Chapter 132

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Hugo P.O.V

"Can you carry the boys father?" Luther asked as we were getting out of the car at the airport and I looked at him with a huge smile as I looked at Matt and Mike whom had the biggest smiles ever looking at me, such me smiles.

"The horror!" I said excited and they giggled. "I'll bring them inside and then help with Olivia ok?" I said and they nodded as I grabbed both boys and I walked up the stairs and I put them in their boxes giving them both kisses before I walked down the stairs. I saw that William and Julia were walking hand in hand. William stared at Julia with the biggest smile ever and I couldn't help but be happy at this. Life was finally at ease, everything was calm. I saw that before them, Christian and Luther were helping both Olivia and Isla up the stairs; as Isla was immensely pregnant as well, which was adorable to see. I walked up towards Isla whom smiled looking at me as I gave her a kiss on her forehead.

"How is he doing?" I asked.

"He is very active at the moment." Isla said in her perfect voice and I giggled looking at her as I grabbed her bag and at that moment something happened that confused me. I heard a sound that I didn't quite grasp and at the same time the hairs on my body went up. I looked sideways and I saw something that made my eyes widen, it was like everything was going in slow motion. I saw that one of our security guards turned his body around, something that wasn't protocol, meaning that the head of security; Dave, told him to go back into position. The man grabbed his gun and pointed it towards Julia and William. Before I could do anything, a bullet left his gun and I saw it going towards Julia and William, it missing them. But William heard it and he right away pulled Julia down, leaning over her. I stood in front of Isla right away, pushing her on the floor to protect her. Her mouth opened but no sound came out, there was panic in her eyes and pure pain. She looked at me in total and utter shocks before her head turned sideways, as if she saw the bullet going through the sky as well, passing where she had stood. I saw that Luther, whom was laughing while holding a bag and talking to Carrie, right away turned around, standing in front of Carrie and his eyes widening. I saw that Daniel and Christian both turned their heads seeing where the noise was coming from.

Then another bullet left the guy's gun, before different security guards jumped on top of him. It was then that I felt this pain in my body, a pain that I hadn't experienced in three years, and I turned my head slowly as I saw William and Julia falling to the floor.

"GET INSIDE!" I heard Daniel yell at that moment. "Christian grab her." He said and at that moment everything sped up again in normal tempo. Christian grabbed Olivia and ran towards the stairs, Jeffrey ran towards Isla whom was screaming in pain and I looked down and I saw that she was on the floor in pain and I looked up and I saw that Luther grabbed Carrie and pushed her towards the stairs. But I ignored everyone and I ran towards my brother, my other half, and Julia, my reason of existing, as I saw blood. I saw so much blood.

"Love?" I heard someone whimper as I ran up towards them and I bend down right away and I pushed William to the side for a second, on his back, as I saw that Julia was fully covered in blood. But it wasn't her blood; it was Williams.

"DANIEL." I screamed right away as Daniel ran to me and he grabbed Julia as he looked at William in fear before running towards the airplane. I heard more screaming and I looked up and I saw that Freya was screaming it out in pain as Rose was helping her walk in; something I didn't get.

It was then that I had a second to look at William and my eyes widened as I felt me heart breaking as I saw a bullet right in between his eyes and his eyes were wide.

"MY KING GET INTO THE AIRPLANE NOW." I heard Dave scream and I grabbed William without thinking and threw him over my shoulders, even if I wasn't that strong and I walked towards the airplane and I climbed up the steps.

I then took the chaos inside the plane as Julia was full on screaming as Daniel was grabbing her face and trying to clean her with a cloth. I saw that Isla was laying on the couch screaming it out in pain while Carrie was holding her one hand and Jeffrey the other. Freya was laying on the other couch screaming her heart out as well. Something, I once again, didn't understand. I saw that Olivia was staring ahead in fear as she was holding onto Christians hand and he was trying to tell her to breathe. Luther was standing there his eyes wide in panic, looking at Isla and his eyes then went towards me.

"Father?" Luther said carefully looking at me as I felt like everyone sort of shut up now, as I had William on my shoulder. "Father?" He repeated as I didn't want to let William go, I wasn't going to let him go. I had to hold him. "Put dad down, so we can help him?" He said but I shook my head, my eyes wide in panic.

"No. No. He's. No. He's no." I said looking at him as tears were streaming down my face, but I didn't even notice it. "He's no. He's staying with me. He's staying with me." I whimpered looking at him. "He's my brother. Leave us alone. He's mine. He's mine." I repeated over and over again as Luther walked up to me carefully as my whole body was shaking, but I kept William on my shoulders. "He's mine." I said looking into my own eyes.

"I know father. Let's put him down on a bed ok? You can stay with him. You can stay with him. But your body" he said holding onto my waist to help me. I stared at him and I shook my head a couple of times. "Breathe dad. It's ok. It's going to be ok."

"No." I whispered looking at him. "He's mine." I whispered and he nodded.

"I know he's yours. He's yours. I know that. But you can't stand there, not while they're all here ok?" Luther said.

"He's mine." I repeated. "He's my brother. The only brother I have left. Trevor already left me, I can't lose him too. He needs to stay close to me. He's not- I can't have him be alone right now. I don't want to be alone right now." I whimpered as tears appeared in Luthers eyes.

"He's not going to be alone ok? He's with Trevor now ok?" Luther said and my eyes widened looking at him as I saw him looking behind me and I didn't realise that Rose was standing behind me until thinking about it later.

"I don't want him to be with Trevor. I want them to be with me." I whimpered and Luther nodded looking at me. My body was shaking, not only because of the physical weight of Will on my shoulders, but also because my whole body was imploding in pain. Every cell in my body was screaming, begging for it to be a dream. But it wasn't a dream. It was anything but a dream. The blood that I felt on my back; it was real. William was dead. He was gone. The two people that I had come to this world with, had both left me. Both had died right in front of my eyes, without me being able to protect them. Both had left this world behind, making it even more shittier than it already was. He was gone. How could he- he was with Trevor now. The two of them would be together, without me. Like all those years that i'd been apart from them. I couldn't handle this. I couldn't be without them? How could I live without William and Trevor? I could barely survive without Trevor, and now suddenly my body and mind had to live without William. I couldn't do this. Could I?

"I know ok? But mom can't." He said and the moment that he mentioned mom, I blinked and my whole body calmed down for a second before panic started to set in. I turned my head and I saw that Julia was staring at me with her eyes wide and her hands shaking, blood all over her. "Mom can't handle him now. He needs to be placed somewhere else father." Luther said and I dropped William on the floor as I walked up towards Julia, pushing Daniel away and I grabbed her face.

"Breathe honey. Breathe Honey."

"William?" She whispered and I shook my head looking at her. "No." She said and I nodded looking at her. "No." She repeated before a scream came out of her core.

Four became three, and now three was two.

It was poetic that the two of us were the ones left behind.


I'm going to hide in a corner and cry there. bye. 

Ps. Spoiler alert; A Julia chapter is coming soon. #why

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