Chapter 114

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My throat hurt, not because of the amount of singing I had done yesterday, no because of the crying. Not only did Luther absolutely despise me, did Daniel hate me, Christian now also loathed me. I was doubting myself and my capabilities of being the Queen of Locatlie, the wife of my husbands. How could I be, when I was a mess? When I hurt them? When I couldn't be around them? When I was being an idiot?

I got out of bed around seven and took a long shower. My boys were kicking like mental once again, which was annoying me. I had barely slept because of it, even if I was immensely tired from all the crying.

I put on a big sweater of Christians that was always in my closet, it smelling like him. I put on a pair of simple maternity pants and then some socks. The 'goodbye' dinner would be tonight, for the rest of the day we had free, well I had free. I had no idea what my husbands were doing to be fair.

I walked down the stairs towards the main dining area and to my huge surprise, but at the same time not, the whole family was sitting there. They all looked up as they saw someone walking in, that someone being me. I saw Julia looking at me and I saw pity in her eyes. I saw William looking at me for one second before looking at Daniel in fear or something. Hugo was staring at me with a grimace. I saw that Isla was looking at me with a small smile, but it didn't reach her eyes. Freya had a poker face on and she looked back at her food, as if it was the most important thing in the world. I then realised that Rose, Carrie and Christian weren't here. Why weren't they here?

I walked towards the table and I went and sat on my seat. Luther was sitting to the left of me on the head of the table, Daniel, like always, was sitting in front of me. I just missed Christian next to me, as the seat was empty.

"Where is Christian?" I said carefully after the waiter asked me if I wanted my regular, which I did.

"Gotar." Daniel snapped at me and I gulped but nodded slowly.

"What about Rose and Carrie?" I asked as I took a sip of my milkshake, as I was obsessed with the milkshakes right now.

"They joined him." Isla replied after ten seconds of silence, my husbands not responding to me. Of course not, they hated me. I felt tears appear in my eyes again, but decided I wasn't going to let them show any weakness.

"O. Ok." I nodded slowly. "When is he coming back?" I asked as I looked at Julia whom was staring at me with pure sadness in her eyes.

"Why do you care?" Daniel then started and I looked away from Julia over towards Daniel. "You won't even be around us. It's easier for you now? One less person to annoy you with their presence." Those words cut through my heart, his words, and the tone he used, cut through my heart.

"Just cur-"

"If you say you're just curious one more fucking time." Daniel yelled at me, actually yelling at me. "Your curiosity is what got you here in the first place." I nodded as I got my food.

"Thank you. It smells amazing. Can I have the cinnamon rolls as well please?" I asked and the waiter nodded as I took a bite of my French toast and I moaned at that and nodded. "What is the planning for today?" I asked.

"We've got meetings all day. You won't come to the goodbye thing as we have to have an excuse as to why Christian isn't here. You can lock yourself in your room like you love to do." Daniel stated and he stood up and Luther stood up as well. Both of them walked away. I watched them walk away before I looked back ahead and I let out a small breath and smiled a bit.

"Did you guys have a good time yesterday?" I asked carefully, trying to defuse the tension. Isla looked at me with a small smile.

"We did. It was great. Really." She said and I nodded slowly looking at her, even though my heart was breaking inside just looking at her. My whole heart - I just wanted it to stop.

"Ok. Good. I'm going to take these upstairs. I-." I said and I let out a small breath as I stood up. "I'm sorry for the discomfort and uncomfortableness you guys are experiencing because of me." I said softly before I walked away, tears streaming down my face now.

I went to my room and I didn't lock it, as I didn't feel like it. I ate my food and I laid down in bed and I let out more sobs. My heart was broken, absolutely broken right now.

After about three hours I heard a knock on the door and I looked up, wiping tears away from my face. The door opened and King Hugo was standing there, he opened the door and stayed in the door opening. He leaned against it and crossed his arms.

"Come with me." He said and I frowned looking at him.

"Where are we going?" I asked carefully.

"Gotar." He said and I felt panic start to appear in my body. I had heard about queens misbehaving and being sent to Gotar. It was normal in our country's history for this to happen. "Not as a punishment." Hugo added, as he saw the panic in my eyes.

"Why then?" I whispered softly.

"Don't you want to see Christian?" He said and I stared at him for a couple of seconds. "It will piss off Daniel and Luther, but they'll be angry if you stay in bed too, so you know." I nodded slowly at that as I let out a small breath. "It's your call"

What should I do? Was this a trap?

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