Chapter 65

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I arrived in the dramatic meeting room, as I called it, and my brothers, fathers and mother were already sitting there, along with my three aunts. They looked up and there was amusement spread on their faces that I was, like almost always, late. I signed that I was sorry and I went and sat down.

"Good that you're here my King." Sally stated. "This is the first meeting with the nine of us." She said and I stared at her with interest. "What we are going to do now is that we are going to go by each girl, with just their names, and the three of you will state yes or no. If there are three yesses they're through, if there are 2 then maybe, 1 and 0 no. Then the 2's will be discussed. If any of you want to discuss one of the ones and elaborate, we will do that afterwards. The girls that are left, are going on 1vs 3 day dates and after that half day dates with each of you before another elimination round." Sally said and I stared at her in interest. "This will be done in secret." She added and I nodded as I took a deep breath as we saw the girls and I voted yes or no and stuff like that and after about five minutes I was done; as I knew what I personally wanted. When I was done, I saw that my brothers were still working on it, and I saw that my aunts were slowly placing names on the board.

I couldn't help but have a small smile on my face as I saw that there were only two girls on the 3 'yes' side which were Jasmine and Olivia. I saw some surprising 2's and it then surprised me when Megan only had one yes; which was me. I frowned at that and I looked at Daniel whom was done now, while Luther was still taking forever. We were on a circular table and it was taking forever. Names slowly started to get added to the board and I stared at the 3 yeses list and there were seven names on there at the moment; Jasmine, Olivia, Ava, Bella, Kate, Bo, Cara. Then there were some girls that were 2 yesses, which interested me as some of them I didn't like at all. Then the 1 yesses were some girls that I completely understood why only one of them liked them. There were also 3 girls with 3 'no's. I stared at the three girls and nodded understanding that.

"So, we've got the seven girls with the three yesses. These girls will automatically go through." Natalie said and I nodded as I understood that and I let out a small breath. "Then these seven girls are maybe's." She said. "We will discuss them one by one." I looked at my mother whom was staring at the names in interest, but she was staring at the '3 yes' list for a longer time and there was a slight frown on her face; which interested me. My brothers started to talk about the first girl, and I listened.

"Christian, what do you think about it?"

"We don't have a click at all, she is scared of me, she doesn't like to talk much, it were very awkward dates. I voted no." I signed, Daniel saying it out loud to make it easier for my aunts to follow it. "But the two of you have a great connection with her I guess, so we can let her through for now." I signed and she went to the yes pile, but under the seven girls. I let out a small breath as the next six girls we decided to let through.

"Are there any girls from the '1 yes' pile that you want to discuss, King Luther?" She asked but he shook his head, she then asked Daniel whom shook his head as well and she then looked at me.

"I do." I signed as I looked at my brothers for a second as I then signed Megan's name. Daniel nodded.

'I thought you would say that. I understand your point of view totally. I really like her too." Daniel said and Luther frowned. "What?" He said.

"Why did you vote no though?" Luther asked. "If you like her?"

"Because she made it clear to me that she doesn't want to continue."

"What?" Sally then said shocked and I held out my hand to defend her.

"Not in those words." I signed and Daniel spoke as I signed it. "She told us that she believed that Luther and her don't have the same connection as we have with her. So she has this feeling that she won't be chosen as she thinks there are probably girls that are more suited for us and that it wouldn't be fair to Luther if he were to get wed to her, if they don't have that connection, while there are girls in which we have them too." I explained and Luther stared at me in shock.

"She said that?" Luther said and I nodded looking at her. "O wow, Ok. Yeah, the thing is, is that we just don't click. I don't hate her or anything, but I also think, that what you are saying is right, or what she was saying." He said.

"Yes. That's the reason I voted no. I don't want Luther to be unhappy in the marriage. I can understand why the two of them don't click and I don't want to string her along. She's dangerous for my heart, so I'd rather stop it now before it gets too close."He explained and I stared at him and I nodded.

"I can understand that I guess." I signed back and I let out a small breath. "I just feel for her." I signed and I let out a sigh. "But then again this whole process is fucked up as shit because any of the three yes girls I'd marry in a heartbeat, but yeah." I signed and my mother stared at me in shock, but I stood up. "Are we done now?"

"No." Natalie said with a small smile and I sat back down. "You guys can now decide from a series of group dates what you want to do with which girls. From this list there are 14 girls that are through." Natalie said and she then put those names on the board a bit larger and it was a sort of 'memory' game of sorts, or am matching game as I then saw the fourteen date options and I looked at them and I couldn't help but laugh as they were all mostly active.

"Want to share your laughter?" Luther said.

"All those dates would be disastrous for Olivia, that's all." I signed and Luther stared at the dates now and he laughed da bit at that.

"Bowling won't be that bad, I mean with her luck she'll throw the ball to our balls, but I mean yeah." Daniel said and I giggled.

'What happened?" Mom then said, not being able to hold it any longer, her being shushed by both dad and father.

"She twisted her ankle during the rollerskating group date." Daniel stated. "Then with my one on one date, she fell and scraped her knees, we were walking in a straight line mind you." He said and I giggled at that.

"I carried her up the mountain, I didn't want her to fall." I signed. "And we were on a boat the second time, so you know."

"She chocked on food." Luther said and I burst out into laughter.

"Bowling it is for her." I signed and Luther nodded and I looked at all the others and we then assigned some fun stuff and I giggled a bit as I was excited about the dates.

"That's great. You have tomorrow off, as it is a day of prayer, then the next day you'll start on the dates. After the group dates, you will have a week of half day dates. After that we will convene again."

"Sounds great." Daniel stated. "Great doing business with you guys and I'm happy that we're sort of on the same line."

"Me too." Luther said and I nodded at that as we then stood up and I walked to my place and I laid down and I looked ahead and tried to think of everything and nothing before I fell asleep.

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