Chapter 59

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Ruby P.O.V

As King christian walked out last, everyone started to excitedly talk about all the girls that had passed. I didn't feel like talking to the old-aunt I was sitting next to, because she obviously didn't want to talk to me. I let out a small breath as I looked around seeing how people were reacting and if they looked disappointed or not.

After about five minutes, Princess Sally stood up, after discussing something with both Natalie and Jasmine. "Good evening everyone." She said as everyone then shut up and looked at her. "Before I tell you what the planning is right now, I would like to make a quick announcement." She said and I frowned at that as I looked at my 'sisters' whom were all frowning, I then looked at my 'aunts' and they also looked rather confused and I realised that this probably wasn't something that was normal. "It has come to our attention, after each King has privately told us this, that some women here don't seem to realise what we are exactly looking for. They want us to tell you, or rather make it clear to some of you, that we are looking for the next Queen of Locatlie and not the next Love House Employee." She said and I bit my top lip as I tried to hold in my laughter; I had thought for at least 1/3rd of these girls that they were showing way too much. "The kings have decided to judge based on appearance and not so much the clothing, but if your girl has not gone through and she was wearing a dress that showed loads of skin, it is your own fault. For the women that are through, please take this into consideration in the next couple of events." Sally said and I nodded slowly at that; although I doubted that my girl was through. I mean she did look absolutely stunning and I had taken Ana's advice to keep it as 'casual' as possible, to not go immensely over the top. So, I didn't do loads of make up, just the basics, nothing more. Something that annoyed my team tremendously, but it was my girl, not theirs.

"As for the women that are not chosen." She said as she looked at her board. "There are 75 girls that are through, that means that almost thirty girls have been passed. These thirty girls will be brought to Brusta tonight and will stay there for four weeks to clear their mind and see where in society they can be placed. Afterwards they will move to Valkarae to live out their days there." Sally said and I looked down as I felt some people stare at me. I actually heard someone say 'and they should stay there'.

The speech I had given, along with the note of King Trevor, had helped the prejudice and the anger and resentment from the direct family, meaning the sisters and the aunts of the kings, but the rest of the women still hated me and were glaring at me at any opportunity they got.

"We have just shortly discussed and decided to just tell you right now what the planning is for the upcoming week." Sally stated and everyone looked up excited, but I looked down. I was going to listen in case we were through, but it wasn't as if I expected me to actually be through. "The 75 girls that are through will be split up into five groups of fifteen. These fifteen will go on a group date with the three kings." She said and I looked up in interest. "You will hear in which group you will be placed and in which day that is tomorrow morning. You will get a note sent to your house where it will state which day it is, if it is an active or a more chill day activity. Every activity ends with a dinner at the end of the day. This means another dress. The women whom will have the first dates, will be allowed to go look through the dresses first, or if you want and think you have enough time; you can have your designer team design a new dress." She stated. "Right now I am going to call you one by one to collect your girl, before you collect your girl, you will hear if your girl is through or not. Tonight you will answer any questions she has, but not give too much information. Afterwards you will go back to your own home." She said and everyone nodded at that. She then said the name of some far aunt and she stood up and I let out a small breath. Every so often one of us was called and I let out a small breath as Isla was one of the first of the 'actual family' that was called. She squeezed Freya's hand in excitement as she walked out and I smiled a bit at that.

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