Chapter 116

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"How did you get here?" Christian asked as we were taking a bath, him sitting behind me and rubbing my belly, his lips on my shoulder. It had been hours of us catching up on the lost weeks, and I was exhausted, but I wanted to take a bath. My hormones all over the place.

"King Hugo." I whispered. "Had some great conversations with him."

"Did you now?" Christian said and I nodded.

"We snuck out of the castle together, it was funny. He's a nice guy." I said. "He seems like the nice version of Luther." I said with a huge smile and Christian giggled.

"I'm sure mum would disagree with you on that one. Luther being her baby."

"I'm sure she would, but I'm right." I said and I turned my head to look at him and he smiled back at me.

"So, Luther and Daniel don't know you're here?"

"Nope and they don't have to know. They're assholes."

"How so?" He asked confused looking at me. "I mean Luther I get- but Dan?"

"He yelled at me in the car when you were out, and again this morning. Like full on yelling. In front of your family too." I said and his eyes widened as he looked at me.


"For hurting you." I said and he shook his head.


"Don't. It's fine. I was- it's fine." I said and he shook his head looking at me as he gave my neck a kiss.

"It isn't fine." He whispered softly and I smiled looking at him. "I'm sorry about- for- everything that is about them."

"O well, it's fine. We're here now and we're good." I whispered and he smiled as he looked into my eyes and I stared back into the blue. "I love you."

"I love you too." He said and he leaned forward giving a kiss. "Let's go to bed. Then I can give you a tour tomorrow." He said and I nodded slowly at that as I gave him another peck before we got to bed.

When we woke up, we took another quick fuckshower, before I put on a sweater of his and a pair of leggings that were mine. I put on some sneakers and I arrived at the breakfast area and I saw that Carrie, Hugo and Rose were sitting there laughing and talking. They all looked up and saw Christian with a small smile and me looking a tad nervous.

"It was about darned time." I saw Carrie sign and I giggled at that as I gave her a hug from the back and I looked at Rose whom gave me a small smile as well. She had opened up to me a tad more in the past weeks, compared to the beginning. "I have work. I'll see you two down or?" Carrie asked as we went and sat down and she stood up.

"Yeah. I think so?" Christian asked me and I nodded looking at him as Carrie left and Christian had a huge smile on his face.

"Do you dabble?" I asked Hugo and Hugo looked at me with a smile.

"Not really no. I did some beat ups and stuff like that back in the day. I like the art form, but don't partake."

"Like Luther then?" I said with a small smile and he smiled and nodded looking at me as Rose smiled. "You do."

"Yeah. I have to leave too, have a big surgery." She said and I nodded. "Have fun." I smiled as she walked away and Hugo and Christian talked about some security things, Chris asking for advise, and having a huge smile on his face as Hugo told him some of his experiences. It was adorable to see.

After breakfast, Christian gave me a tour of Gotar Prison and Gotar Hospital, before we arrived at the ring of fire.

As I looked up, my eyes widened in shock. I had never seen so many cells, and it was insane to see. In the middle there were torture rooms and my eyes widened as I saw Carrie. I walked towards the window, as I saw that Carrie had a guy hung up by chains and she was breaking bones while laughing and dancing.

"Babe?" Chris asked and I turned my head to look at him. "Are you ok?"

"You do that too?" I said gulping and he stared at me worriedly and nodded. "I don't think- I don't." I said staring at him.

"That's fine." He said right away. "Totally fine."

"I love you, I love every part of you, but I can't-" I said and he shook his head.

"That is totally fine. Genuinely." He said and I nodded slowly looking at him. "I did want to show you something though."

"What?" I said worried, my heart beating out of my chest.

"Your parents." He said carefully "They're in a room, have't seen each other in years, but I thought you might want to do-"

"I do." I said with tears in my eyes and I couldn't help but start to cry as I said thank you to him over and over again and he hugged me.

After about twenty minutes, Christian was getting ready, while I was looking around, covering my body with my arms; as this was totally not my world, nor my scene.

"You ready?" He asked and I nodded as we went somewhere and after a while he opened the door and my eyes widened in shock as I saw two people being hung by chains, looking at each other, both sobbing. They looked away from one another, and when they saw Christian pee went down both of their legs, before their eyes went away from Christian, and they looked at me. I stared at the man, the man I only remembered from my nightmares, and his eyes widened in fear and in shock and in pain. I looked away from him and looked at the woman, the woman I looked more like than I thought I ever did, was she wasn't drugged up right now, and her eyes widened in shock and sobs escaped her mouth.

"Leave her alone. She didn't do anything." I heard the man try to say over his mouth thing and Christian couldn't help but laugh as he went and leaned against the table. I looked at him and his laugh warmed my heart.

"What do you want to do Babe?" He asked and I stared at my parents and then looked back at him, and I had no idea what I wanted to do, or what was possible. "Or what do you want me to do?"

"I don't know." I whispered softly as I looked at the two people hanging here. "What happened to them already? Where is their skin?" I stammered looking at their legs.

"O I've paid them visits ever since we got married." Christian said, and I could see he was nervous as he said it. "The dick cutting was my papa, most of their wounds are my papa. Apart from the legs." I nodded slowly looking at him and I gulped as I looked back at the legs.

'I can't- I" I stammered and I turned around and I walked away. Christian followed me and grabbed me as I started to sob and he held me, and loved me.

Those two people had broken me, broken me to what I thought was beyond repair and the people here in Locatlie had welcomed me with open arms. Christian had healed me.

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