Chapter 41

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Carrie P.O.V

It had been three months since Christian had 'woken up', it being November at the moment, and I use those words lightly, as Christian wasn't actually really awake. He would spend hours enacting his revenge on those ten fuckers that had hurt him and Erica, he would then get his hands on any person that was 'able' to endure his wrath. When he was done with that, he would fall asleep in the cleansing room which he would lock, and when he was done, he'd do that again. He never left The Ring of Fire; it was like he didn't care about anything else but the revenge he wanted to inflict on those fuckers. I could understand that part; they had ruined his mental state and ruined any chance of happiness with his precious Erica.

In the past three months he had not spoken one word, not with his mouth, nor with his hands. Nobody was allowed to visit him for longer than a minute; to bring him food, or he would give the scariest look I had ever seen on any person. I didn't recognise my sweet loving Chris in that. My parents had begged me to visit him in the past three months, but I couldn't do it. It was selfish of me to not visit him, it was horrid of me to do so, because if roles were reversed, then Chris would be by my side, not leaving at all. The difference between the two of us was though, was that he was about half a meter taller than I was, and even though I hated to admit it; he was physically strong. The main reason why I didn't go to visit my brother though was that I had seen how he had rejected all the advances of my siblings and I didn't think I could deal with the rejection it brought with it.

Not only had the attack on him and Erica ruined him mentally, it had also physically left it's marks. Normally the procedure after a surgery like he had endured would be that after he would sleep through four weeks of the sleep drought, he would wake up, get some tests done, and then be put back to sleep for two weeks to take care of the scars all over the body. But nobody dared give him the sleep drought, even if my fathers had thought about slipping it into his drink. He had minor scars all over his body, but the one that was most terrifying and most obvious was the one on his face. He had a slash from the top of the right side of his face, left for him, all the way down to his chin. It went through his eyelids, his cheek and then towards the side of his face. It was fucking scary and it did not help with the whole 'lets go calm down Christian' plan that my parents and siblings had.

No, I couldn't do it. They had tried to get me to do it because they could not only see that Christian desperately needed to be calmed down, but also because I needed him. I hated not being around him, I hated not talking with him, I hated not having him in my life. But the rejection itself would be so devastating, I didn't think I would recover from it. I also knew that once Christian got out of this fucked up state, that he'd never forgive himself.

"Carrie?" Rose asked as I was sitting in her office looking through her surgery notes for Christian once more. I was sort of living my life, in the sense that I was shadowing all the major surgeons in this hospital and writing down notes for myself. My parents still didn't seem the United States safe enough for us to go back for our studies, and they wanted me to study in Jordan, continue my studies. But like hell that that was happening; I wasn't going to go to Christian but I wanted to be close in case I had a brave moment and wanted to acknowledge his existence.

"Yes?" I said casually as I looked up for a second to look at my sister before looking down. Rose had buried herself in work for the past couple of months. She had done loads of surgeries and she was really shining.

"Why are you in my office? Looking through my notes?" She asked casually and I flicked a page as I read about mutism being be a result of the surgery. I had read this over and over again and yet I felt like something was missing.

"O, just studying up." I replied casually looking at her as I took a sip of my drink.

"O, you're just studying up?" She snapped at me. "Get out." She said and I frowned as I looked up at her, thinking she was joking. "I'm serious. Get. out. I've had 40 hours of surgery and I want some peace and quietness. You come into my office reading my personal notes on my surgeries, which is totally not ok, and think it's fine. Get. out. of. My. office."

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