Chapter 13

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Christian P.O.V

"Why?" Luther said as he looked at dad, father and mum. Papa was currently following Ana to make sure she signed all the papers and stuff like that. "Why would you do that?"

"Excuse me?" Dad said and everyone stared at Luther whom had tears in his eyes, his hands shaking.

"Don't 'excuse me' dad." Luther replied coolly. "Why would you do that? Why would you kick our sister out of the country? Why would you replenish her soul? What the fuck is your problem that you can just let go of your daughter like that?"

"It's because she's our daughter and we love her that she even has the option to leave in the first place." Dad said coolly and I frowned at that, as I was signing it and Carrie was staring at my hands, as she couldn't look up. "If we didn't love her, she'd be in a plane to Gotar right now. If she wasn't our daughter and she would've done that, she would be in Gotar. Maybe this is a good first king lesson." Dad said sitting straighter. "No matter what, your country comes before your emotions. Your wife comes before anything." I felt and heard Carrie scoff at that and she shook her head. "Got something to say Carrie?"

"So why is father not locked up then?" Carrie said.

"Whatever is going on between your father and I, is between your father and I." Mum then said in a very direct tone.

Isla then looked up with a frown. "You say that mum, dad, and father." She said in her soft voice. "But we've all been affected by it. Every family gathering we have, it is always the mum and father show." Isla stated and dad looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "I've gotten used to it, genuinely I've gotten used to it and I prepare myself for it. All of us have. But it isn't a great place to be in, and that's what Ana was trying to say. I think that was what Ana was trying to say, but failed horridly as she used her emotions instead of logical arguments. All Ana was trying to say was that the way she felt she was being treated by the four of you wasn't fair. She didn't do it in the right way at all, but those are her feelings and now because of the four of you, we will never be able to see our sister again. It just doesn't seem fair."

"Well darling, life really isn't fair." Dad said and Isla nodded slowly at that. "The way your sister talked and acted towards your mother is not ok. Not only is she your mother, but she is also the Queen of Locatlie, but most importantly she is the Goddess of Seglusa. The way she attacked her, is anything but ok."

"This is bullshit." Luther said and he stood up and I stared at him shocked as he wanted to walk away, but Dad then stood up and my eyes widened as he then spoke.

"Luther Bradley Locatlie, I as your leader king demand you to turn around and sit down." Dad said in his king voice. Luther stood still, his hands shaking and he turned around with his eyes closed before he sat down. "All of you are going to listen to me right now, I can understand that you will miss your sister, we understand that, we will miss her too. But this is how our country is led; the way that your sister spoke and acted towards the Goddess of Seglusa is anything but ok. She had a choice, apologize to your mother and father, or leave. She chose to leave."

"She didn't really have a choice though." Carrie then said carefully. "We all know she didn't have a choice. She shouldn't apologize for her feelings, and we all knew she wouldn't do that, so she had to leave." I looked at Daniel whom was staring ahead, playing with his knuckles, trying to process everything.

"We can pretend like this isn't what she wanted, but it is the case." Daniel said carefully as he looked up at his sisters, not meeting my eyes at the moment. "We've all known she wants a future outside of Locatlie. She might not feel grateful for what has happened right now, but in a couple of weeks, maybe months, she'll wake up and be happy that it went this way because she wanted this. We all knew she did."

"Yes? You think she wanted her soul to be replenished? You think that she wanted to never speak to us again? Be so fucking alert because she could get assassinated at any moment?" Carrie spat at Daniel. "You're a fucking idiot if you think she wanted it this way."

"She didn't want it this way no, but this is how it happened. This is the choice of the three kings and the Queen and even though we disagree, we're going to have to accept it." Daniel said looking at Luther now, as he was staring at Daniel in shock. "All of us are going to go to our own private chambers, pray to Seglusa and tomorrow we're going to wake up and ignore that this ever happened." Daniel said and he stood up. Freya looked at Daniel with a bit of pride before looking at Dad whom was staring at Daniel in utter shock. Father was staring ahead as well.

"Before we do, I do have one question. One question and I'll drop it forever." Luther said and Father, Dad, and mum stared at him. The door opened and Papa walked back in.

"You are permitted one more question." Father said and Luther nodded as he looked at his hands and he traced his fingers.

"Why wasn't she allowed to sit on my lap?" Luther whispered softly and my heart broke as he said that. "Why wasn't she allowed to come sit with me and cuddle with me, when Carrie and Christian have sat that way for hours now? Why couldn't she just sit with me?" He siad and mum closed her eyes as she looked down at her hands. My fathers all stared at my mum, whom hadn't spoken ever since she came back. We all looked at her and mum looked up at Luther and she bit the top part of her lip.

"Because Carrie and Caroline don't remind me of Oliver and Jude." She said calmly looking at Luther. "When Ana sits on your lap, she reminds me of Jude and what could've been Oliver." Luthers eyes widened in fury as Carrie shook her head.

"So, everything she said was right and yet she's getting punished for it?" Luther said standing up. "Great to know where our priorities lay. Just know that when my brothers and I become king, we're going to do shit like this differently." Luther said and he smashed his chair against the table and before he walked away he turned around and everyone was staring at him in shock. "It's good that I love our country and because I wouldn't know what would happen if I didn't, because otherwise I would be on that plane with Ana. Thin ice fathers. Thin fucking ice." He said and he walked away. I looked at Isla and Freya whom both walked away as well and then Daniel looked at Carrie and I and we stared back at him.

"It is not my place to say." Daniel then said carefully as he let out a small breath. "But what happened today, it's not Ana's fault. The fact that we will have to miss her for the rest of our lives, is not our fault. Think about that when me and my siblings show a bit of sorrow the upcoming days." He said and he stood up and I looked at Papa whom was staring at Carrie and I in worry. I let out a small breath as I looked at Carrie whom was staring ahead with her 'Gotar' look.

"Caroline?" Papa said and Carrie looked away from her spot and looked at Papa. "You and your brother have to go to your room now."

"I know." Carrie said calmly as she looked back at Papa. "I know. But the moment I leave this table, I will have to leave Ana in my past and I'm not quite sure I'm ready for that." She said and tears rolled down her cheeks and I looked at her face, and I saw pure sadness. Something that broke me more than anything in this world could."She was in pain, that was all." She whispered softly as she stared ahead. "She was just in pain and now her soul has been replenished, she can never meet my husband nor my children, she can't- the next time I'll see her, if I'm lucky enough to live that long, is after the four of you are dead and my brothers or my nephews clear her to come back into the country." She whispered. "I didn't get to say goodbye and the moment I leave this table, I will have to and I'm not quite ready for that yet." She said and I looked at Papa, telling him to let her fucking be. He wanted to protest, I could see that, but apparently my Gotar look worked better than I thought it would.

"You get another minute." Dad said as he stood up and he walked towards the drink station. I looked at her and she was staring ahead and she let out a sigh before she stood up and she looked at me, holding out her hand. I grabbed it and nodded as the two of us walked out.

We both heard mum bursting out into sobs the moment I closed the door and I looked at Carrie and Carrie stared back at me with sadness before we went towards her room.

This was fucked up.


So, what do we think of everything? Where will the story go on from here?

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