Chapter 102

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"Any updates?" I asked four days later as I had just finished visiting my ten men. I let out a small breath as I saw that Aunt Natalie was watching a screen before looking up at me, and then doing a double take.

"Updates, my king?" Natalie stated looking at me with her eyes widening. I turned my head sideways and I saw myself in the reflection. Because of the blood that was all over my face, you couldn't see some of mums features on my face, meaning I looked more like my father than ever before.

"Whats going on around." I signed as I grabbed a hot towel and washed my face. "I've been gone for the past months remember?" I added with a smirk. She gulped looking at me and nodded. For the next twenty minutes she told me some information and some people that have gotten in. I saw her looking at a screen every now and then throughout her update to me. It was then that I saw that mum and dad were in a room with someone. "Who is that?"

"Jason Davids, my king." She replied shaking a tad and I looked at it and then up at her and I let out a small breath.

"Does he know that papa has passed?"

"I don't think so, my king. He hasn't been visited ever since Trevor died, this is the first visit in years." She explained and I nodded slowly looking at her as I grabbed the phone that was here and I dialled up the phone that was in that room. Dad walked over towards the phone and on the screen I could see that mum was currently slicing something or whatever.

"Yeah?" Dad said casually.

"Hey. Does he know that papa is gone?"

"O hey- no he doesn't. Jules hasn't caught him up on any events. Why?" Dad said as he looked up at the camera and I let out a small breath.

"Can I come and introduce myself?" I said with a cheeky grin and I saw him smiling slightly and looking at mum before looking back at the camera.

"I'll give the introductions." He stated and I turned on the volume of the screen and dad put the phone down. "Jules, love?" Dad stated and mum looked up and nodded. "He wants to come and say hello."

"He?" Mom said with a frown before looking at dad and I saw that dad signed 'Christian' and then added 'he'll think it's Trevor'. She smiled very widely at that and then nodded. "Of course, the king of security can come and pay a visit." She said excited and she clapped and I saw that Jason's eyes went wide in fear. "Ooooooo babeeeee, come on in." Mom said in a sing song voice. I giggled as I walked over towards the door that was there and I put my code in. I opened the door and Jasons face went towards me right away and his eyes widened in fear as he observed me. His eyes went towards my body, my red splattered chest, my arms that were way larger than papa's had ever been, before his eyes went towards my face and his eyes widened in even more fear as he saw the scar on my face, combined with my hair that I knew was currently red.

I walked up towards mum and mum looked at me with the biggest smile ever, a wicked smile covering her face. I gave her a curt nod as if to say; explain. "Jason, meet my son, King Christian of Locatlie, or what he is more known for; the Flaying King, more wicked and more cruel than his father." She said in that excited voice that Carrie had as well. I turned around as dad handed me a knife and I looked at Jason and pee crippled down his leg, making me giggle a bit and I shook my head.

I went and stood in front of him and tears were streaming down his face as he looked into my eyes and I had my Locatlie look and I knew that it terrified my family, whom knew whom I really was; so I could understand why it scared him. I could see the heart monitor behind him going ballistic as well. Good, I loved fear.

I stared back into his eyes and for some reason I couldn't help but think about Zara, about Brian, and about my friend group from before. Maybe it was because I was sentimental because I had just spend the past four days torturing the fuck out of 'the ten', or it was because he was from the Treple Dynasty. Anyhow, it angered me and I wanted to defend Zara, but also make him go mental.

"At college, my best friend was Zara, daughter of Rosey. You know her right? She was a teenager during the war? Daughter of Brian Jefferson?" I said with a huge smile on my face and his eyes widened as he looked at me. "I met Brian Jefferson, I met the whole entire family." I said as I placed the knife on his shoulder and he was trying to move his arm. "They all hate you, they are all disgusted by you. I told them in detail what you did to my mother and they were- repulsed is an understatement." I said in my King voice and I then cut a bit of his shoulder, him closing his eyes in pain. "They all are happy that you're dead. They all are glad that you're rotting in hell, or at least they think you're rotting in hell. But then again, technically this is hell for you right?" I said with a huge smile on my face as I then made another cut about a centimetre next to the previous cut. "Mom?" I said as I looked directly into Jason's eyes.

"Yes my baby?" She said and I just knew how proud she was of me right now.

"Does he need the skin by his shoulder for any future purposes?" I asked casually as I made another cut, making a sort of upside down U and I turned my head to look at mum whom now repositioned the arm next to me.

"I don't think so no. You go ahead sweetie. You see, Jason, he has the Family trait from Trevor, my Trevor." She said casually as I looked at mom whom had tears in her eyes. "But he has my need to inflict slow pain on another. You know how slow I can go." She said with that evil voice of hers. I had never seen her actually in this situation. "Slow and steady."

I then grabbed the skin that I had cut loose now and I ripped it hard, Jason screaming over his gag and I couldn't help but laugh as it was a big part and I then cut it. Mum right away put salt on the wound, Jason screaming. I giggled as I put the piece of skin over his other shoulder. For the next half hour, mum and I had loads of fun with making sure that Jason didn't have a shoulder left.

"Thank you for letting me accompany you here." I said to mum as I wiped some blood from my face and she looked at me and I saw some sadness in her eyes.

"It's like he is here, so I don't mind." She said with a huge smile on her face. "I'm happy to see you happy again and hear your voice." She said touching my cheek. "I've missed your voice."

"I can understand you do." I commented. "Don't get used to it though." I added as I then grabbed a knife and I cut off a finger nail of Jasons, Jason screaming again. "I'll leave you two to it. I'm going home to sleep before I've got the week of meetings. I love you and I'll see you whenever. When are you going back to Prangie?"

"Tomorrow evening. I miss your father." She said and I nodded looking at her as I gave her a kiss on the top of her head.

"Tell Liv that I love her please?" I said and she nodded as I gave her another kiss on the top of her head. I shook dad's hand and he winked at me and mouthed 'thank you' and I nodded.

This was fun.

We were never even allowed Jason back in the day, and I just gotten a bit of revenge on the fucker. A revenge papa could never inflict on him ever again.


This is a short chapter. I will post another chapter tomorrow!

I've been writing more of this story for the past couple of days, so i'm up to post a bit more chapters! I'm really excited for you guys to read the rest of this story. We're only about 2/3rds into this story.

I am also excited for you guys to read my next projects, which are all going to be up whenever i'm finished with this one!

I hope everyone is still enjoying the story as much as i'm enjoying writing it!

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