Chapter 80

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Christian P.O.V

The first thing I noticed were her beautiful brown eyes, as they were slightly glossy. She was already tearing up in happiness, as if she couldn't actually believe she was standing here. I then noticed her long blonde hair, hanging slightly loose, a clip on each side of her face to highlight her perfect face. It reminded me of the look she had the first night, even then she had entranced me with her beauty. It was then that I also realised this was only the second time that I saw her long blonde hair loose. But I would have forever to see her beautiful long blonde hair. When the first night had happened, I wondered why she had such long hair, what the story behind that was, and I now realised it was the same wall that I had with my speaking; she wanted a physical wall from the world. But right now she had two clips in, showcasing her perfect square face and her perfect brown eyes, and that round weird nose and slightly too large lips compared to the rest of her face. She was perfection.

She was wearing a beautiful white and brown dress, that looked absolutely stunning on her. Her breasts coming out of them slightly, but it still being classy. Her figure was hidden slightly as it was a bit pooffy or something, but she was still perfect. She walked with a bit of nerves and I could sense just how nervous she was. I wanted to tell her right now that she had no reason to be nervous, but my throat couldn't say the words. Instead, when her brown eyes met mine, I told her that she had nothing to be worried about. Only three seconds had passed since she walked in and I decided to look around the room for a second. I saw a couple of people whispering, something that annoyed me. Were they talking negatively about my girl, about the Queen of Seglusa, about the woman whom had stolen my heart and given me my voice?

I then looked at mum whom had tears streaming down her face? What was up with her? Seriously? Was she so sad that papa was not here? I mean it would make sense, if I would see my sons with their new wife without Olivia by my side, I'd be upset too. That was it right? Or was it something else. I saw that my three aunts were all staring with a stone cold expression, something that bugged me. Why wasn't everyone smiling the way that my four sisters currently were? Why couldn't they be fucking happy for us? What was my aunts problem?

Olivia now stood in front of us and she showed a small smile as she looked at Luther and I looked at my brothers now, having forgotten to look at their reactions. Daniel looked happy, like he had the biggest fucking smile on his face. No pokerface there; he had chosen her. I then saw Luther and he had a small reserved smile as well; he had too, chosen her, or he wouldn't have smiled this way. Good. That meant that we were all on the same page. I looked back at Olivia and she seemed a tad nervous.

For the next hour, Olivia had to repeat some things that Priestess Polly was stating. Then mum had to stand up and for the next half hour she didn't claim the throne or whatever. Then she had to put her hand on Olivia's whom was nervous, and mum couldn't look at Olivia, what was her fucking problem? Was she not happy? Had she chosen Jasmine? Was that it? Mum then said whatever needed to be said and then it was Olivia that said the same thing, with that angelic voice of hers. For fucks sake, why did her voice have to have an effect on me? Was this the effect my voice had on her?

She then bowed her head to mum before Olivia was to take her place in a chair next to Priestess Polly; as she was wasn't allowed to sit next to me just yet. That would be when our wedding would be. Our wedding. I couldn't fucking wait to get married to her and my dick couldn't help but bury itself in her. But mostly, I was excited about our future together.

It was then time for what all the women and families here were waiting for; to find out whom the coach was. I saw mum grabbing dads hand tighter now and dad put both of his hands around mums hand.

"We will now ask the coach to present herself to the family." Polly stated. "To bless her and her family for bringing us our new Queen of Seglusa." She said and I looked around the room and I saw my sisters all looking around; they hadn't chosen her then? I knew that Rose and Carrie hadn't chosen her. But she wasn't ones of the first chosen then? Weird. I then looked at my aunts, out of habit, but they didn't stand up either they looked around.

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