Chapter 120

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I took Ruby up on the offer, or I decided I would do so. It had been a month since I had seen her; I was currently seven months heavily pregnant and basically bedridden. Because I still couldn't stand Luther or Daniel, I could only rely on Christian; which came with it's own complications. He obviously had the trait and his work was in Gotar. This meant that some days I'd be alone. Today was one of those days. I was sitting out in the garden and I was enjoying the sun, when suddenly I felt that pull. I turned my head and Daniel walked up, shirtless, and sweaty. He had just come from a run.

"Hey." He breathed and I couldn't help but be relieved.

"Help me stand up. I peed my pants because I couldn't" I said with a sad face and he chuckled as he held out his hands and he pulled me up and I somehow ended up hugging him.

"Love, I'm all sweaty." But I made a fart sound and suddenly, my hormones overtook me, and I burst out into sobs and he rubbed my back.

"Want me to help you shower?"

"O my seglusa, could you? The hair thing?" I gasped excited and he smiled and nodded as he walked with me towards Christians place, since I was staying there. He helped me shower and afterwards he dried me before dressing me into clothes. "Naptime." I muttered exhausted and he chuckled as he helped me to bed. I held out my arms.

"This is Chris' bed." He said carefully and I made a farting sound and he giggled as he went and laid down next to me and put his arm around me, his hand on my belly. "How are Matt and Mike?"

"Annoying pricks." I muttered. "Like their fathers probably."

"Christian?" He whispered.

"Abandoned me for work." I whispered back and Daniel giggled as he gave my shoulder a kiss. "I love you." I whispered before I fell asleep.

When I woke up, Daniel was awake and reading on his phone, I had my belly on his leg and my head was on his stomach for some reason. I sat up and I made a sound that was loud and he looked up.

"You ok?"

"Back pain." I muttered as I tried to reach it but he grabbed it before I could. Somehow that back massage turned into us discussing our problems, us making snide comments, before him apolozing and then a steamy make out session before I let go. "I'm too pregnant to do so, and this is Chris bed." I said and at that moment Chris walked in and he saw the two of us laying there and I burst out into laughter. "Can you imagine him walking in." I said and Christian stared at the situation before he laughed as well.

"It's Sunday dinner time."

"Great." I said as I tried to sit up before I held my hands out to Christian and he grabbed me and helped me down the stairs, as Daniel had to go to his own room to change.

When I arrived, Luther was sitting there and he still looked like utter shit; but then again that was Karma in my opinion.

Daniel arrived after a while and Luther did a double take on Daniel and his whole demeanour changed once again, but I ignored that, even though it broke my heart.

"Hugo?" I asked as we had gotten our food. "Or rather Julia, I think I should ask Julia and you, and William I think. I'm not sure who I should ask. Anyway."

"Great story love." Daniel said.

"You know it." I replied casually. "I want to invite Ruby, Jasmine, Megan and Cara over. I'm bored out of my mind." It was very silent. "Chris has already met them."

"What?" Luther then snapped.

"He had to pick me up cause Rubes was too drunk." I elaborated towards Luther. "It's fine. Can I please have them come over?"

"I'm ok with it." Julia said. "I don't know about the rule aspect."

"It's fine." William stated

"As long as my sons keep their dicks in their pants." Hugo stated casually. "Two children out of wedlock is more than enough."

"Thanks." I said winking towards him and he winked back at me. "Can it?" They nodded as we discussed pragmatics, but Luther was staring at the whole situation in total and utter shock. I texted Rubes whom then put me in a groupshcat and I told them they were allowed to come, which excited them.

But, looking to my left right now, I could see Luther was planning something. Something that would ruin me. 

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