Chapter 12

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Ana P.O.V

I opened the door of the house that now really was my home. My whole body felt numb, the pain that went through my body hit me like a truck every single second. My breathing went all over the place in my mind because my heart was beating out fo my chest, but in reality I was breathing steadily.

I dropped my bag onto the cold floor here, looking at it before looking ahead at the living room where I saw Zack standing looking at me worriedly. "What happened?" He said and I stared at him and I opened my mouth to say something, but I couldn't get any sound out of my mouth. I closed my mouth again and then opened it again, my legs were walking towards the bedroom hallway without me controlling it. I didn't know what to say? How could I explain that my parents had disowned me, thrown me out, basically burned me? How could I explain that I could never visit my own home country ever again? How could I explain that I could never see my siblings ever again? How could I explain that my parents didn't want me anymore? How could I say that my soul has been replenished? That after I take my last breath on this world, I wouldn't be able to go to the next?

The moment my head hit the pillow of Travis' bed, as my body had taken me there, all the weight on my body that meant that the emotions stayed in, was released and I screamed it out.

I didn't stop crying for hours. Zack stayed by my side, his hand on my back, rubbing it, telling me everything would be ok. He was on his phone with his other hand, probably texting Rachel and Travis. But I couldn't say anything to stop him, to tell him not to tell them to come back home, that it wasn't worth it. I couldn't tell him that all I wanted and needed was him with me right now. Because the only sound that could get out of my mouth was the screams of agony.

His phone went after a while, the sky darkening, and he picked it up. I could hear his voice, but I couldn't make out what he was saying? I couldn't concentrate on the words that were coming out of his mouth. I couldn't concentrate on anything, because the pain in my body was dominating any form of concentration I had. The pain in my body was in control right now and I had no idea how I could ever get the control back.

After a while, no sounds came out of my body, only tears. I was ok with that, as making any form of sound physically hurt me. Zack went and laid down next to me after a while and he wrapped his arms around me and held me tight. It was as if he knew exactly what I needed right now; I needed to be held, I needed to feel loved. I snuggled up closer to him and I held onto his arm immensely tightly as I continued to cry. After a couple of hours, I felt someone else laying next to me. I had closed my eyes, but sleep had never came. I opened my eyes and I saw that it was Travis and he was laying on the other side of me, he wrapped his arm around my waist, just under Zack and he put his head against mine.

"We're here. You'll have us until the end of time." Travis whispered. "We'll always be here, no matter what. We're your family ok?" He whispered softly. "You don't need them anyhow." He whispered and I put my arm around his waist and held him tight. "We're here ok?" I put my head against his chest as I continued to cry. After another hour or two, I felt my head being raised and Travis and Zack letting go of me for a bit. I looked up and I saw Rachel went and sat down by my head, my head now resting on her leg. Zack put his arm around me again and Travis did too. Rachel put her hand in my hair and massaged my head as she was softly singing, I didn't know what, but it was soothing.

"When you're ready to talk about it, we'll be here. We're not going anywhere. Unless we have to go to the bathroom." Rachel whispered and somehow that made me smile a bit as I traced Travis back and he squeezed my waist, as he could feel me smiling.

"They disowned me. As long as my four parents live, I'm not allowed in the country anymore. If I do, I'll be put into jail as an enemy of the state. I'm not allowed to have contact with my siblings. I'm not allowed to go to my brothers coronation, I'm not allowed to be at the weddings of my siblings. I won't be able to meet their children." I whispered softly. "I will be watched for the rest of my life and if I do something that they don't agree with, I'll be either assassinated or worse; locked up in Gotar Prison." I whispered softly and my three best friends were silent now. "My parents couldn't look at me anymore, I'm nothing to them. They gave me money and disowned me. I'm no longer a Princess of Locatlie. I no longer will be with my family in our heaven. I won't be accepted in Seglusa's realm. I won't be allowed in any keep in the United States for the rest of my life. I've been shunned. My soul has been replenished." I said and as I said the last words, the sobs escaped my mouth again. "I'm eternally doomed. I know you guys aren't religious but for me- for people of Locatlie, there is no bigger punishment than your soul being replenished. I'm nothing. I can't." I said and they held onto me tightly, as they didn't know what to say. But then again, what could you say to a friend whom has lost anything. "I wanted to be free for a while, but I wanted to belong to the family. I won't have security anymore, I won't be protected from all the threats against my family that they have caused. I'm not safe anymore and if I do die then I won't be with my family. I can never be with them ever again." I said through my sobs now and Travis held onto me tighter now, rubbing my back, Zack letting him.

"Shhh. It's going to be ok. Well no, it isn't. But breathe. Remember to breathe. Zack is going to get us some ice cream ok? You have to eat something." He whispered and I nodded slowly at that as I held onto him tighter. "It's ok. You're going to be ok. You've got us and you have family."

"No I don't. Not my own."

"The Jefferson side of the family is still your family." Rachel said carefully and I frowned at that but I couldn't process it. "You've got us. We won't ever leave your side."

"I know." I whispered softly as Travis traced my back.

"Sit up babe." Zack said and I slowly sat up and he handed me a huge bucket of ice cream and he handed each a spoon and I looked at the three of them.

"How did you get here?" I stammered.

"We took the first flights we could." Rachel said and I nodded slowly. "You're way more important than my family right now." She whispered and I nodded at that as she wiped a hair from my forehead. "I can relieve your pain and worry about one thing; the only three people that know about you being whom you are, are in this room." She whispered softly. "So the threats against you aren't as large as you assume; because nobody knows whom you are and nobody in this room will ever tell." She reassured me and I nodded slowly looking at her as I put my head against her shoulder. "You've got us, forever and always."

"I know." I whimpered as I sat up a bit more and I took another bite. "I just." I whispered.

"I can understand that." She whispered softly looking at me and I stared back at her. "We're not religious, I'm far from religious. I know that you are and I know how important it was for you. I am so-so sorry." She said tears appearing in her eyes. "Genuinely so sorry for what happened to you and your soul. I can't-." She shook her head. "I'm really sorry." I nodded slowly looking at her as I looked sideways. "What do you want to do now?" She asked carefully and I went and laid back down. "Sleepover it is. You ok with that Trav? We are sort of using your bed for a non sexual gang bang." Rachel said and I couldn't help but giggle at that as Travis smiled as he went and laid down next to me.

'Totally fine. Family before anything." He said and I nodded as he put his arm around me from the back. I saw Rachel and Zack give each other a look but I ignored that as I closed my eyes. After a while I turned around in my sleep and put my legs in between Travis' legs. He rubbed my back and held onto me tightly.

I fell asleep without any dreams, something that scared me more than any nightmare could.


Poor Annie. The next chapter will once again be from Christian's p.o.v. What do you think the reactions of the siblings are towards Ana's shunning?

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