This time, even the startup ceremony was not done.

In addition, she could not find relevant information about the movie, and only saw a general draft saying that "Late Ming Dynasty Dream" was Ye Zi'an's first film in history and it was a challenge to himself.

The classmates involved in yesterday's firefighting talked about long ago. Some people asked Liu Ye, "Is Ye Zi'an your film director who was a bit scary before?"

Liu Ye nodded.

"Then he's too sloppy this time. He's the director and must be the main person responsible for the fire!"

"It was said in the news that the room contained all the movie costumes, and no wonder it burned so fast."

"Fortunately, clothes aren't valuable."

"Then you are wrong. Generally speaking, better movies, especially costume films, have been specially ordered before the start of filming. Just such a batch, just this one, cannot be bought on the market, now It 's all burned out, and the show will definitely not be able to be filmed. If you replenish it, it will take time. You forgot that Sun Weiwei said yesterday that the site of the shooting base was rented for 3,000 yuan an hour. 100,000. "

"The point is that the house is burned like that, and the crew must also pay for it?"

"It's weird. How can the clothes be spontaneously ignited? It's not summer now."


Because they had experienced the fire in person, the students paid special attention to this and kept talking until the bell rang, and they even said in the class group during the class.

Liu Ye was watching everyone's chat while he was in class.

At this time, Jiang Chengfeng suddenly sent her a message.

"Miss, you help Sister Peach post the video online."

Seeing that the bull's head wasn't right, the horse was confused and asked, typing, "What video?"

"I posted it in your mailbox. It was the video of everyone fighting yesterday. I don't know what Sister Tao meant, so she asked me to send you the video."

Liu Yonggang received the words of Jiang Chengfeng, and Tao Zhiyao's message popped up on his mobile phone screen.

"Xiao Yan, I can't tell you in detail the specific situation, you use your Weibo to send the video, you have the most fans and the most disseminated energy."

Through the words, Liu Ye can feel the urgency of Tao Zhiyao.

Tao Zhiyao, of course, was in a hurry. She and Sun Weiwei never expected that shooting a video to save a fire will actually ignite the fire.

The reason why the police are suspicious of them is that there is a door to the yard they rent and the yard that is on fire.

This door is relatively hidden and usually locked. During the exploration, the police found that the door was hidden, the lock was missing, and there were fresh footprints near the door. The shoe print obviously belonged to an adult man. .

So a fire that was thought to be accidental was immediately identified as an arson by an adult.

They asked the two girls if they found suspicious people nearby when shooting the video. Sun Weiwei and Tao Zhiyao shook their heads. They concentrated on their work and their attention was with the classmates. Is anyone here?

Besides, the two girls shuddered at the thought that someone might do this kind of thing behind them.

The police could not find any other suspects for the time being, and could only start an investigation from this group of college students. They did have reason to suspect that when a boy was filming a video, he secretly went to the next yard to smoke and caused a fire while he was unprepared. Then he pretended to be indifferent and extinguished the fire with others.

They asked Sun Weiwei for a list of all the boys who were present yesterday. To be on the safe side, they planned to extract the boys' DNA to compare with the saliva on the cigarette butts.

Sun Weiwei was unwilling. She said, "We can prove that no one has ever been to that yard, none of our male classmates smoked, and they have no motivation to set fire. Everyone is coming to this place for the first time. Unfamiliar at all, I didn't know there was a door there ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ The police said, "It's not necessarily an intentional arson. It may be that the cigarette is not extinguished after smoking. "

Tao Zhiyao on the side has been sending messages with her mobile phone. She came over to check out, without taking a video. She asked Jiang Chengfeng to send her the video she passed to him yesterday.

After getting the video, she immediately showed it to the four people in front of her on her mobile phone. It was too late to go back yesterday. She just edited the video briefly to separate the content of the previous shooting from the content of the firefighting at the back. She only sent the latter part to Jiang Chengfeng.

After the four men watched the video, they looked very complex and touched.

In fact, seeing this video, and the interrogation of the two girls, whether it is the criminal police or the fire police, they know very well that this group of college students is innocent, and their behavior is very praiseworthy.

But from a procedural point of view, they can only be completely ruled out with an iron certificate, because the video cannot prove whether anyone has been to that yard before.

Sun Weiwei's family are all engaged in law. Why didn't they understand their procedures, so she resolutely disagreed with the surrender list. As you can imagine, a student who was in class in the classroom and was suddenly called public. He feels like a suspect.

If this kind of thing is spread, even if people are innocent, people talk a lot, they are awesome, and in the end they ca n't make it clear. After the DNA test, how will the 10 boys still be at school after school, their reputations are all ruined! The boys of the classical literature department and the computer department were originally to help them with friendship, and she must not harm them.

The policeman then asked the young man, "Did you know anyone in the video?"

The man said, "Yes."

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