Epilogue: Part 1.

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The world had gone into absolute chaos after we brought out to the world that King William had been murdered. Obviously. The whole world knew what we did when our mother was taken, so they probably had an idea of what we'd do to the people that killed our father. Anxiety was at it's all time high in the world in the days after Dad's death.

The funeral, we broadcasted that around the world, forcing everyone to watch it. Billions of people watched us mourn and honour Dad. Everyone watched in fear, wondering what the repercussions were. Everyone saw how angry me and my siblings were. Everyone saw the murderous looks on the new Kings of Locatlie. The children of the Kings of Hearts. Everyone shit their pants when Luther walked in and he looked into the camera with those brown eyes, wondering what on earth every single person on this earth could do to make it right. Everyone watched as Daniel, whom used to walk into rooms with a smile on his face, walked in with a murderous look that could kill nations. Everyone shit their pants when I walked in and had my 'Gotar' look on my face throughout the whole ceremony. Everyone sobbed when they saw my mother walking in with my father, both of them looking angry and heartbroken. They looked like a wreck. They were a wreck.

The whole world saw how my wife, Olivia, was in discomfort. She had gone into labour the morning of Dad's funeral. She was strong though, but then again she was our wife, and she wanted to go.

Our two sons, Edward and Eric were born ten hours after the funeral ended. We didn't go to the 'afterparty' as Olivia stated annoyed, we had to be in the hospital; they had been born 2 months too early. But they were perfect. The two boys were beautiful and perfect, but they weren't mine; they had brown hair, and I obviously had blonde hair. I didn't mind that though. I loved them either way. They were perfect.

Olivia was a wreck after that though, because the cuteness that Edward and Eric brought along with Matthew and Michael was apparently too much. Something which I understood, at least that's what I told Olivia. I had no fucking idea why she was sobbing half of the time when the four of them were together. They were adorable little raisins, but it wasn't as if it was worth crying about.

Mom and Father had decided a week after the funeral to go to the castle by Brusta for a bit; they both had to deal with the loss of dad. Something that I completely understood, more than understood.

Mom hadn't spoken in nine months, ever since the funeral of dad. According to Father it was too hard for her, she had what I had and I understood her completely. She didn't sign either though. She was a shell of herself for a while. But then again, dad had literally died on top of her and papa had died in front of her. She had gone through so much shit.

According to Isla, whom had seen mum in Brusta, whenever father wasn't around, it was worse. When father was around though, her breathing would be better. And this wasn't for long term things; no, this literally also meant bathroom breaks. Father helped her. Father was her guiding light. I thought it was poetic that the two of them would end up together, with just the two of them.

According to father, mom had spoken for the first time after a full year of dad's death.Her and father had been at their house by the sea, where she had gone with papa during the PRocesss, where I had gone with Olivia during the process as well. It was a magical place, because two of us had spoken for the first time in a long time. She had sat on the beach, father had went and sat down next to her and she looked at her and said 'We can do this right Honey?' And he had replied with 'We can do anything, as long as we're together' and she had replied with 'forever' before bursting out into sobs.

The world, while all of this was happening was in a lot of fear. But we didn't care. It wasn't our priority what they felt like. They were in fear. There were higher tariffs. They were doing a lot of tests. The banks were going mental because people were getting loads of money; afraid that we'd shut off the banks.

But we'd do none of that.

We didn't do anything for a full year and people started to think that we were bluffing. But while publicly we didn't do anything; privately we were investigating where the 'headquarters' of the rebellion was. And we found it. So 16 months after dad died, we send airplanes to the united states, and we bombed the shit out of the whole of Texas. Millions of people dying.

We told the world that if nobody counteracted to that, that this would be the only deaths that we would cause. Nobody dared react to us.

The world feared us. The world did everything that we wanted.

We basically had the whole world in our power.

The world would be ours soon enough.

We thought we'd be remembered as the sons of the kings of hearts, but no. We'd be remembered as the fathers of 'The four that changed the world'. We were powerful in this world yes, but nothing, absolutely nothing, compared to the four little boys that were currently laughing at the word 'poop' while simutainiously shitting their pants. They would rule the world. All our kids would rule the world.

And all thanks to Matthew, Michael, Edward and Eric.


This is part 1 of the 8 Epilogue chapters. There is a possibility that there might be a ninth; that i'll split one up. But i'm really excited about these chapters. These chapters along with the infamous 'Love house/Trevor' scene were the chapters I wrote first. 

What are your expectations of Matthew, Michael, Edward and Eric? 

How many kids  do you think Olivia, Luther, Daniel and Christian had?

What else do you think is going to happen in the Epilogue chapters?

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