Epilogue: Part 5.

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I was walking through hallways right now and it was annoying the fuck out of me, but I had no idea where to go really. After a while I arrived in this large ballroom of sorts, with high walls, classic walls. I looked up and saw the most beautiful paintings, it taking my breath away.

The feeling I was experiencing right now, I couldn't quite place it. It was as if my soul and my heart was finally at peace. Suddenly I felt my body changing and I looked down and I was wearing a beautiful red dress. Music started to appear and I looked around confused for a second, before I realised I felt like dancing.I was finally at peace, nobody could hurt me here, nobody would dare to hurt me, I was A queen, I was a Goddess of Seglusa; she actually existed. How on earth that was possible, I didn't know, but I was so glad that she did.

I felt like I was floating, and my body was having this weird sensation in its body, as if it knew what was going to happen just before it did. I had waited for years for the moment that was coming, but I couldn't turn around, I couldn't open my eyes, It was like my body wanted to stay in this bliss, afraid that it was all just a dream and that I'd wake up in Locatlie tomorrow. Or even worse, that this was all just in my imagination and that it would stop just before the moment that I'd waited for for years.

The music that was in my ears, I could suddenly hear all around me and I laughed at that as it was a song by my mother; 'alive' and I sang along while twirling around, floating really. This was the song that I had wanted to feel for years, but I never had gotten the chance to feel this pure happiness. But now I could.

Suddenly I felt someone grabbing my hand and pulling me closer. My eyes were still closed but I didn't care about that, I kept them closed, as I put my other arm over his shoulder and I put my head against his shoulder, his head down to my shoulder as well. The music continued as we swayed through the room.

Tears appeared in my eyes, my heart was beating out of my chest. His hands were holding onto mine for dear life, as if he had the same fears that I had, but he never let go. He never tried to say anything, just like me, he was enjoying this moment. We were both petrified this moment would leave, and it was all a dream of mine. At least, that's what I thought. I wasn't sure.

When the song finished he backed away and my grey met his brown.

"Hey Honey." He whispered after a while as he put his hand up and he wiped a tear from my face. I looked into his eyes and my eyes widened as I saw what I saw. The last memory I had of Hugo was when he was in his seventies, grey, aging, with wrinkles all over his face. But now? Now he looked like the 30 year old Hugo, the Hugo that was with me during the time my body was currently. This was before the war, before our personal war. We trusted each other completely, we were at peace with one another. My hand went up and I traced his face as I looked at him. I didn't know what to say, but suddenly I remembered something.

"You broke your promise." I whispered as I looked into those perfect brown eyes. We were still swaying from one side to the other.

"I am going to need a bit more clarification. I have broken almost every promise I ever made." He whispered back and I smiled looking at him as he smiled back at me. I traced his lips.

"It is really your thing." I confirmed. "You promised me that you'd let me die first, so that I wouldn't have to deal with that horrible world without you." I said and he stared at me in disbelief for a second. I had missed that face for so long, but suddenly a smile appeared on his face.

"I didn't really plan my death honey." He said looking into my eyes. It was then that I realised that we had stopped moving and the music had stopped playing. "But, I do apologise. Although ,it did work out in the end right?" He asked as he moved his head sideways.

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