Chapter 125

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"Hey! How was it at Ruby's?" Christian asked as I walked into the dining area and I saw that the whole family was here and I looked at Hugo and he showed me a small smile. It had been a couple of weeks since the boys had been born and I had decided to visit Ruby for the first time since the boys were born. This also meant that I had to leave my Matt and Mike behind, which was hard. But it was worth it.

I had gotten some news from Ruby, that she hadn't told anyone yet. She had asked me if I could tell this side of the family though.

"I have some news." I said carefully as I went and sat down and I let out a small breath. "And she asked me to tell you guys, or rather, she knew I would want to talk about it, but I know that it puts everyone in a bit of an uncomfortable situation, I think. I'm not sure?"

"Ok?" Luther said a tad worriedly as I looked at him and I gave him a small smile. Our relationship was still complicated. The strain that those months put on our relationship, meant that we were busy with a lot of trust building. We would have minor fights every now and then, but it seemed like we both didn't want to take it as far as we had done the last time.

"Ruby got engaged past weekend." I said looking at Hugo and Hugo looked at me and his eyes widened as he stared at me. "And her wedding is in two months, two weeks before the ski trip. She asked me to ask you guys if I was allowed to go, because well, there uhm." I let out a small breath. "Her best friend, apart from me, is Jasmine." I added carefully and I looked at William staring at me with his eyes widened. "And she was there today as well, and we talked and we've- I've met her a couple of times already, and she's great and stuff. But she wants me to be there, and she would love if her brothers and sisters are there, even though you don't see her that way, and she obviously wants you to give her away, but she can also understand if that's still a bit." I said looking at Julia whom was staring at me with her eyes widened. "And I just, I'm really- I really want to go." I said looking at Luther now and Luther stared at me for a couple of seconds blinking.

"Ruby is what? How old is she?" Julia said with a frown.

"Nineteen like I am. She's been with him ever since the Process." I said carefully looking at Hugo and Hugo stared at me and he was blinking a couple of times. "And she wouldn't mind you coming either- if you want." I said looking at Julia now. "But she also can understand if you know, because of her mother. But she's- Yeah." I said and Julia nodded very carefully looking at me. "But I really want to go, and I would love you guys to come as well." I said looking at Luther. "But I can understand if you don't want to go, because of Jasmine, and Megan, and Cara and the other Process girls."

"Why is she close with them?" Rose asked.

"Because they have this semi adoption thing going on." William said and everyone looked at him. "To remind the previous Process girls where they came from and stuff like that, the previous girls of the Process all adopt a girl or two, after they are expelled from the Process to help guide them into normal life. Heather got Cara, and Charlotte got Jasmine."

"Yeah." I said nodding looking at William with a small smile. "You're invited too. All of you are, if you want to go. She can understand if you don't want to go though, she said it's all fine."

"Who is he?" Carrie said.

"A security guard from Gotar." I said carefully looking at her and she frowned looking at me. "He's really great. I met him a couple of times already. A real sweetheart, and totally obsessed with her." I said with a small smile. "She's really happy. He's 25, a tad elder, but he was really nice to her during the Process as he was transferred here to Prangie during the Process to guard the Process hotel house." I said and she nodded slowly. "They really connected. They've been together- I've known ever since the Process." I said and she nodded slowly looking at me and I let out a small breath.

"Can I go?" I asked Christian now and he was looking at Daniel and Luther.

"I think you can go." Luther said and I nodded slowly. "We can go too. As for my siblings and parents, that's their choice."

"Well Hugo is definitely going." Julia said and Hugo looked at her. "You're going to give that girl away."

"Ok." Hugo said and she nodded.

"I'd be willing to go to the party, but not the actual wedding itself." Julia said and I nodded at that with a small smile. "Are you a matron of honour?"

"No. Jasmine is." I said and she nodded. "I would love to, but it's not- it wouldn't- I don't have the energy nor the time. I mean Matt and Mike are just." Is aid and she nodded looking at me. "I can go though?" I said with a huge smile to Luther and Luther nodded. "Thank you. And you're going?"

"Of course." Luther said and I showed him the biggest smile ever and I could see that warmed his heart.

"Thank you." I said and he nodded looking at me and I let out a small breath as I looked at Hugo. "She wanted to call you, but she just- it's been a lot for the past 24 hours. James was being weird about it too and yeah."

"Really?" Daniel said and I nodded. "Why?"

"Because she's 19 and he's 25 and he's an overprotective little shit." I said rolling my eyes. "He's almost as annoying as Luther is."

"No way." Daniel said and I nodded, my eyes wide.

"Yeah. He'll turn around though. I told Ruby if he doesn't turn around in a week, I'll pay him a visit. Threaten Gotar and shit."

"Will you now?" Hugo said with a huge smile.

"I will. I hope you're not really hung up on James."

"He is my son."

"I know, but he's a little shit."

"He is." Hugo said and Julia giggled at that and I couldn't help but smile either. "In two months already though?"

"Yeah, apparently that's when the keep in Valkarae had a free spot, it was either that or in 9 months, and she didn't want to wait. A tad impatient." I said with a giggle and he smiled very widely looking at me and nodded. We then talked about something else for a bit, before I decided to go to Luthers place, long after my husbands had gone to bed; they had an important meeting tomorrow.

I walked to Luthers' place and he was in bed reading. He looked up and did a double take, before a huge smile appeared on his face. This was the first night since weeks, months, that I decided to stay at his place. I took off my clothes and grabbed a shirt of his before I jumped into bed next to him and I grabbed his book and I threw it away as I cuddled up to him.

"I was reading that." He muttered as he held onto me.

"Too bad." I whispered back and he giggled at that a bit and gave the top of my head a kiss. "I love you." I whispered softly.

"I love you too honey."


The next chapter is a long one! :) 

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