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My name is Jason Local. I was born in March of 2046 to my mother Heather Local and my father King Hugo of Locatlie. I wasn't born in wedlock, or even close to anything reminiscing a relationship. I was the creation of one of the most illegal one night stands in the world. The whole world knew about my father cheating on his wife with my mother. The whole world knew that I wasn't allowed to actually exist. And yet, I was still here. Just because I wasn't allowed to be born, that didn't mean that my mother didn't love me. My mother did everything in her power to make sure that I felt loved, cherished and seen. My mother was the strongest woman in the world.

It wasn't until I was thirteen years old that the Queen allowed my parents to be together, but only half of the time. This made my mother happy and this was the time I actually got to know my father. Before that, I had seen my father every other week, but I didn't understand why he was so distant towards my mother. After a while father stayed more and more with mum and I, something I didn't understand. When my sister was born, father stayed with us for months and eventually he stayed with us more than with his other family. He told me why when I was 18 and it broke my heart to realize why he was here and how much pain it caused him. But the heart wants what it wants in the end.

When I was 18 my father and her sat me down, along with Auntie Charlotte, and told me how my parents actually met. It had pissed me off for quite some time, but in the end, I understood that it was tradition, it was protocol, and my parents couldn't do anything about it.

My father didn't raise me, no, my mother and my Auntie Charlotte did. They were my whole life, and they were the people I would die for.

My name is Rose Locatlie. I was born on the ninth of June in 2050. I am the eldest from all of my brothers and sisters. At least the ones that are alive and aren't bastards. For the first few weeks of my life, my mother barely slept as she was checking if I was still breathing. My dad always held onto me extra tight whenever he saw me, as if he was afraid he would lose me. I loved that attention. My father would always stare at me for a few seconds longer than socially accepted, afraid that I'd disappear if he didn't look at me. My papa always made sure that I was laughing. I always thought that was because he wanted me to be happy, but thinking back on it, it was always to make sure my mother was happy. And also, because he didn't get to see that loads with his previous babies.

From the moment my mother gave birth to me, it had been abundantly clear that I was the biological creation of my papa and mother. The blonde curls gave it away. And even though he only raised me half of the time, he was my hero, my everything.

They call me Freya Locatlie. I was born on the tenth of august in 2051. From the moment I was born, I was treated with love and care. My parents were the most powerful people in the world. They could decimate a country for doing them wrong, they knew what all the world leaders were up to and more. This interested me, because I myself would've loved that power. But, as a daughter of the Kings of Locatlie, I didn't have a given power. I would have to fight for that myself, and that is what I did. Father, even though I technically wasn't his, was my favorite person in this world. He was smart, power driven and loving.

My name is Isla Locatlie. I was born on the tenth of august in 2051. My twin sister and I are total opposites. She thrives on power; I thrive on creativity. From the moment we were born, it had been very clear that we were two totally different people, even if we were identical twins. In the beginning, my mother had trouble with that. She thought because we were identical twins, that she could treat us the same and she could dress us up in identical clothes. She got away with it until we were four, then Freya started the war of the clothes as she likes to call it. Luckily Freya did listen to Dad. And while she was fighting 'wars' about stupid stuff, I was observing, I was caring, I was drawing. I loved my sister more than I can admit, but at the end of the day we were just two totally different people..

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