Chapter 91

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Christian P.O.V

I looked at my phone and I realised that Olivia had been gone for fifteen minutes now and I sighed as I texted in the group chat of my brothers 'You guys have Liv?'. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. That girl was crazy. Absolutely crazy. While I was absolutely exhausted, she was still full of energy. So when she offered to get my watch, which I didn't actually need, so she could see if Dan or Luther were awake, I told her it was fine. I just wanted to rest, I was exhausted from the dinner combined with the amazing four hours of sex I had had with Olivia. I got a text from Dan with questionmarsk and then "It's your night bro. Look in your bed." Luther replied with. "No? What's up?"

I then stood up and grabbed a pair of underwear right away. She was probably admiring the view, but something told me that something was wrong.

I grabbed my phone and I texted in my bro app 'She went to get my watch, because I'm exhausted and she still had energy. She hoped that the two of you would still be awake. She promised me that if you guys weren't, she'd be back within ten minutes. It's been twenty minutes now." I then put my phone in my sweatpants pocket and I climbed up the stairs towards the upper deck.

"Olivia?" I yelled as I ran towards the front, where we had chilled. I arrived there and I repeated her name over and over again, but she wasn't around. Where the fuck was she?

"Isn't she in your room?" Luther said as he walked up towards me and I was looking around to look for my watch.

"No, I would've bumped into her." I stated. "Contact Dave right now!" I demanded and he fronted. "Search the boat. She's somewhere, lost or something. I don't know. I have this horrid feeling." I said as I looked at Luther and he frowned looking at me. "Do you know where I kept my watch?"

"I put it on the table here." Daniel said walking in, and he had an alert look on his face right away. "It's not here anymore."

"So she was here" Luther stated as I then grabbed my phone right away and went to my app to 'find my watch'.

"I' have an app. If she has it, then I'll know if she's on the boat." I stated and I then took a deep breath as some security guards ran up right away and I pointed towards Daniel as I had to put in some codes and shit like that. After a while I got into the app and I let out a deep breath as I frowned.

It took me about three seconds to realise what this meant. The watch was about a mile or something away from us and it was moving at a very slow pace. I looked out at the water, but I saw nothing but darkness at the moment. She was in the water, and as she obviously couldn't swim, she was gone. My biggest fear had suddenly become reality. But, I obviously couldn't' respond to that right now. I couldn't close down the way I had done with Erica right now. I had to be strong for my brothers, but mainly for Olivia. I had to find her body so that I could give her a peaceful funeral, make sure her path to Seglusa's realm was perfect.

Or, it was just my watch. It could just be the watch that was currently in the water. She might be trying to find either Luther or Daniels' room to annoy them for a bit. That was more probable.

I walked up towards the table and I grabbed my tablet that was here. I showed my face in the camera and it right away opened. "Christian?" Luther repeated and Dave and some security guards now walked up.

"What is going on, my king?" Dave asked calmly.

"We don't know. The queen is no where to be found. Did you by any chance see her on the way up?" Daniel said in a stupid calm voice. My whole body was currently in panic though, how could Daniel be so calm? O right, he didn't know how severe the situation was.

I looked up at the security guards whom all put their hand against their ear to talk to other security guards at the moment. All but one, he had his hand on his earpiece and yes he was talking, but he didn't actually have an earpiece in. Normally I would find this humorous, If my wife wasn't in danger right now. Normally, I would find this humorous, if I recognised the guy and actually knew him. But I didn't recognise him.

I then got the footage of the deck and just like I imagined, she walked up with a huge smile on her face, before her face fell; it breaking my heart, because my brothers had gone to bed already. Her grabbing the watch before being distracted by the stars. Her looking at it before looking down and giggling. Then a man walked up towards her and my blood started to boil as I saw what happened then, before I saw her mouth opening wide; which meant she was screaming. Him then grabbing her and throwing her on the side. I looked at the side of the mans face and I then looked up and I looked into the eye of the man whom was pretending to talk into his earpiece.

He looked into my eyes and he probably realised that I knew what had happened, but he was too late. Just as he turned around to run away, I had already walked up to him, and I grabbed him by the shirt and I smashed him against the wall and hard.

"CHRISTIAN!" Luther said in his king voice, but I looked at the man, whom was currently letting his stinking pee run down his legs.

"Dave. Get ships ready with big lights and scuba diving people." I said trying to be calm as I looked into this mans eyes, trying to calm down. But that was hard, I hadn't been in Gotar for months now, and I currently had the man in my arms whom had thrown my wife, whom couldn't swim, overboard.

"Christian, let that man go!" Luther said in his king voice and the man stared at me and I saw relief in his eyes and I held onto the man tighter.

"Grab the tablet, look at what this man did." I snarled. "Dave, why are you still here?" I demanded as the man was trying to fight, but that was no use. "You." I said to a security guard whom passed me. "Bring this man to a room and lock him up. Make sure that he can't escape. If he bothers you, kick him so hard that he wished he was never born. Nothing more than that. Quickly." I said as I released the man. I couldn't enact my revenge right now, even if I so fucking wished I could. Because if I would, I would never be able to stop. I didn't have the right equipment here.

"Yes, Sir."

"Bretels." I stated to the man as he grabbed it. "To make it clear, this man threw my wife, whom can't swim, overboard." I said and Bretels looked at me, his eyes widening in shock, before he gulped.

"Yes, my King. Yes." He said and he grabbed the man whom was currently laughing at the situation, which pissed me off. I then turned around and I saw Daniel and Luther staring at me in total and utter shock, before I looked behind them and I saw lights from a ship, whom seemed to be following us. I went towards the side and I saw that three lights were shining on our ship right now and they kept flickering it.

What did that mean?


Soo.. Olivia is in the ocean.

What do you guys think is going to hapen?

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