Chapter 1

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The suitcases in my arms were heavier than I expected them to be. But then again, moving to another country to go to university meant that I had to bring a lot of luggage. I wanted to have the full university experience, which meant that I was currently trying to find my dorm. The luggage wasn't what was bothering me and the amount wasn't the reason why everyone was staring at me while I was walking through the hallways.

There were three possible reasons why people were staring at me. The first, something that I've had ever since I was twelve years old, was that I was a large guy. I was just over two meters tall and I had worked out ever since I was twelve years old. I was an intimidating guy and people were often frightened of me back in my home country, which obviously also had other reasons. The second possible reason was the fact that I had four large guys following me whom looked almost as scary as I was. They were my security guards and they both were holding four suitcases as well. I had decided I wanted to walk only twice, so that's why we were each carrying four suitcases; as we each had around the eight. They four of them would follow the same course as I did; a medical degree. They were five years elder and had first followed a security program back in my home country. The four of them would split up into pairs and each pair would have one of the rooms on each side of my room. I would have a private room, as my parents wanted me to have a bit of privacy to talk to them without worrying about what I was saying. Privacy was key in my life, it had always been. The third, and most probably reason that everyone was staring at me was that I looked like the larger version of my papa; The king of Locatlie. My birth, along with my siblings, had never been made public. The world didn't know exactly how many children my parents had. Some of my sisters had been 'caught' in the public eye when they started going to university. My parents didn't deny that either; but they didn't confirm it either. It were all rumours. There had always been speculation about our heritage though. My fathers and their fathers before them had gone to University 'incognito' so to speak; a totally different name and background. They only told the truth to their close friends. The moment my eldest sister Rose went to university, that tradition had gone forth.

I would have to play sort of a role. My name was still Christian, as it always had been, but my last name would be my maternal grandmothers born name; Johnson. I wasn't actually from Locatlie, but I was from Barbados. I had to pretend I did not have two brothers and five sisters; I was an only child. I didn't have three fathers and one mother, no I had parents but I didn't want to talk about them. It was going to be hard and exhausting and I deeply hoped that I would find a group of friends I could be honest with. My fathers all didn't find those, my grandfather did. But then again, their fathers didn't participate in a world war where about 100 million of the people alone died in the country they were going to go to university. I was fucked and I had to be careful, just like my siblings.

"Here we are sir." One of the security guards stated and I turned around and I gave him a look. He stared back at me and gulped for a second. "Christian I mean." He added. I had told them in the plane ride over towards Boston that I did not want to be called Sir, or Prince, or your majesty or anything like that. My life in the United States would be hard enough without them calling me Sir or Prince or anything like that.

I put my four suitcases down and my security guards each put down one of their suitcases by my pile; they had decided to each carry one of mine. This way I could unpack my suitcases while they got the rest of theirs. I grabbed the key that I had in my pocket and I opened up my door.

I took in my surroundings for one second and I nodded slowly at it. I had a twin bed in one corner, a small couch in the other, a closet directly to my right, by the footbed of my bed, and then a desk with a a chair to my left. My parents had called beforehand and stated that I wanted a normal dorm room, but that I did require a longer bed; as I was two meters tall. I nodded looking at it; as they had done what had been needed.

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