Chapter 17

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"Where are you going?" Erica asked as I went onto the highway and I stared at her with a small smile for a second as I continued to drive. "Christian. Do you realise what you just did?" She added and I ignored her as I continued to drive like a madman. It wasn't polite that I wasn't answering her, but right now my mind was so full that I was afraid of what I was going to say. I just knew, I just fucking knew, that I would get a scolding . I also knew that I let the mum in me get to me; I was too much like that imperfect woman.

Papa called me and I pressed on a button so that he was on the speaker.

"Yes?" I said strongly, even though inside I was a nervous wreck. 

"What on earth?" Papa said but I could hear some pride in his voice.

"Yeah, they were talking shit about you and about mum. So fuck them." I replied casually as I let out a small breath. "Thanks for the car by the way."

"Yeah you're welcome. I have an idea where you're going. I've got to hang up to get that arranged."

"Good. Thank you. Love you."

"I love you too, son." He said and I smiled very widely as I hung up but I continued to drive. Erica didn't talk to me for the forty minute drive that it was and I stared at her after a while.

"You ok?" I asked.

"If I'm ok? Are you ok? Like mentally?" She said and I giggled looking at her.

"I'm fine. Genuinely. It was a weight that I needed to get off of my shoulders. How are you?" I said looking at her while I drove off of the main high way.

"I'm all right, yeah. That was pretty awesome to be honest." She said and I couldn't help but laugh at that as I drove a bit as I turned up the radio and after a while I arrived at a house. "Where are we going Chris?" She sighed annoyed and I giggled as I then pressed in a code before the gates opened and I parked the car.

"Just go along with it." I said and I climbed out of the car and she did as well. I walked towards the front door and I pressed in some codes before I opened the door and I went towards the living room and a huge smile appeared on my face as I saw Carrie and Luther both sitting there. They looked up and they saw me and a huge smile appeared on Carrie's face.

"CHRIS." She screamed and she jumped off of the couch and into my arms. I put my arms under her bum and held onto her tightly, never wanting to let go.

"Hey. You must be Erica. I'm Luther." I heard Luthers voice state. "That is Carrie, but her and Chris will be too busy being disgusting for the upcoming minutes."

"O fuck off, I've missed this perfect face for a whole month." Carrie said excited letting go of me slightly, turning her head. "Hi. I'm Carrie." She said towards Erica. Erica stared at Carrie and then at me and then back at Carrie.

"Erica." She said carefully and I smiled very widely as I gave Carrie a kiss on her cheek before I let go of her. I walked up to Luther and we did our handshake.

"What happened?" Luther asked after five minutes as we all had our tea and we were sitting down on the couches. Erica was sitting next to Luther, while Carrie was basically sitting on my lap and I let her do that, my arms around her and I had a huge smile on my face.

I then told the story of what happened, saying it out loud and signing it at the same time, Carrie staring at that with a huge smile on her face.

"You are such a bad ass." Carrie signed back to me and I giggled.

"Got that from my sister." I signed back and I then heard Luther saying out loud what we were saying.

"O you don't have to do that, I can sign as well." Erica said while signing and I looked at her, my eyes widening. "What? You never asked me if I could?"

"That's so cool." Carrie said with a huge smile on her face and I looked sideways at her with a huge smile. "So what's your planning now?"

"The security team is getting my stuff now and getting the whole Jefferson family and my friends to sign NDA's." I stated and she nodded looking at me. "And I'll stay here for the rest of the weekend before going back, I don't know what Erica wants to do?" I said looking at her and she stared at me.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to stay here. I have a feeling if I go over towards Zara's place that I'm going to get all the shit over me." She said and I nodded.

"That's totally fine. You're more than welcome. We are going to the keep tomorrow though." Carrie said looking at me and I stared back at her and I nodded.

"If you want to join, you are more than welcome to." I said towards Erica and Erica stared at me and a small smile appeared on her face.

"If I'm not- I hope I don't intrude then." She said and Carrie shook her head.

"No way. Of course not." Carrie said and I looked at Luther whom was staring at Carrie with a lot of confusion. "What?" She snarled to Luther. "Don't think I didn't see that." She snapped to both me and Luther.

"We're just confused why you're so nice to Erica, we thought you'd be a jealous whore." Luther said.

"Why would I be? I'm happy he has a replacement little sister to annoy when I'm not around to annoy him. And she's obsessed with Locatlie so you know, she's cool." Carrie said and I laughed at Erica showing the biggest smile ever.

"You two sort of look alike, but at the same time you don't at all. Does that make sense?" Erica said and I giggled and nodded.

"Take my face shape and put her face on it, or the other way around and you get one of our parents." I commented. "She has papa's face shape but all of mums characteristics and the other way around. She looks more like Luther than she looks like me, but yeah." I said and Carrie nodded.

"But I'm way more interesting than Luther so yeah." She said and I laughed very loudly as Luther threw a napkin towards her and I caught it before she even realised it.

"Wait? Weren't there three siblings on the west coast?"

"Ana." I said interrupting Erica before she continued and she nodded slowly.

"I didn't say anything."

"Good." Carrie said with a giggle and I smiled back as for the rest of the night we talked about the courses and other stuff. After a while I was tired though and Carrie was already asleep basically half on top of me.

"Luther, can you show Erica where she can sleep?" I asked and Luther nodded as him and Erica were playing a drinking game and laughing. I picked up Carrie and brought her to bed and I let myself fall next to her. She cuddled up close to me and I put my arm around her with a small smile.


Sooo. Erica just met Carrie and Daniel. How exciting? The next chapter is a chapter that starts a new 'storyline' and it's one of my absolute favourites! I can't wait for you guys to read it. I'll post it tomorrow, as this was a rather short chapter. 

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