Chapter 45

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Rose P.O.V

I arrived at Charlie's factory, one of our favourite bars here in Gotar because people didn't bother us or look at us weirdly, at around 1945.

"Hello Rose. The Usual?" The barman asked with a huge smile on his face and I smiled back at him and nodded. The barman was a guy named Jeffrey, whom went to school with me and was in my year and he was nice enough. He always listened to my ramblings about my surgeries, which was nice enough.

"Yes please." I said with a small smile on my face as he poured me a drink. "It's silent today?"

"Yeah. Yesterday was immensely busy." He said and I nodded as he told me some stories making me laugh. Some other people walked in and got some drinks from Jeff and after a while Isla walked in and she frowned as she saw me at the bar laughing with Jeff.

"You already met Jeff then?" Isla said a bit annoyed to me and I looked at her with a raised eyebrow and then back at Jeff whom bit his lip looking at me amused. I took a second to really look at him now, realising this was the guy that Isla was talking about. He had ginger hair, freckles all over his face, and the kindest blue eyes and the biggest smile on his face. We had been in the same class from our tenth till our seventeen, until I moved to the states, and he moved to Gotar to work at the bar here.

"If I know Jeff? I've known Jeff ever since we were ten. We went to school together Darling." I said to Isla and Isla smiled back at me. "He always listens while I ramble on and on about my surgeries and pretends to be interested. Is this who you wanted me to meet? You two a thing then?" I said with a huge smile on my face as Jeff was cleaning some glasses.

"Yes. We've been together for what?" She said looking at Jeff. "Since August. After the whole Christian/Erica thing, I went to the bar here and we talked the whole night and yeah."

"Are you being good to my sister?" I demanded looking at him with a raised eyebrow and he showed me that Jeffrey smile.

"I am" He confirmed.

"Is he?"

"He is." Isla confirmed with a huge smile on her face and I stared at her for a second or two with a huge smile on my face. She was literally a mini dad, the same green eyes, the same stupid nose and the same annoyed looks on her face. She had mums lips though and her body. Her brown hair was the 'whitest' out of all of us, so she had it hanging loose, even if it was a curly mess.

"Good. I know some people in Gotar whom could lock you up without question so you know." I said.

"Rooossee." Isla said laughing and I giggled a bit looking at her.

"Is he the reason why you aren't going to work at the tea plantations?" I asked and she gave Jeff a look and she then looked back at me annoyed.

"Yes and no. I am going to the plantations in the summer and he is going to work at the bar in the city there, but he has a contract until the summer, hence why I'm leaving in the summer." She explained and I smiled very widely. "We're moving in together, at least, that is our plan. I first have to discuss that with the parents, but you know, our parents are sort of." She said waving it away and I giggled a bit looking at her and I nodded. "How did you do that?"

"Do what? I never introduced any of my boyfriends, but then again I've never lasted longer than five months with guys so you know." I said casually and Jeff giggled at that. "Remember, what was his name? Remco? In high school, I dated that fucktard."

"He was a fucktard. Do you know what he's doing?" Jeff asked and I nodded looking at him.

"Yeah, he's working at a shop in Valkarae I think." I said and he smiled and nodded looking at me. For the next hours we talked about all our classmates while getting drunker and drunker and I let out a small breath as I looked at Isla whom was looking at Jeff with the biggest smile ever. "So what is your plan Jeff?" I asked and he frowned looking at me. "For meeting the rents."

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