Chapter 407

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Chapter 407: Investment documentary

It shouldn't be too late. The next day, Liu Ye gave Mao Yuchen a paid day off and asked her to move. Liu Ye wanted to handle the matter before leaving the capital.

She didn't worry about Zhang Pei living alone, coupled with Zhang Pei's divorce with Liu Chengyu now, if something goes wrong, for example, Liu Chengyu came to the door again, Zhang Pei was bullied, etc., Mao Yuchen's strong physique can help Zhang Pei, of course, Liu Ye hopes this is just thinking too much. The couple used to be so loving. After tearing their faces, would they get into trouble?

In any case, Zhang Pei's personal care is also good.

On Tuesday morning, Liu Ye met with Ye Liang very formally and individually to talk about investing in the filming of "Meng Chong Hospital" 3.

This was an unexpected and timely rain for Ye Liang, who had never equated Liu Ye with investors.

Liu Ye had learned from Ye Zhan's mouth that Ye Ziliang had been very miserable. His documentary film had only won fame. He had not gained any benefit from it, and his life had not improved in the slightest.

The root cause is not that the quality of "Meng Chong Hospital" is not good, but because of the grievances between Ye Ziliang and National Taiwan. Netizens watched the joke.

Therefore, no matter how good Ye Ziliang ’s documentary is and how high the broadcast volume is, no big company is willing to invest money. Who would be the director of an infamous online documentary to touch the bad luck of the National Taiwan Television Station? Advertising on national stations! There are so many video masters on the Internet, they just pick one, they are better than Ye Zi!

"According to the title price of 100,000 per episode, I can give you 200,000 first, and shoot two episodes. It needs to be completed within one month and posted on the Internet. If the results are not good, we will stop cooperating. If the response is good , Then continue shooting, following the pace of the two Monday episodes, and finally shooting a total of 10 episodes. "

Liu Ye is very optimistic about "Meng Chong Hospital", because she directly weighs on all the assets in the company's current account.

When he was sponsoring around, Ye Ziliang also had a general understanding of the market situation. The official documentary of the National Taiwanese ’s naming fee for one episode starts from 1 million. For online video, the price will be much lower, from a few thousand to several hundred thousand. Both are the difference between Flutter Street and the Great God. For his new director, although he didn't hit the street, he didn't have the popularity of great gods. Liu Ye was willing to pay 100,000 yuan, which is already quite a high price.

He felt bitter again, and said with a smile on his face, "I begged grandpa to tell grandma, so many companies were found, and no one cares about me. In the end, the people around me were willing to help me."

"Everything is difficult at the beginning. I have been taught this. When I first started to be a anchor, there were only a dozen people watching it, and no one talked to me. You see that I now have more than 7 million fans. Everything It ’s going to be step by step, and I ’m helping you to promote my own online store. ”

"You obviously can advertise on the Internet yourself. With your current popularity, as long as you raise your arms, fans will definitely buy it," Ye Ziliang felt that Liu Ye was giving him away.

"But I don't want to position myself in the role of the Internet celebrity anymore, and I'll do it myself, as I did before, and sip it myself."

Ye Ziliang is also a very intelligent type of person. In a word, Liu Ye understood her meaning in a second. Net red is equivalent to the bottom of the entertainment circle, and she wants to be the boss herself.

"Are you really sure you want to invest in my documentary?" Ye Ziliang conscientiously asked her solemnly.

"Very sure, you can start looking for inspiration, plan the content of the third episode, and wait until the end of September when we formally sign a contract with cat'garden company, you can start the formal shooting," Liu Ye has planned all things Well, just as Zhang Pei said, I just use step by step.

"Oh yes, I have one more basic requirement. The shooting team you will set up later must have members of the 'Miss and Sisters'."

"That's for sure."

Ye Ziliang pondered for a moment, and said, "Although we are friends, our brothers have to settle accounts. You just say it's useless. We have to sign a contract. When will your money be called to me? Questions of this kind must be clearly written in black and white. I don't want my labor to go to waste, and you don't want you to spend money in vain without gaining any substantial benefits. "

Liu Zheng nodded. "Of course, we must sign the agreement first. I have hired a lawyer to draft the content of the agreement. It can be drafted in about a week or so. At that time, I was already on the set in the ancient capital. I ca n’t spare time and my mother will make another appointment. You met, I told her your phone number, and you should write down her number now. If there are other problems when signing the contract, please contact me at any time. "


On the afternoon of the same day, Liu Ye and Yu Zhan picked up at the airport. Zhou Buzhen and Wu Qu took the same plane to the capital to participate in the calligraphy auction.

The two didn't wait long at the pick-up port, they saw Zhou Buzhen beckoning to them happy, Wu Qu walked with him with a smile, neither of them brought large luggage, like business people, one The man carried a black travel bag.

Yu Zhan said to Wu Qu, "I'll get your bag."

Wu Qu smiled thankfully, "No need, my injury is almost healed, it's okay to carry a bag."

Half a month ago, while Liu Ye was still filming in the ancient capital, Wu Qu was discharged from the hospital and left the ancient capital with his mother and wife to return to his hometown to continue to heal. Before he left, Liu Ye also went to the hospital to visit him.

Ancient Capital University and Capital University start at about the same time ~ ~ Zhou Buyi has been in class for several days. When he came to the capital this time, he also asked for leave from the school.

Liu Ye noticed that Zhou Buyi wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses, which he had not worn before.

Zhou Buzhe said helplessly, "I wore these glasses last week. Now I have a harder time looking at the blackboard in class. I went to the hospital to check and found that I was more than 100 degrees nearsighted. Hey, I didn't have myopia in high school. The university became a four-eyed pheasant. "

Yu Zhan laughed, "The university is not constrained, and the eyes are not standardized. It is easy to be short-sighted when staring at the mobile phone every day." Upon hearing this, Liu Ye felt that she could no longer play with mobile phones.

They first took Zhou Buzhen and Wu Qu to the hotel to put their luggage. The hotel and the round-trip air tickets were booked by the Calligraphy Association. The Calligraphy Association treats the winners with excellent results. For example, Wu Qu ’s medical expenses and living expenses during hospitalization in the ancient capital were all The Northwest Branch of the Calligraphy Association will assume the responsibility first, and after Su Maolin's case is closed, they will also make a claim against Su Maolin and Su Xuezhen.

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