Chapter 49

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Freya P.O.V

My hands were in my hair, my elbows on the table, my head down as I let out an exhausted breath.

"Whats wrong Freyfrey?" I heard a voice state and I looked up and my eyes widened as I saw my grandpapa standing by the door. Even though he was about 95, he still looked and acted like he was 60 years old. He looked more like my papa than I had ever noticed before his death a month ago. Now that he had a beanie on his head, meaning that I only saw his face only and not his grey hair, it was even more obvious. I let out a small breath as I put some papers on one neat pile.

"Sorry for the mess, grandpapa." I said right away standing up and he put his hand on my arm.

"What is wrong?" He said and I looked at him, my Grey eyes meeting his blue and he gave me such a papa look and I gave him a small smile.

"I'm exhausted grandpa." I said as I sat down and he sat down next to me and nodded looking at me.

"Whats wrong? Or at least, why are you still in the office while I know that your siblings and your parents have gone to bed hours ago?" He demanded and I nodded slowly.

"It's a mess really." I said looking at him. "Mum hasn't gotten out of bed since the funeral. Dad and Father both can't make decisions because they miss Papa, Luther is overcompensating, doing way too much, so I'm trying to relieve some of the stuff he has to do, Daniel is trying to cheer everyone up to make sure everyone is ok, Christian, is well Christian. You know that better than I do." I said and Grandpa nodded looking at me. "Carrie is being a primadonna bitch, Rose is overworking as well, already working on some aspects of the Process for next year, and Isles misses her boyfrie-." I stopped as I realised that that wasn't meant to be said and I covered my mouth. Grandpa gave me a small smile and he nodded looking at me.

"Your mother- I had the same bond with my wife Rebecca, as my son had with your mother. But I didn't have the immense trauma that your mother has." He said rubbing my arm. "Your mother will slowly get better, once she accepts Hugo." He said and my eyes widened at that. "Back in the day, Hugo helped her out of it, so once she accepts it, and once Hugo offers, she'll be ok, but she'll never be ok; she won't ever be able to breathe normally, she won't ever feel the same." He said and I looked at him with sad eyes. "Your fathers miss Trevor and his craziness and out of the box thinking. Your papa was smarter than he let on, something you obviously know." He said as he wiped a tear from my face and I looked at his face. "They are also immensely anxious about the fact that in a short month they won't be kings anymore, they hadn't planned on it being so soon. They're very stressed out about not only making sure your mother is ok, but also making sure all the kids are ok; secretly Trev was the best at that." He said and I smiled a bit at that, remembering how amazing he was. "Luther isn't overcompensating, he is Leader king and he sees that his brother Christian can't handle a lot right now so he's helping him. That's what kings do, don't worry about Luther. Daniel is making sure everyone remembers Trev instead of mourning him, which is kind." He said and I giggled at that a bit. "Carrie is indeed being a primadonna bitch, but she lost her father, after not spending loads of time with him in the last weeks of her life, because she was traumatised. She misses your papa." He said and I smiled at that. "Christian is doing well. He's picking up on things greatly, I mean he still doesn't talk, he signs short answers whenever I personally ask him something. But he seems to picking up greatly on everything. Your Aunt Natalie knew a lot, in the same way I'm sure your sister Carrie will one day know a lot, and she will guide Christian through the first year. Don't worry about him." He said in that calm papa voice. "Rose is overworking because she feels guilty for drinking instead of working, and overcompensating. I've had a conversation with her and she's calming down a tad, but she is a workaholic like your papa was before he found your mother. As for Isles, I have a feeling I wasn't supposed to know that? Am I correct in that assumption?" I gave him a nod. "And why can't she be with him?"

"He has to work in Gotar, while she has to be here for the coronation." I said and he nodded slowly looking at me and I stared at him, seeing his brain overworking and he nodded.

"Where does he work? I'm sure if I make a visit to his workplace, he can get a prolonged holiday."

'I don't-." I started before I Took a deep breath. "Charlie's factory. His name is Jeffrey." I explained and he smiled and nodded.

"As for you, you're the brightest girl I've ever seen in my life." He said holding onto my hand and I nodded slowly looking at her. "But you and your perfect brain needs rest, otherwise you're going to have a burn out before the Process." He said touching my nose.

"The process will start two weeks after Christians 20th birthday. I've got some time for that." I said with a huge smile and he giggled looking at me.

"I understand why we are waiting until he is 20 years old, I just hope I can witness it." Grandpa said and I smiled very widely looking at him. "Why don't I walk you to bed and tell you the story of how your fathers changed the Process for your mother, and how your papa almost killed your father during it?" He said and I stared at him with a huge smile and I nodded and he giggled as we went towards my room and I laid down, and Grandpa went and sat next to me as he then told me the story of my parents process, me falling asleep just after Natalie threatened dad.

Even though Papa wasn't with us, grandpa was, and that was good for now.


So we got a glimpse of Freya's mind and a short update on how everyone is? What do you guys think? Do you like Freya?

The next chapter that I'll post later today will be a very long one (Probably one of the longest I've written since the beginning of Locatlie!) AAAAND in the P.O.V of Julia! I'm so excited, I can't wait for you guys to read about Julia's mind and her processing everything! Who is excited to read from Jules P.O.V again for the first time in what seems like forever? What would you like to read? 

Ps. Warning; get tissues ready though.

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