Chapter 55

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After crying like a total idiot for probably an hour, I had this feeling that someone was looking at me. I looked around, but I didn't see anyone, but it was getting rather dark and I still had to drive down and find the hotel. So I wiped the tears from my face, took some deep breaths, and put the key in the ignition and I started to drive down the path, this time more careful. When I got towards the bottom of the path after 40 minutes, instead of the 20 I had done to get up here, the gates were opened. I let out a small breath as I parked the car by a parking lot and I grabbed the map and I looked for the hotel and I drove while staring at my map every now and then.

I arrived at the hotel about ten minutes after that and I parked the car in the parking lot. I grabbed my three suitcases and my bag and I walked towards the entrance. I looked around at the lobby and I saw a woman in her fifties sitting by the reception. I walked up towards her, wiping some more tears away, as the woman looked up and did a double take.

"You must be Miss Ruby." She said right away. "Your mother just called to make sure you checked in, but I had to disappoint her." She said with a small smile and I gave her a small nod. "Are you ok?" She said a bit worried and I looked at her and I grabbed my identification card and my reservation. She looked at my identification card and she looked at me, seeing my name being Local; which the whole world knew was the name of bastards of anyone from the royal family. "I'll get my son to help you with your luggage. You have an amazing place. Every day it will be cleaned." She said as a guy in his 30s walked up with a small smile but I didn't smile back at him. "Breakfast starts from seven on. Do you have any questions?"

"Uhm, how long is the walk from here to Gotar Prison?" I stammered towards her and she stared at me for a small second and nodded.

"It's about a half an hour walk." She said and I nodded looking at her. "I heard that all the women from the Royal family were here for a month again." She said with a small smile. "It must've been a rough day." She added and I nodded. "Hopefully tomorrow will be better."

"I doubt it. But thank you." I said and I walked up the stairs iwht one of my suitcases and I my bag. The guy, whose name was Robbie, showed me the room and showed me how everything worked, before leaving me alone. The moment he closed the door, I went and laid in the bed, grabbed a pillow and cried a bit. After about fifteen minutes, I grabbed my phone and I texted mum 'In the hotel. Now going to check a restaurant to see if I can get something to eat before I go to sleep. X I love you so much." I grabbed my bag again and I realised that this was top secret; so I couldn't bring the tablet. I decided to grab a good book about the War of Hearts that my father had given me for my seventeen birthday two months ago. I put headphones on and I walked through the city a bit before arriving at a restaurant. I read the book while eating a nice pasta. Some people stared at me every now and but I pretended I didn't notice; in Prangie the fact that I had the Royal eyes and the face shape of the Local line wasn't something to look at anymore; everyone knew whom I was. Here in Gotar I was a new commodity. After eating dinner, I thanked the waitress whom gave me a curt nod. I walked through Gotar a bit, looking at some statues of the parents and grandparents and the grandparents of them of my father. I went back to the Hotel after a while and I went and laid in bed and fell asleep after putting an alarm on.

When I woke up the next morning at seven, I took a quick shower. I put on a pair of simple ripped jeans again and a shirt of Geografica, that I was obsessed with; I was obsessed with that band. I put my hair loose and after putting on some simple sneakers and a cardigan, I went to the breakfast room. I quickly ate it before I walked through Gotar. Gotar was much more lively in the morning and after a while I realised I should just follow the people that were walking, as they all worked in Gotar prison. When I arrived at the front gate, I saw that some family members were already there. They all stared at me and did a double take, but I didn't care. I put on a playlist of Geografica music and I sat down on the side step, setting an alarm for 811, and I grabbed my reading book and I read through the pages, my face in the 'dad' face as James called it, but I didn't mind. When my alarm went, I turned off the music and put my headphones in my backpack along with the book. I grabbed my bottle of water and I took a sip and I looked around and all the women were still staring at me and whispering about me.

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