Chapter 123

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I woke up some time later, because of noises and I blinked a couple of times. Why had I been asleep? Why was I hearing noises. It took me a while to figure out that I was in the hospital. The reason for it, it took me a while longer. Not untill I realised; I had given birth. And without thinking about it twice, my mouth whispered two words; 

"My babies."

Christian turned around and he walked up to me, putting my hair behind my ears.

"They're both healthy. They're checking up on them now ok?" He said. "You did great. They're healthy. They're perfect. Absolutely perfect sweetie. You did so great."

"Luther?" I whispered

"He'll be here soon." Christian whispered and I nodded as he wiped tears from my face. After a while the nurse walked in and I was sitting up straight, having gotten a peck from both Daniel and Christian. The nurse brought a sort of rolling bed and my eyes widened as I saw my two boys laying there. One wearing blue, the other green.

"The blue one, I've understood, is Matthew?" She stammered looking at me and I stared at the little boy, before I looked at the one in green, my eyes widening. "The one in green is Michael?" She said. Why my eyes widened, was because the little boy laying there; he looked exactly like what I had remembered from the baby pictures of Luther. I looked at Julia, whom was standing in front of Hugo, whom had put his arm over her waist. They were looking at each other with tears in their eyes. I got to hold them both and tears streamed down my face. They were perfect. Everyone in the room, direct family, held them, but after a while, I got little Michael in my arms. I was staring at his little face, with the little nose, tears in my eyes.

The door opened, but I ignored it, as I was looking at my little boy.

"I missed it?" I heard Luther say, I didn't look up though, I was looking at my little boy. I did see in the corner of my eyes that Christian was signing 'She is a wreck. She needed you. She doesn't blame you. Didn't want you to miss it. Make everything up to her for the past couple of weeks you dumb fuck. Go to her right now and comfort her. She needs you.'. I smiled a bit at that as Michaels eyes opened and I looked at him.

"Where is Matt?" I said as I looked at Daniel whom was holding him and Daniel smiled looking up. He looked so much in love. "Good." I said and I looked back down at Michael. The bed went down a bit and I didn't have to look sideways to see that Luther went and sat down next to me on the bed. I turned around a bit, putting my head against his arms, tears appearing in my eyes.

"This is Michael." I whispered softly, as Luther put his head against mine, pressing four long pecks on the top of my head. "It's like looking at a younger you." I whispered as I looked at Luther and Luther was staring at Michael with his eyes widened. "I told you they were yours." I said with a small smile.

"Of course you did. You're always right." Luther whispered. "This is Michael?"

"Yes." I whispered as I looked back down at his perfect little face. "Michael Hugo Locatlie." I whispered as I looked at Julia and Hugo and they both looked up and tears appeared in Hugo's eyes "And that, that's Matthew Trevor Locatlie." I said and Luther had tears in his eyes. "The next one is for you, William." I said with a blush on my face as Luther put a kiss on my shoulder.

"I understand." William said with a small smile and I smiled as I looked down at Michael.

"Can I hold him?"

"You can." I whispered as I handed Michael towards Luther and tears appeared in his eyes as he looked at his son. Daniel, whom had noticed I wanted one in my arms at all times, or my heart would do crazy shit, handed me Matt. I smiled as I looked at him. "He looks a lot like you." Daniel whispered to me. "Has your perfect nose."

"He's perfect. They're both perfect."

"How did it go?" Luther asked as he looked at me with so much worry.

"I pushed him." I whispered looking at Matt. "Emergency C-section for him." I said looking at Michael. "Apparently while getting out, he repositioned his brother. Even in the womb he was a dick to his brother. He's going to be a feisty leader King, just like his asshole of a father." I whispered and Hugo, William and Julia all sniggered and Luther smiled very widely.

"If he's half as strong and cunning and creative as his mother, it's fine." Luther said looking at Michael and Matthew.

My heart was steady, with Luther by my side, once more. Or so I thought.


Hello everyone! As you may have seen, I've decided to start posting my new story 'The Cursed Queen' alongside posting 'The Kings of Hearts'. I have decided so because I have six stories I still want the lot of you to read, but the 'writers block' that I had for this story, made it so that i've had trouble focusing on this one. Although, it wasn't/isn't really writers block, it's that I've got so many stories in my head that I'm writing all of them at the same time...

Whenever I finish updating the story 'The Kings of Hearts', I'll start posting a new story that takes place in the 'Locatlie world', which follows two characters we've just met, Matthew and Michael. It is called 'The Four.'

For the next week i'll be immensly busy with work, but I plan on finish writing this story (The Kings of Hearts), by the end of this month. Although, to be fair, i've finished it, but i've just got to fine tune some details!  When I finish writing it, i'll be posting chapters daily (Maybe even more)!

I hope everyone still enjoys the story as much as I enjoy writing it.

Love x 

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